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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1852 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 10 January 1852

January 4: The mournful intelligence has reached town this morning of the death by the hands of the Enemy of Major WILMOT, Royal Artillery, Commanding at Fort Peddie. This able and gallant Officer was shot on New Year’s Day while leading his men in an attack upon the Enemy in the jungle of the Fish River, where it is said Sandhili has now taken shelter. The lamented deceased was amongst the bravest and most active Officers in the field. On every occasion, where hard and gallant action was demanded, he distinguished himself. He fell as a soldier, and his name will stand conspicuous among the defenders of this country, and be embalmed in the memory of its inhabitants.

We have again the melancholy task of reporting the death of one of our most respectable and intelligent frontier inhabitants. Deceased was among the most enterprising and, before the war, opulent men on this frontier. But long and incessant anxiety, consequent on his severe losses, and the desolation caused around him by the enemy, preyed upon his mind and broke down his constitution. He died at Fort Beaufort on Saturday last, at an age when many men are considered in the full vigour of life. He leaves a widow and family to deplore his loss.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice shows that he was 46 and his widow was Mary GILBERT]

Saturday 17 January 1852

In the Estate of the late Sarah Johanna Christina HERHOLDT and predeceased husband Johan Adam RENS.
The Undersigned having been instructed by the Executors Testamentary in the above Estate will sell by Public Auction on Saturday the 7th February next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, on the spot, that comfortable and substantial Dwelling House at present in the occupation of Lieut-Col. ARMSTRONG, situated in Cuyler-street, Uitenhage, replete with every convenience and suitable for a large Family, with an acre of garden Ground attached, the whole of which is under cultivation and planted with a very choice selection of Fruit Trees. The Property is at present Let at a rental of £60 per annum.
A liberal credit will be given. For further particulars enquire of
H.H. RENS & Co, Auctioneers
Uitenhage Town, 2nd Jan 1852

Insolvent Estate of G. UBSDELL
The First Liquidation Account in the above Estate will lie at the Office of the Resident Magistrate in this place for a period of 14 days, for the inspection of Creditors.
Henry H. CHASE
Port Elizabeth, 7th Jan 1852

Saturday 24 January 1852

Jan 18 – A part of the cattle, about 30 head, were taken from the kraal of Lieut. DANIELL, at Sidbury Park, on the evening of the [10th] inst, by a party of five Kafirs and one Hottentot. The loss was not discovered till the following morning, when intelligence was forthwith conveyed to Commandants BUCHNER and MOXON. The former, taking up the pursuit with a party of 13 or 14 men, succeeded in recapturing the cattle (after an arduous chase) at [Zwar….ster] Poort. An express was at once forwarded from Sidbury to Commandant HARTMAN, requesting him to forelay the passes in the direction of New Year’s River. The party under Commandant BUCHNER fell in with a patrol from the Zuurberg camp under Captain BUTLER, which had likewise succeeded in recapturing cattle stolen from that station, together with [obscured] horses, one of them valued at £40. The [obscured], who were few in number, made little [resistance].

Saturday 31 January 1852

It is with most sincere regret that we have this week to notice the death, by the hands of the ruthless rebel, of Mr. James HOWSE of Graham’s Town – an old and universally esteemed colonist. No particulars of his death are known, but from the manner in which his body had been mutilated it was evident that all the fiendishness of the brutal enemy, into whose hands he had fallen, had been exercised against him.
The colony itself has sustained a great loss in the sudden removal of Mr. HOWSE. He was one of the most spirited and enterprising of our frontier farmers; and in his unceasing industry, his ever active application, and the resulting success which crowned his great labors, offered an example worthy of imitation to all surrounding farmers. Yet such [a] man, universally known to the Kafirs and Hottentots along our entire frontier as their friend, and as one who had never harmed them, is heartlessly waylaid as he is riding along, trusting in his inoffensiveness as a protection, being without escort and without weapons of any kind, and butchered in a manner which throws a light upon the Hottentot and Kafir character, which reveals in them such inherent wickedness and vileness as no couleur de rose, however thickly applied by Missionary artists, can ever disguise. And what a picture of lawlessness and insecurity does the flash of such an event through the gloom now settled down upon this unhappy land disclose! It is fearful to contemplate the state of our Frontier by the light of the flash of the murderer’s discharged musket.
With the bereaved family, whose loss in the death of such a husband and parent is irreparable, all will most deeply sympathize. At the close of the present struggle, if as a British colony we are to witness its termination, what missing of friends! How many are the valuable lives lost for ever to the country by it.

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between Robert Charles SPILLER and James SMITH under the Firm of
has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All Claims against the said Firm will be settled by the first Undersigned, to whom all outstanding Debts are to be paid.
Robert Chas. SPILLER
Burghersdorp, 31st Dec 1851.

Saturday 14 February 1852

(From Thursday’s Government Gazette)
John Adrian LE SUEUR Esq. to be Postmaster-General in the room of R. CROZIER Esq, who retires on a pension. John Ed. MONTAGUE Esq. to be Chief Clerk in the Colonial Office, vice LE SUEUR.
E.S. FORD Esq. to be Acting Resident Magistrate of Richmond during the absence of the Resident Magistrate (F. HOPE Esq.), to whom 12 months’ leave is granted.
Mr. George W. DUTTON to be a Member of the Board of Public Roads for the division of George, vice DUMBLETON, resigned.

Saturday 21 February 1852

MARRIED at Uitenhage Town on Thursday the 5th instant, by the Revd. Alexander Smith, of the Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. Edward James, second son of Mr. William SMITH to Jacomina, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Johan Adam RENS.

Saturday 6 March 1852

DIED on the morning of the 5th instant, Mrs. EARLE, wife of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this place. Relatives and Friends will be pleased to accept this notice.

Saturday 13 March 1852

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 8th instant, Mr. Anthony HEUGH, aged 20 years, deeply regretted.

Saturday 27 March 1852

The Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned under the style of PAPENFUS & RADEMEYER has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by, or owing to, the said firm will; be paid and received by the second undersigned.
Uitenhage Town, March 1st 1852

The Undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his best thanks for the liberal support enjoyed by the late firm of PAPENFUS & RADEMEYER, and begs to notify that the business will in future be conducted by himself, and trusts while supplying Good Meat combined with liberal charges to merit a continuance of Public Support.
Cornelius S. RADEMEYER
Uitenhage Town, March 1st 1852

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