Eastern Province Herald 1860 - 1 - January to March
Friday 6 January 1860
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the evening of the 5th inst, Elizabeth, wife of W.S. CRAIK, aged 22 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
The remains of the late Mrs. Elizabeth CRAIK will be removed for interment tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, when friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth, 6th January 1860.
Tuesday 10 January 1860
BIRTH on the 4th instant at Park House Gardens, Cape Town, the wife of Matthew WOODIFIELD Esq, Assistant Colonial Engineer, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th January 1860, Mrs. James RICHARDS of a daughter.
Friday 13 January 1860
DIED at Port Elizabeth, after a long and severe illness, deeply regretted, Mr. Robert HUNTER, leaving a wife and child to deplore their loss.
The funeral will proceed from the residence of Mr. BAILEY, near Walmer, to the place of interment this afternoon at ¼ to 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth
13th January 1860.
DIES at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, Charlotte, daughter of Mr. Thomas GRIFFIN. The funeral will proceed to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at half past 4 o’clock.
Port Elizabeth
13th January 1860.
About midday on Sunday last, on the flats at the North-end of the Town, a little girl named Augusta Ann HAYWOOD, answering to the following description:- Short and stout, between 7 and 8 years of age, dark eyes, dark hair; had on dark-brown barege dress, lilac-colored pinafore and a pair of stockings – slight mark on forehead and right breast. A reward will be given to any one who will give such information as may lead to the recovery of the child.
Port Elizabeth
December 27th 1859
[Transcriber’s note: there is an interesting article about Augusta Ann, who disappeared on Christmas Day 1859, here. Augusta and her parents had arrived on the New Great Britain six months previously.]
Tuesday 17 January 1860
My husband, John HENSE, having left me about three years ago, without making any provision for the support of either my child or myself, and not having communicated with me since that time, I hereby give notice that unless he does so within one month from this date, I shall re-marry.
Elizabeth HENSE
Jan 13 1860.
Late of Sunday’s River Ferry.
All Persons having Claims on this Estate are required to send the same, without delay, for settlement to
Testamentary Executor
Port Elizabeth
January 17th 1860.
Friday 20 January 1860
MARRIED at the Roman Catholic Chapel on the 17th inst, by the Very Rev. Dr. Murphy, Alex. WILMOT Esq. to Alice Mary, eldest daughter of Edward SLATER Esq.
Tuesday 24 January 1860
MARRIED on the 21st October at Boston, by the Rev. A.A. Minor DD, Edwin HOWLAND Esq, of Port Elizabeth, to Mrs. Harriet EVANS.
Friday 27 January 1860
BIRTH at the Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth, on the 25th instant, Mrs. MACLEISH of a daughter.
Friday 3 February 1860
DIED at Grahamstown on Wednesday last, the 25th instant, of croup and ulcerated sore throat, Catherine Harriet, youngest daughter of Mr. William A. RICHARDS, aged 10 months.
Roseneath 26th Jan 1860.
Tuesday 7 February 1860
DIED on Friday last, the 3rd inst, Mary Emily, only daughter of A.J. CLAIRMONTE Esq, aged 1 year and eight days.
Wanted immediately for the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, a respectable Singler Man, to act as nurse and general servant, salary £50 per annum, with free Quarters and Rations. Testimonials as to character will be required. Applications to be sent in or before Monday the 20th instant.
By order of the Board
Feb 14 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Johannes Lodewikus STENBEG, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse Anna Maria Louisa ERASMUS.
Feb 15 – At Grahamstown, in re James HARPER, of the Grahamstown district, and surviving spouse Rebecca Elisa THOMAS.
Feb 22 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Sarah HORNBLOW, pre-deceased wife of the late Charles GURNEY, and formerly widow of James THOMAS of the Port Elizabeth district.
March 2nd – At Richmond, in re Isabella KOCH, of the Richmond district, and surviving spouse Coenraad Theophilis GRABE.
[Transcriber’s note: Sarah HORNBLOW actually married four times and died in 1843. See here.]
Friday 10 February 1860
MARRIED at St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday last, 8th day of February 1860, by the Rev. Edwd. Pickering, Master of Arts, James Edward Llewellyn, second son of James BURCHELL Esq, and grandson of the late Matthew BURCHELL Esq, of Churchfield House, Fulham, and nephew of Dr. W.J. BURCHELL D.C.I., of the same place, to Maria Petronella, eldest daughter of Ignatius MULLER Esq. of Walmer, near Port Elizabeth.
DIED on Tuesday evening, the 7th inst, Richard Mayne, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. WORMALD.
Should this meet the eye of Benjamin RENISON, who was last heard of in the District of Middelburg, he is requested to write to his brother William RENISON, of Port Elizabeth, who is very anxious to hear from him.
Port Elizabeth
February 10th 1860.
NOTICE is hereby given that my wife having left me, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Jetty Street, Port Elizabeth
January 31st 1860
Friday 17 February 1860
BIRTH on the 16th inst, at Port Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Matthew HALE of a daughter.
DEPARTED THIS LIFE on Monday the 6th inst, at Cradock, Sarah Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Alfred EDWARDS, aged 20 years.
Port Elizabeth, 16th Feb 1860
Tuesday 21 February 1860
Notice is hereby given that the Resident Magistrate will hold an open Court on Thursday the 15th day of March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of determining the question of the granting of the following applications for licences to retail wines, spirituous and fermented liquors, under Ordinance No.9 of 1851, at which Court every Justice of the Peace of the district is entitles to sit, deliberate and vote.
List of applications received by the Resident Magistrate for Licences to Retail Wines, Spirituous and Fermented Liquors in the division of Port Elizabeth.
Name of Applicant | Name of Street | Description of Licence |
ALLEN, John W. | Queen-street | Hotel and Tap |
ALLEN, John W. | ditto | Retail |
ADCOCK, Wm. | Main-street | ditto |
ASTON, Mary | Queen-street | ditto |
BOWERMAN, W. | ditto | ditto |
BROWN, Nicholas | Union-street | ditto |
BROWN, Nicholas | ditto | ditto |
BAWDEN, Wm. | Jetty-street | ditto |
BROWN, John | Strand-street | ditto |
BAILEY, Wm. | Strand-street | ditto |
BUCKLEY, P. | Jetty-street | ditto |
CROKER, Edward | Strand-street | ditto |
CARTER, Geo. R. | Adderley-street | ditto |
CONSIDIUS, Wm. | Strand-street | Hotel and Tap |
CHAPLIN, T. | Rawson-bridge | ditto |
DREYER, J. | Market-square | ditto |
DINGWALL, A. | North-end | Retail |
EASTON, Thomas | Strand-street | ditto |
FULLER, Charles | Korsten | ditto |
[FOSTHER], George | ditto | |
FREER, John G. | Adderley-street | Hotel and Tap |
GUBB, Thomas | Jetty-street | Retail |
GREEN, Charles | Strand-street | Hotel and Tap |
GRADY, James | Rodney-street | ditto |
HOLLAND, G. | Princes-street | Retail or Bottle Store |
HAINES, W. | Burial ground | Bottle store |
HORLEY, Nicholas P. | Jetty-street | Retail |
HENRY, Wm. | Rodney-street | Retail |
JONES, Thomas | Main-street | ditto |
KROMM, Henry | Henry-street | ditto |
KROMM, Henry | ditto | ditto |
LLOYD, Phoebe R. | Nooitgedacht | Hotel and Tap |
MISPELBLOEM, T.M. | Jetty-street | Retail |
MASON, James | Queen-street | Hotel |
MURPHY, Jeremiah | Alice-street | Retail Licence |
MEYERS, Marion | Strand-street | Hotel and Tap |
McMULLEN, John | Ward No.8 | Retail |
MULLINS, Michael | Queen-street | ditto |
McATEER, John | Market-sq | Hotel and Tap |
McGRATH, Patrick | Adderley-street | Retail |
McNAMARA, John | Walmer-st | Retail |
O'CALLAGHAN, JH. | St.Andrew-st | ditto |
O'BRIAN, James | Evatt-street | ditto |
O'SHEA, John | Queen-street | Retail |
PHILLIPSON, Wm. | ditto | Hotel and Tap |
RUBLE, Dennis | Fleming-street | Retail |
RAMSEY, John R. | Queen-st | Retail |
REDDING, John | Adderley-st | ditto |
REYNOLDS, Wm. | Strand-st | ditto |
SKINNER, William | ditto | ditto |
SHAW, H.O. | Britannia-st | Hotel and Tap |
STUART, James | Strand-street | Retail |
SHAW, R.H. | ditto | ditto |
[SA….]. E.J. | ditto | ditto |
SMITH, H.W. | Main-street | Retail |
STANTON, Michael | Strand-st | Hotel and Tap |
TAYLOR, J. | ditto | Retail |
WEBBER, Wm. | The Hill | ditto |
WHEATLAND, E. | Customs-st | ditto |
WASLEY, Francis | Jetty-street | Hotel and Tap |
WALSH, Daniel | Rufane Vale | Hotel and Tap |
Resident Magistrate
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Port Elizabeth
16th February 1860
Friday 24 February 1860
[Transcriber’s note: The issue for 24 February 1860 is missing. This is likely to be the issue containing the passenger list for the immigrant ship “Tudor”, which arrived in Port Elizabeth on 22 February 1860]
Tuesday 28 February 1860
The Resident Magistrate of Alexandria hereby gives notice that to the Board constituted under and by virtue of the Ordinance 9, of 1851, which will meet at the Court House on Thursday the 15th March next at 10am, the undermentioned applications will be submitted for consideration:-
J.M. HEERGOSS to retail Wine &c, not to be consumed on the premises at Quagga’s Flat.
J.H. MULLER, Canteen Tap, Alexandria.
Thomas BRUTON, Hotel and Tap, Riet Valley.
[Lewis] CHABAUD, Canteen Tap, Alexandria.
Patrick [H…T], ditto, ditto.
W. [CUNNE], Hotel and Tap, ditto.
John [STABLING], ditto, Main Station Zuurberg.
James WHELDON, Canteen Tap, Liemaen Bosch.
John MATTHEWS, ditto, Doorn neck.
Robert STICKLES, ditto, Alexandria.
Elias COSGROVE, Hotel and Tap, Nanaga Hotel.
John HAM, ditto, Quagga’s Flat.
Resident Magistrate
Resident Magistrate’s Office
Alexandria, 15th Feb 1860
Friday 2 March 1860
The Funeral of the late Mr. Edward HALES will proceed from the residence of Mr. TURNER, near the Military Road, to the place of interment on Sunday afternoon at a quarter to 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth
2nd March 1860
The Funeral of the late F.H, infant daughter of Mrs. JOHNSON, will proceed to the place of interment this afternoon at a quarter to 3. Friends are invited to attend.
Tuesday 6 March 1860
The Funeral of the late Mr. H. Wm. SMITH will proceed from James GRADY’s to the place of interment this afternoon at a ¼ to 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
Port Elizabeth
6th March 1860.
My wife having left me, I hereby caution the Public that I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Port Elizabeth
1st March 1860.
Friday 9 March 1860
March 18 – At Stockenstrom, in re Alexander STEWART, of the Stockenstrom district, and surviving spouse Susanna Aletta SWANEPOEL.
March 20 – At Uitenhage, in re George Frederick MARAIS, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Maria NEWHOFF.
Tuesday 13 March 1860
The undersigned have entered into Partnership as
General Merchants
at Port Elizabeth
under the style or firm of
The management of the same to be under the direction of Mr. WESTON.
Port Elizabeth
12th March 1860.
We deeply regret that Mrs. BOULTON, the wife of the Baptist minister of this town, was found dead in her bed yesterday morning. Mr. BOULTON got up as usual, but finding his wife sleeping longer than ordinarily, he proceeded to awaken her, when he found that life was quite extinct. The public will deeply sympathise with him in his heavy and unexpected bereavement. – Journal.
(Graaff-Reinet Herald)
The Town was quite gay on Thursday last upon the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Christian HEUGH, of Aberdeen, to Miss RYNEVELD, eldest daughter of the late Honoratus RYNEVELD Esq. Five bridesmaids graced the scene, and the equipage which brought the bride to church was driven by two gentlemen postillions, who gallantly assumed velvet jackets and jockey caps for the occasion, in honour of the young bride. The Church was crowded in every part during the ceremony, and the bridal party, as they stood grouped near the altar, formed a very effective scene.
It is reported that the stock and materials lately engaged in printing the Midland Province Banner has been bought by Mr. G. ROOKE, of this town, who intends shortly to issue a paper to take the place of the defunct Banner.
Friday 16 March 1860
On Tuesday the 3rd April next the Executor Testamentary of the late Mr. H.D. DYKE will cause to be sold by Public Auction the Proprietorship together with the whole of the Printing Materials of the Port Elizabeth Telegraph Newspaper.
The above Newspaper is well known as the oldest established paper in Port Elizabeth, and has always commanded the lead both in circulation and in advertisements, besides insuring a business in job work and stationery equal to any in the Eastern Province, and offers to an enterprising party an opportunity of entering aa first class connection not to be equalled and which might be greatly extended. The Port Elizabeth Mercury having lately been incorporated with this paper, gives increased advantages to the Proprietor of the Telegraph.
At the same time will be sold all the Stationery, Office and Household Furniture [obscured in fold]
Every information respecting the Telegraph may be obtained and accounts of the business done on application to the undersigned. The sale will commence at 11 o’clock and the Newspaper and Printing Materials will be put up at 12 o’clock precisely.
T. Melvil DU TOIT
q.q. Executor Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, 2nd March 1860
MARRIED by Special Licence, Andrew REAY, Master of the ‘Kedgeree’, to Ann BROADBRIDGE.
Port Elizabeth, 13th March 1860.
DIED at Uitenhage Town on Friday the 9th March (aged 39 years), Mr. George Fredrik MULLER, deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.
Tuesday 20 March 1860
BIRTH – Mrs. Henry J. SHIPMAN of a son. Craig [Cottage] Gardens, Cape Town
March 18 1860
MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. A. Faure on Wednesday 7th instant, Durban DYASON Esq, Attorney-at-Law, of Graaff-Reinet, son of G. DYASON Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaf-Reinet, to Miss Susan H.W. VAN BREDA, daughter of the Hon. D.G. VAN BREDA Esq. M.L.A., of [O….] Cape Town.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 18th March 1860, Eliza Jane, only daughter of Mr. J. [GR….], aged [11] years and 3 months. Deeply regretted by her parents and [relatives]. Her remains will be [……. ….] interment at half past [3] o’clock this afternoon from the residence of her father, when friends are invited to attend.
Friday 23 March 1860
DIED on the 2nd inst at Stranger’s Rest, Orange Free State, Mr. Edward BIRD Sen., late of Port Elizabeth, aged 47 years, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd inst, Edwin Frederick SYMS, aged 29 years, leaving a wife and four children to lament their irreparable loss. The Funeral will take place this afternoon at half past four o’clock, proceeding from his late residence in Victoria Street.
Tuesday 27 March 1860
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 25th instant, Mrs. James ALLEN of a son.
DIED this morning, George MARTIN, the infant son of Mr. G.M. MARTIN, of this place, aged 5 months and 20 days.
[Transcriber’s note: See the following issue for what may be a correction]
MR. STRIDE, the Bandmaster of the 2nd of Queen’s Royal Regiment, wishing to settle in Port Elizabeth, will give lessons in Singing, Piano, Violin, Flute, Cornet and other wind instruments.
Pianos tuned and Selected.
Apply to Mr. KIFT.
Port Elizabeth.
Friday 30 March 1860
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel, Graham’s Town, by the Rev. J. Richards, on the 21st March, Charles Henry, third son of the late W.A. MORGAN, to Esther Susannah, fifth and youngest daughter of William WEDDERBURN Sen. Esq. of this city.
DIED on Tuesday morning, the 27th March, Martin James, the infant son of Mr. G.M. MILLER, of this place, aged 5 months and 20 days.
April 7 – Fort Beaufort - Aletta Susannah [Eliz] BEZUIDENHOUT, born VAN DER MERWE.
April 25 – Port Elizabeth – William KELLY, of the Port Elizabeth district, and surviving spouse Margaret Jane KELLY.
April 25 – Port Elizabeth – Samuel RICH, of the Port Elizabeth District, and surviving spouse Ann Susanna RICH.
April 27 – Alice – Charles CUMBERS, of the Alice district, and surviving spouse Hannah CUMBERS.
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