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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1846 - 1 - January to March

Eastern Province Herald

John Ross PHILIP, Proprietor, Editor, Printer and Publisher
Market Square, Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Wednesday 31 December 1845

About 1 o’clock on Saturday last a son of Mr. KEMSLEY, about nine years of age, while crossing the bridge over the Baaken’s River, in returning home, fell in and was drowned. Every means for restoration was resorted to but proved ineffectual.

Dec 27: John Smith KEMSLEY, aged 9 years and 3 months.

Saturday 10 January 1846

We hereby desire to give Notice that Mr. William KUHR and Mr. Herman VON RÖNN have this day been admitted as our Partners at Port Elizabeth, under the firm of MAYNARDS, KUHR & Co.
C. and H. MAYNARDS & Co.
Grahamstown, 1st January 1846
Have been landing ex “Kate”, and have on hand from other late arrivals, a large and well selected assortment of Goods in Staple and Fancy Articles, and of which they will continue to receive large Investments.

Saturday 17 January 1846

Edward OWEN
Having leisure time on hand after 6 in the evening would be happy to undertake the management of any set or sets of Books; secrecy and despatch may be relied on.
Those persons whose invoices have not been checked for a long time will find this an advantageous opportunity for rectifying errors.

Thomas COOPER to Caroline HILTON January 12th 1846

Jan 6: John, son of Brien and Mary LEE, aged 12 years and 1 month.

Saturday 24 January 1846

DIED at Port Elizabeth at the residence of his Son-in-Law, Mr. C.J. GRAY, a few minutes before midnight on Sunday the 11th January 1846, aged 74 years, Mr. John SHAW, of “Rockwood Vale”, near Graham’s Town.
His surviving Family, as well as all those who really knew his worth, sincerely lament the loss of a most affectionate Relative, a warm-hearted and sympathetic Friend and a true Englishman in every sense of that word.

Commercial Inn, Sunday’s River
Begs most respectfully to acknowledge the kindness of his Friends in their numerous visits to his new House of Accommodation at Sunday’s River, and hopes still by his attention to their comfort to merit a continuance of their favors.

In St.Mary’s Church on Sunday 18th inst, by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Col. Chaplain,
A son of C. ANDREWS Esq, baptized William John.

Saturday 7 February 1846

In the Insolvent Estate of Theodoris Ignatius FERREIRA J.W.son
At the Sale to be held at the Farm Chelsea on Wednesday 25th February next, will be sold for account of the above Estate:
1 Ox Wagon
7 Oxen
3 Cows and Calves
1 Saddle Horse
Alex. TENNANT, Sole Trustee
Port Elizabeth, 24th Jan 1846.

Saturday 14 February 1846

Having recommenced Business as a Smith &c on the Property of Mr. HOWSE, near the Toll, at Port Elizabeth, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that any order he may be favored with will be attended to with despatch and on moderate terms.
NB: J.S.R. having engaged a good Farrier will be able to accommodate those who may favor him with their orders on the shortest Notice.

Saturday 21 February 1846

All Persons indebted to the Estate of the late J.C. WELSFORD are hereby notified that if payment is not made of their respective Accounts on or before the twentieth March next, Mr. Attorney WHITCOMBE will be instructed to commence legal proceedings for the recovery of the same.
Trustees and Executors Dative

In St.Mary’s Church on Friday 20th inst, by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Trinity College Dublin, Col. Chaplain,
Mr. Fritz Daniel Christiaan LEHMKUHL to Miss Petronella Catherine MOORE.

Saturday 28 February 1846

Feb 20, William Scorey George, son of Capt. FALCONER of the brig Plumstead, aged 9 months and 22 days.

Saturday 7 March 1846

The arrival of a number of Emigrants being daily expected, it will be necessary for Persons requiring Servants residing at a distance to appoint an Agent in Port Elizabeth, with full power and instructions to make engagements with them immediately on their arrival.
The Undersigned having already numerous applications will use his best endeavours to procure through the Collector of Customs the class of Persons desired, upon receiving full instructions as to the nature of employment, rate of wages &c.
All letters, post-paid, enclosing a fee of 3s, will be promptly attended to.
March 5 1846.

F.T. PAINTER, having taken the Wagon Making Business hitherto carried on by Mr. POWELL, solicits the Patronage of the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and its Vicinity, and assures those who may do so that they will meet with punctuality, cheapness and despatch.
Port Elizabeth, 27th Feb 1846.

March 2: Mrs. Helena Christiana ISEMONGER, aged 32 years and 11 months.

DIED on Monday the 2nd March, aged 32 years 11 months, after a severe and protracted illness, Helena Christiana, the beloved wife of Anthony ISEMONGER, sincerely and deservedly lamented by her surviving Relatives and Friends.

Saturday 14 March 1846

Mr. and Mrs. RAWLINSON embrace this opportunity of returning their most grateful and heartfelt thanks to those dear and honoured friends who generously administered to their late Daughter’s comforts during her painful illness; also to those who made daily anxious enquiries after her health. To those numerous Friends who attended her funeral they beg to offer their most sincere thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. RAWLINSON beg to offer their very best thanks to Dr. DAVIES for his unceasing anxiety and attention manifested by him during the severe illness of their late Daughter. To Dr. FRASER they offer the same [...] of thanks. To the Rev. Mr. McCLELAND they are greatly indebted for the spiritual consultation afforded their late Daughter on several occasions.
[Transcriber’s note: The deceased daughter was Tabitha Catherine RAWLINSON, wife of Frederick Dodd KIDSON, whose death notice follows.]

March 7: Tabitha Catherine KIDSON, aged 27 years.
March 7: Mary Ann WELLS, aged 77 years.

Saturday 21 March 1846

March 14: Mr. Joseph STANLEY, aged 38 years.

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