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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1930 1 January - March

Thursday, January 2, 1930

Dordrecht Notes
Mrs. Jan VENTER, wife of Mr. Jan VENTER, ex-S.A.P. M.L.A., died suddenly on Saturday afternoon.  Although never very robust.  She appeared on Saturday to be in her usual state of health.  Later in the day she took a heart attack and expired.  The funeral took place at ROSSOUW on Monday and it was largely attended.  Our sympathy goes out at this time to Mr. VENTER and his family.

Heartiest congratulations to Miss Hilda MUIR, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. F.J. MUIR, Erin, on the announcement of her engagement to Mr. D. SCHOOMBIE of Cradock.

Cathcart Notes
The deepest sympathy of all is extended to Mrs. W.J. PUSEY on the sudden bereavement she has sustained by the tragic death of her daughter, Mrs. WHITAKER, at King Williamstown on Christmas Eve, and also to the deceased lady’s sister, who is a staff nurse in the local Cottage Hospital.

Saturday, January 4, 1930

In Memoriam
WEBER.-  In loving memory of our dear husband and loving father, Andries WEBER, who passed away 4th January, 1927.

DONET-PRINSLOO.-  Married at Queenstown on 1st January, 1930, by the Rev. ORCHARD, Johnnie, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. DONET, of Queenstown, to Maria, third daughter of Mrs. PRINSLOO, of Queenstown.
ROSS SPENCER-GREAVES.-  On the 30th December ,at Holy Trinity Church, King Williamstown, by Rev. Canon HANLEY, M.A., Margaret, younger daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G. ROSS SPENCER, to Alan Ibbotson GREAVES, A.M.I.A.E.

Indwe Notes
A Pretty Wedding
A very pretty wedding took place in the D.R. Church recently when Mr. Kassie VAN ZYL, of Brandnetel, Edenburg, was married to Miss Hettie CHURCH, second daughter of Councillor and Mrs., CHURCH, Indwe...

Location Notes
(By a Native Correspondent.)
Mr. E.S. MAKOLMA, General Secretary of the Bantu Union, passed away last Thursday in the Frontier Hospital.  Deceased was highly respected by the native people of Queenstown for the active part he took in Location affairs.  I take this opportunity of expressing my deep sympathy with the deceased’s family and relatives in their sad bereavement.

Tuesday, January 7, 1930

ENGELA.-  To Mr. And Mrs. T.W. ENGELA, of 19, Lamont Street, a son.  Both well.

RUSTEBERG-VILJOEN.-  To be married at Butterworth on 18th January, 1930, Gertrude Hulda, eldest daughter of the late Mr. W.T. RUSTEBERG, formerly of Komgha, and Mrs. P. RUSTEBERG, of Holela, Butterworth, to Andries J. VILJOEN, late of Lady Frere.  No reception.  No cards.

HALLIDAY.-  Died at the Frere Hospital, East London, on the 6th January, 1930, Julia HALLIDAY, beloved wife of T. HALLIDAY, 47, St. James Road, and mother of T.C. HALLIDAY, of Queenstown.  Aged 72 years.

Wednesday, January 8, 1930

SPANN.-  Passed away at Queenstown on January 7th, 1930, Thelma Grace, beloved daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Joe SPANN.  Aged 7 weeks.

Dordrecht Notes
Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. W. KOBUS, “Bankies,” in this district, on her recent sad bereavement.

Congratulations to Mr. D. GREYLING, Kekvorsfontein on his engagement to Miss SKIETDEGAL, Capetown.

Thursday, January 9, 1930

A Brutal Murder
Old Lady struck down in her chair
Durban, Wednesday.
Some time yesterday between noon and 3 p.m. Mrs. R.G. WILKINSON (aged 73), an invalid, was attacked in her home at Redhill, dragged from her chair and struck down.  At 3.20 she was found by a neighbour, Mrs. CARTON, lying dead in the passage.
The bedroom and sitting room of the house had been ransacked.  Mrs. WILKINSON had been struck by a heavy blow over the temple and a further blow in the face.  The police were immediately warned, and important clues were found.
A Pondo, height 5 feet 6 inches, wearing khaki trousers, a brown hat and grey coat, with a small goatee beard, had been employed as a painter and has been missing since yesterday.  The criminal, it is thought, must have had some knowledge of the household.
A pathetic feature of the tragedy was that in two months’ time Mr. And Mrs. WILKINSON were to have celebrated their golden wedding. – Reuter.

Saturday, January 11, 1930

In the Estate of the late Ida BUCKLEY, spinster, of Sterkstroom.  No. 22822...
Attorney for Executor

Estate late Hendrik Jurgens GREEFF and surviving spouse Maria Magdalena Johanna GREEFF (born OPPERMAN), of Queenstown.  No. 23203...
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.

Wednesday, January 15, 1930

In Memoriam
MORGAN.-  In loving memory of our darling, who died at Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, 15th January, 1922.
(Loving mother, dad and sisters, Umtata.)

KLETTE.-  Passed peacefully away at 32, Komani Street, on the 14th January, 1930, Hermann Albert KLETTE, aged 73 years 6 months.

Sterkstroom Notes
There passed away on Tuesday afternoon last another old and respected resident in the person of Mr. Wentzel C. BOTHA, in his 72nd year.  For many years he was the caretaker of the Public School Buildings.  Of a kindly disposition, he was a prime favourite with all the children and staff of the school.

Saturday, January 18, 1930

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Alice Mary KLETTE, born CLARK, of Gwatyu, in the District of Queenstown.  No. 24754...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Catherine Ida Elton NEWEY (born MILLS) of Farm Madeley, District Queenstown... No. 24840...
Attorneys for the Estate,
Market Street,
King Williamstown.

Wednesday, January 22, 1930

In Memoriam
HILLS.-  In loving memory of our dear son Brian, who passed away 22nd January, 1925.

HICKMAN.-  Died at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 20th inst., Gertrude HICKMAN, widow of the late Walter HICKMAN.  Aged 48 years.

Thursday, January 23, 1930

Born in Slavery.
The oldest resident of Worcester, C.P., passed away on Sunday at the reputed aged of 106 years – namely, Carolus FREDERICKS.  He and his wife were born in slavery, and according to church records Carolus  was born in 1824.  When the Rhenish Church at Worcester was build 75 years ago, he, as a grown man, walked eight miles daily fro Goudini to contribute his promised quota of free labour towards the erection of the building.  Later he removed to Worcester with his wife and a large family and became one of the elders of the church.  At the funeral there was a large attendance.  On the Rhenish Church bell 106 strokes were tolled.

Friday, January 24, 1930

In the Estate of the late Robert Conn DONNELL, of Queenstown, who died in Grahamstown.  No.  24190...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan Trust & Agency Co., Ltd.
Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 44,

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Johanna Maria WESSELS, a minor, of Sterkstroom.   No 23418...
Attorney for Executor Dative
P.O. Box 6,

Cathcart Notes
We regret to record the somewhat sudden death last Friday morning, the 17th, of a prominent resident of the town in the person of Mr. Paul R. WENTZEL after a short illness.  He had been suffering from one of his periodic attacks of asthma, to which for many years past he was a long suffering martyr, and the severity of the attack undermined his powers of resistance with the resuld that his heart gave way under the strain.
The late Mr. WENTZEL, who had been living in retirement for several years, took a very active part in public affairs, and his familiar figure will be much missed in both town and district.  For many years he was a member of the Town Council and more than once occupied the mayoral chair.  He was also keenly interested in educational matters, being one of the Government nominees on the School Board and also a member of the local School Committee, on both of which bodies he rendered valuable service.  He was a devoted member of the Dutch Reformed Church of which he was the able and competent treasurer for a great many years, and his death will be a great blow to the congregation.
The deepest sympathy of both town and district residence is extended to his widow, his son Paul and his daughter, Mrs. PICKARD, of Queenstown, in their sudden and sore bereavement.
The funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon, was conducted by the Rev. G.F.C. VAN LINGEN....

A pretty wedding was solemnised in the D.R. Church last Wednesday, the 15th, between Mr. Gert CROUS, of the S.A. Police, East London, and Miss Hester NEL, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C.G. NEL, Springvale, Cathcart...

Monday, January 27, 1930

RYAN.-  Died at East London, on the 23rd inst., Gertrude RYAN (nee BROTHERS), wife of Ralph RYAN, and eldest daughter of C.M. BROTHERS.

Thursday, January 30, 1930

HOWSE.-  Passed away at Whittlesea, on the 25th January, 1930, James HOWSE, aged 76 years.

Lady Frere Notes
Another old resident of the village, Mr. Paul COETZER, passed peacefully away on the 18th inst.  The large funeral procession which followed in cars and on foot testified to the great esteem in which the deceased was held.

Friday, January 31, 1930

WINNICOTT.-  At 19, Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, on the 31st January, to Mr. And Mrs. R. WINNICOTT, a bonny daughter.  Thanks to doctor and nurse.

Monday, February 3, 1930

WILSON-POTTERTON.-  Married at St. Saviour’s Church, East London, by the Rev. WHITE, on the 1st February, 1930, Doris Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.W. POTTERTON, to Charles Cockburn WILSON, only son of the late T.H. WILSON, and Nurse DARKE, of Molteno.

LITTLEFORD.-  Died at Kent Nursing Home, East London on 1st February Francis William Henry LITTLEFORD, husband of Dora LITTLEFORD.  Aged 61 years, 3 months and 2 days.

Wednesday, February 5, 1930

Dordrecht Notes
Mr. G.F. (Soon) VAN STRAATEN, one of Dordrecht’s oldest residents, was buried in Dordrecht cemetery on Friday.

Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. L. STEIN on the birth of a son.

Friday, 7 February , 1930

HART.-  At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 2nd February, 1930, to Mr. And Mrs. Aidan HART (nee Dorothy QUAIL), a bonny son.  Both well.

News reached town this afternoon of the death at Arncliffe, Essex, of an old and highly esteemed resident of Queenstown, in the person of Mr. A.M. STEPHENSON, at one time proprietor of the Waverley Boarding house in Ebden Street.
Mr. STEPHENSON was  farming, in a small way, at Essex and had been apparently in good health up to a day or two ago.  A poignant feature of this sad news is the fact that Mrs. STEPHENSON is in the Frontier Hospital.  
Relatives on hearing of Mr. STEPHENSON’s sudden illness hurried to Essex this morning, when it was found that he was suffering from hemorrhage.
Yesterday, the Daily Representative was informed, he was in quite good health, so that his illness was of a totally sudden nature.

Hanging from a tree
A Tragedy of the Bush
East London, Thursday.
The body of a European male has been found hanging on a tree in the bush between Shelly Beach and Leach’s Bay, about four miles from town, with a motor car in the bushes near by.  It is believed to be that of H.J. CHRISTMAS who has been missing since December 29th.
The police are investigating.  –Reuter.

In the Estate of the late Archibald WHITSON No. 23457, and predeceased spouse Nancy Mary Bridget WHITSON (born ROBINSON), of Queenstown...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency, Co., Ltd.
Agent for Executor Testamentary.
PO Box 44, Queenstown

Saturday, February 8, 1930

STEPHENSON.-  Died suddenly at “Arncliffe,”  Essex, C.P., on the 7th inst., Arthur Mortimer STEPHENSON, in his 65th year.

A Queenstown Wedding
An interesting wedding was solemnised in Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 5th inst., the contracting parties being Ernest Stanley HARDWICK, eldest son ???? J. HARDWICK ???, and Adelaide ??? TAYLOR of 12 Livingstone Road.
The service was conducted by the Rev. C.K. HODGES...

Wednesday, February 12, 1930

The sympathy of all is extended to Mrs. Gifford KEMP on the untimely death of her brother, Mr. Max CAWOOD, at the early age of 39.  The late Mr. CAWOOD was in the service of the Railway Department and was stationed at Cathcart for a short time last year, being afterwards transferred to Umtata and ultimately back to Steynsburg, his home town.

Tylden Notes
Congratulations to Mr. Donovan MILES of Retreat (twin brother to Mr. Raeburn MILES of Reitpoort) who has become engaged to Miss HARRIS, of Tarkastad.

Thursday, February 13, 1930

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. J. CLEGG and Miss HUGO on the announcement of their engagement.

Friday, February 14, 1930

Molteno Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
Molteno, Tuesday,
Sudden death of bank accountant.
The townspeople were shocked on Sunday afternoon by the news of the death of Mr. Aloysius Joseph VOSKULE, the recently appointed Accountant at the local branch of Barclay’s Bank.  The deceased was taken suddenly ill on Saturday though it is understood that he had not been feeling well for two days previously.  Mr. VOSKULE was transferred from the Ceres branch to Molteno, and although he and Mrs. VOSKULE had only been resident in the town for a few weeks, they had both become very popular and were rapidly making many friends.
The burial took place at the local cemetery on Monday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Reverend Father BEIRLEY, a Roman Catholic Priest of Aliwal North...

Saturday, February 15, 1930

MALLETT.-  At 56, Prince Alfred Street, to Mr. And Mrs. Cecil B. MALLETT, on February 14th, a son.

Monday, February 17, 1930

Terrific Crash at Thomas River
Engine and Trucks over the Bridge
Fireman killed;  Driver and guard injured
Only van and one truck hold the rails
Down and up Mail trains delayed
Another accident on the East London-Cathcart section of the main line has to be recorded, and unfortunately with a tragic result.
The cause only a full enquiry will reveal, but at the moment of writing Thomas River bridge, about 60 miles from Queenstown, is the scene of one of the most serious derailments that has taken place on the section.
Motorists, and train passengers will recall the curve near the bridge.  The spot is dangerous enough to induce the railway authorities to put up a notice that the speed must not exceed 12 miles an hour.
The time of the accident is put at about nine o’clock this morning, when a goods train with some 10 trucks loaded with sleepers was coming north from East London.
It would seem that as the engine reached the bridge “something went wrong.”  The engine left the rails and plunged, across the narrow river, into the bank;  all the train with the exception of two trucks and the guard’s van followed the engine, and now lies a mass of wreckage, in the river.  With the snapping of the coupling, the last but one of the trucks was dragged from the rails and lay half turned over in the permanent way.
The engine driver stuck to his cabin, and was subsequently found on top of the engine.  He was very badly injured.  He must have managed to crawl out of the cabin when the engine took the headlong plunge.  The fireman apparently was thrown out of the cabin into the river, and was found quite dead, buried under a mass of sleepers.
The guard, who was also seriously injured, was thrown from his van, and, as far as enquiries reveal, as he noticed that there was something wrong in the movement of his train, he applied his brakes and looked out.  The next instant he was thrown heavily on to the permanent way.
The name of the unfortunate fireman who met his death in such a tragic circumstances is C.J.W. LOGAN.  The driver’s name is S. SMEETON, and that of the Guard C.P. DILLEY.
Thomas River bridge is about 70 feet high, in the vicinity of an exceedingly dangerous approach....

Tuesday, February 18, 1930

BROWN-HAY.  Married at St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on the 21st January, 1930, by the Rev. Archdeacon Rowley, Frank Gerald Maynard BROWN, to Mabel Grace HAY.

A well known figure in the person of Mr. William FOREACRE, has recently been lost to the community.  Born in England, he at an early age joined the Army and became a bugler, he was then promoted as solo cornet to the 1st Fusillier Band, and is said to have played before Queen Victoria, who it is stated presented him with a silver cornet.  Being transferred to different parts of the British Dominions, he served a considerable time in India, eventually settling as a pensioner in South Africa.  He was at Aliwal North, but finally came to Queenstown.  Here he joined the Volunteer Band, and latterly was a member of the Town Orchestra.  Having depended in his latter years on his slender pension, which now ceased with his demise, it is proposed to place a stone over his grave in the Queenstown cemetery to the memory of one who in his humble way, was when in health ever ready to give his services, in all deserving objects.  It is therefore hoped that those leading spirits with whom he was associated, may take the matter up, and carry it to a successful termination.

Wednesday, February 19, 1930

JEFFREY.-  On the 18th instant, to Mr. And Mrs. C.R.C. JEFFREY, of Hukuwn, district Queenstown, a daughter.  Both well.

BROWN-HAY. Married at St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on the 21 January, 1930, by the Rev. Archdeacon ROWLEY, Frank Gerald Maynard BORWN, to Mabel Grace HAY.

LOGAN.-  Killed in the Thomas River railway accident, on the 17th February, 1930, Cecil John, dearly beloved second son of William and Elizabeth LOGAN, of Bird’s River, Aged 23 years.

Estate of the late Martha Catherine Margaret WESTERBERG.  No. 16686...
ELLIOTT Brothers
Attorneys for Executor Dative.

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. E. ROODT, of Queenstown, on the birth of a son.
Thursday, February 20, 1930

Mr. John GREEF
The death occurred this morning at the Frontier Hospital, of Mr. John GREEF, the Commonage Ranger.
Mr. GREEF underwent an operation recently, but lately it was feared that his chances of recovery were remote.
Mr. GREEF faced the prospects of his position with the same fortitude that he displayed in his illness.  A type of man who will always engage respect, he was a very useful and conscientious member of the Municipal service.  During the Great War he was awarded the M.S.M. for his services as a motor cyclist dispatch rider in East Africa.
He was particularly admired for his work in connection with the local branch of the B.E.S.L., of which he was secretary, and he represented it at the many Congresses of the parent body.  He was well-fitted for the post.  He was, indeed, the heart and soul of the local movement.  He was unmarried.
To his mother, brothers and sisters, we extend deep sympathy in their loss.
The funeral takes place to-morrow afternoon from St. Columbia’s Church at 4.30.
All ex-service men are requested to attend.
Flags in town were at half mast to-day.
Prior to joining the Municipal service, Mr. GREEF was with Peacock Bros.

Thomas River Disaster
Patients doing well
It is gratifying to announce that, according to enquiry this morning, Driver SMEETON and Guard DILLEY are making progress at the Cathcart Cottage Hospital.
The late Mr. C.J.W. LOGAN.
The funeral of the late Mr. C.J.W. LOGAN, which took place on Tuesday afternoon from Mr. C.G. WALKER’s residence in Prince Alfred Street, where he resided, was largely attended and the esteem in which a prominent young member of the loco. Works was held was finely proved by the large number of beautiful floral tributes.
All sections of the railway department were represented in the procession to the graveside (Church of England cemetery). ..
The Rev. Mr. GREEN conducted the service at the graveside.
Mr. LOGAN, who was 23 years of age, had been 4 years and 3 months in the service.  He was well-liked, and was bound to make good in the department.    He was about to become engaged on Saturday.
At the cemetery entrance, four firemen, Messrs. E.R. BOW, V.M. DEXTER, W.I. JEFFREY and J.S. FOURIE, bore his remains to the last resting place.

Saturday, February 22, 1930

In Memoriam
FULLER.-  In Loving Memoriam of our Dear Mother, May Annie Mosina FULLER, who passed away on the 22nd February, 1916.
Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.

Monday, February 24, 1930

Fatality at Fankfort.
A sad accident occurred on Monday at Tweeling, wires The Friend’s Frankfort correspondent.  The two-year-old daughter of Mr. J.C. PELZER was left playing in front of the front door of the house.  A little while afterwards she was missing.  A search was made and she was found drowned behind the house in a hole which was dug to catch rainwater.

Saturday, March 1, 1930

Killed by electric kettle
Inquest at Johannesburg
Johannesburg, Friday.
A faulty electric kettle caused the death of Charles McCONNACHIE, of Raymond Street, Bellevue, recently, and at the inquest to-day a verdict of death due to accidental electrocution was returned. –Reuter.

Sterkstroom Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. O. MUGGLETON of this town on the marriage of their eldest daughter, Kathleen Annie to Mr. John STEWART, of Umtali, Southern Rhodesia, on the 1st February, at the Presbyterian Church, Bulawayo.  Her many friends here, and they are legion, will join in wishing the bridal pair many years of long life and happiness in their new home.

Monday, March 3, 1930

The death took place with startling suddenness on Saturday night at his farm Kroom River Frederick Stephanus COETZEE, aged 65.  He was conversing with a friend when he gave one sigh and passed away.  Deceased was very well known and greatly respected.

The death occurred at East London on Saturday morning of Arthur W. NORTON, a local attorney, and brother of the International cricketer, Pompey NORTON.  The deceased gentleman in his early days was a great athlete and cricketer above the average, and took great interest in sport of all kinds.  He was President of the local Automobile Association.

Wednesday, March 5, 1930

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Jacomina Margaretha Aletta (or Jacomina Aletta) COETZER, born ERASMUS, and surviving spouse, Theunis Jacobus COETZER, of Bridge Farm, District Queenstown...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Thursday, March 6, 1930

Cathcart Notes
A quiet though very pretty wedding was solemnised at Cathcart on Wednesday afternoon, the 19th, when Muriel, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.J. EDWARDS was married to Mr. Allan WILLIAMSON, of the staff of the Standard Bank, Durban.  The ceremony took place in the house of the bride’s parents, being conducted by Father RASBACH in the presence of a very few intimate friends of the family...

Monday, March 10, 1930

We buried them together.
Ex-Burgher H.K. SHEPPARD, of the Transvaal told this story during the celebrations at Ladysmith a few days ago:  “Next morning we came back on to Spion Kop.  A man SWARTS and I walked about this hill and saw, sitting between two rocks, a Tommy.  His rifle was pointed at us.  We levelled our guns and advanced to him cautiously. We thought he slept.  When we reached him we saw the tiny mark of a Mauser bullet between his eyes.  He was dead.  SWARTS stepped forward and said:  ‘I want his rifle.’  He jerked it, but the stiff finger of the dead man was around the trigger.  The shot was fired and SWARTS fell dead at my feet, hit as the ‘Tommy’ was between the eyes.  We buried them both in one grave just there.”
Wednesday, March 12 , 1930

Tylden Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. P.J. MARAIS on the birth of a son.

Thursday, March 13, 1930

McEWAN.-  Died at Queenstown on the 13th inst., Annie McEWAN (born HALLIDAY), widow of the late Robert McEWAN.  Aged 66 years.

Estate late Elizabeth BOUWER, formerly LE GRANGE (born HATTINGH), a widow...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Mrs. Robert McEWAN
The passing of Mrs. Robert McEWAN has removed from our midst one of the oldest, best knwon, and highly esteemed inhabitants of this town.
Before her marriage, she was Miss Annie HALLIDAY, and was adopted by Mr. And Mrs. BOYDE, who were the first couple to take charge of the Queenstown Hospital and Annie his first nurse.  After the death of her guardians she continued to live in the old house in Grey Street, and has given her life to good works...
...She has been in poor health for some time now, and passed away, as stated, about eight o’clock this morning, at the age of sixty-six years.  The funeral is at Wesley Church this afternoon at 4.30.
To her bereaved sister and other members of the family we tender our sincere sympathy and condolences.

Consecration of Tombstone
The Tombstone in memory of the late Mrs. J. BARWIN, mother of A.L. BARWIN, Grand Hotel, Queenstown, L. BARWIN, Cathcart, and Mrs. GOTTLIEB, will be consecrated at the Jewish Cemetery on Sunday next, the 16th inst. At 11 a.m.
Relatives and friends please accept this, the only intimation.

Saturday, March 15, 1930

Diamond Wedding.
BURBEROW-MINERS.-  Married on 15th March, 1870, at the Wesleyan Church, Bathurst, by Rev. E. HEPBURN, Thomas William BURBEROW to Elizabeth Ann MINERS.

Cathcart Notes
It is with great regret that we have to record the death on Wednesday in East London of Mrs. HOBBS, wife of Mr. Walter R. HOBBS, of Glenfillan, a prominent and long resident farmer in the district.  The late Mrs. HOBBS had been ailing for some considerable time past, gradually becoming weaker and weaker, till she ultimately succumbed to the malady from which she was suffering.  The sympathy of all both in town and district is extended to the bereaved husband and family of three sons and four daughters.  The funeral, which took place from the Wesleyan Church on Friday, the 7th, and which was conducted by the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM, was very largely attended.

Monday, March 17, 1930

MORRIS-ILES.-  To be married at Henderson, at 11 a.m., on Thursday, March 27th, Hilda Dorothy, elder daughter of the late Rev. ILES and Mrs. ILES, Toise River, to Clement eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. D. MORRIS, Queenstown.  Reception:  Henderson Hall.  Wires:  Toise River.

In Memoriam
DIXON.-  In loving memory of our dear dad, William Joseph DIXON, who passed away on the 17th March, 1926.
(Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.)

Sterkstroom Notes
Another old resident of Bird’s River passed away on the 11th March in the person of Mr. Ferdinand F.W. STAALS, in his 78th year.

Tuesday, March 18, 1930

SKINNER-BOLD.-  The engagement is announced between Gordon SKINNER, of Burghersdorp (late of Queenstown), and Ann, third daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.G. BOLD, of Queenstown.

WILLIAMS.-  Died suddenly at 5, Chalmers Street, on 15th inst., Thomas Christopher WILLIAMS, late of Bulawayo, only son of the late Thomas WILLIAMS, Capetown, and Mary Anne WILLIAMS.  Age 60 years 11 months.

Friday, March 21, 1930

MACDONALD.-  At Queenstown, on the 19th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Ronald MACDONALD, a daughter.

Saturday, March 22, 1930

EVA.- Passed peacefully away, on 14th March, 1930, at this residence, Connaught, Tweespruit, O.F.S., William Denham EVA, aged 82 years and 6 months.

Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. FOTHERINGHAM on an addition to the family.  Mrs. FOTHERINGHAM is in Dr. ROWLAND’s Nursing Home, and is progressing famously.

Monday, March 24, 1930

Golden Wedding
GRIFFITHS-BARTLETT.-  Married on Wednesday, 24 March, 1880, at the Wesleyan Church, Bathurst, By Rev. G.A. ROSE, Charles Jessie GRIFFITHS to Amelia Jane BARTLETT.

Wednesday, March 26, 1930

GRASSMAN.-  On March 22nd, to Mr. And Mrs. Bonnar GRASSMAN (nee Olly LEVEY), at 77, Bulwer Road, Durban, a bonny son.  Both well.

Thursday, March 27, 1930

Golden Wedding
BROWN-FORWARD.-  Married at Hilton Wesleyan Church, by the Rev. LAMPLOUGH, March 23rd, 1880, Benjamin BROWN to Mary Ellen FORWARD.  Present address:  c/o Geo. BOY, Kwenxura, Mooi Plaats, via East London.

Friday, March 28, 1930

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late William Chalmers WAKADA, and Surviving spouse Amelia May Milaka Dakada, of Toise Kraal, Queenstown.  No. 21030...
Attorneys for the Executrix Dative.
Union Street,
East London.

In the Estate of the late Arthur Reginald SCOTT, of Queenstown. No. 23253...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.

Saturday, March 29, 1930

Dordrecht Notes
News has just been received of the death at Lady Grey of Mr. Piet JOUBERT of Sophiashof in this district.  Mr. JOUBERT was one of the well known farmers of this district, of a quiet and lovable nature.  Our sympathy is extended to the family.

Monday, March 31, 1930

KELLY.-  At Balfour Road, Woodstock (Cape), on the 29th March, 1930, at the age of 74 years, George William Henry KELLY.  -  Inserted by his sorrowing son, daughter and grandchildren
(Other papers please copy.)
BUNTING.-  Passed peacefully away at Berry Street on Sunday morning, Rachel Jane, beloved wife of J.P. BUNTING.

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