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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1928 1 January - March

Tuesday, January 3, 1928

BROWN.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on the 26th December ,1927, to Mr. And Mrs. B.R. BROWN, a son.

ARNOLD.-  At Frere Hospital, East London, on the 31st December, 1927, Kate Atkey ARNOLD, relict of the late William I. ARNOLD of Queenstown, aged 61 years.

Wednesday, January 4, 1928

In Memoriam
WEBER.-  In loving memory of our dear father, Andries WEBER, who passed away 4th January, 1927.  Ever remembered by his children William and Hilda.
WEBER.-  In loving memory of our dear father, Andries WEBER, who passed away 4th January, 1927.
Ever remembered by his children Eddie and Lena.
WEBER.-  In loving memory of my dear husband and father, Andries WEBER, who departed this life on January 4th, 1927.
Ever remembered by wife and children.

Thursday, January 5, 1928

Silver Wedding.
WIGGILL-LANG.-  Married in Queenstown on the 5th January, 1903, Edward Samuel WIGGILL, of Cathcart, to Sarah Jane LANG, of Queenstown district.

Thursday, January 5, 1928

Molteno Notes
Mrs. Johanna KRUGER’s Death
The deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Andries KRUGER in the loss of his wife under sad circumstances.  Mrs. KRUGER, who was the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Hans GREYVENSTEYN, of Ijzerfontein, was well known and respected in the district and her death has caused great grief among her relatives and friends.  She passes away at the town house early on Monday morning, and the funereal took place on the farm to-day.

Local & General
New Year’s Eve Tragedy
The merry-making of a family gathering assembled for the passing of the Old Year, at Krugersdorp, on Saturday night, was tragically cut short when one of the men discovered the host hanging by a piece of wire from a rafter.  The dead man was Andrew BAILEY, employed on the Randfontein Estates.   BAILEY’s absence from the party was noticed, and a search of the house and garden was Instituted.  Entering an outhouse, one of the searchers found the missing man, fully clothed, hanging by his neck from a piece of wire.  A wooden box was lying on its side a few feet away.  A doctor was at once called in.  After examining the body, he stated that BAILEY had been dead for some two hours.  BAILEY was born at Kimberley, was 39 years of age, and apparently in good health.

Friday, January 6, 1928

Local & General
Cyclist’s Tragic Death
Late on Monday night a motor cyclist coming into Bloemfontein made a startling discovery some three or four miles out on the Shannon road.  He was surprised to observe that his lights revealed the body of a man, apparently dead, lying on the side of the road.  Investigation proved that the man still lived, but that he was unconscious.  Some indication as to the reason for the condition of the man was provided by a badly-mangled push bicycle which lay close to hand.  The motorist immediately raced into town and notified the police.  The municipal ambulance was despatched to the scene and the man removed to the National Hospital, where he died shortly after admittance without having regaining consciousness.  An account was found in his pocket, and he was identified as P.J. GROBBELAAR, and employee at the local railway station and a resident on the Bloemfontein East settlements.  He was a young man and married.  Presumably deceased was cycling either to or from Shannon, and was run down by a vehicle and left where he fell on the side of the road.  The matter is being investigated by the police.

Monday, January 9, 1928

At 100 Berry Street on Sunday, 8th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. E.H. McCONNELL, a son.

Wednesday, January 11, 1928

In Memoriam
UNDERWOOD.-  In loving memory of my beloved wife, Janet UNDERWOOD, called to rest 11th January, 1927.  Ever remembered.

Local & General
A Bride from Queenstown.
The wedding of the Consul-General for Norway, Mr. Thorolf HANSSEN, to Mrs. Hilson FINCHAM, was celebrated very quietly last week at Christ Church, Kenilworth, the bride, who wore  palest mauve with touches of silver grey, begin given away by her father, Mr. C.M. BROTHERS, late of Queenstown.  The Rev. Mr. SAMPSON officiated, and the bride was attended by her niece, Miss May MARSHALL, ...

Thursday, January 12, 1928

Sterkstroom Notes
The news of the death of a former well-known resident of this town, Mr. O.R. DERSLEY, came as a surprise to his many friends of the older generation.  The late Mr. DERSLEY was one of our leading citizens and was in business here for a number of years on the site now occupied by the Premier Hotel, besides engaging in agricultural pursuits on a farm he owned at Putter’s Kraal.
Meeting with a serious injury to his foot in the Gaika Loop train accident some years ago, he shortly after this sold out his interests and left with his family for Grahamstown.  He had a quiet and lovable disposition, which won for him general esteem and respect, and with his passing away another link in the association of Sterkstroom with the older residents, now fast disappearing, is broken.

Friday, January 13, 1928

ELLA.-  Passed away peacefully on January 10th, 1928, at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Percival Francis ELLA, of “Hope,” Queenstown, beloved husband of J. ELLA, aged 72.

Cathcart Notes
A very pretty wedding was solemnised in St. Alban’s Church last Thursday, when Mr. Geo PRERKS, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Ted PERKS, of Komgha, was married to Miss Stephanie HART, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. S.M. HART, of Happy Valley.  The service was fully choral and the knot was tied by the Rev. A.E. HARRISON, Rector of Stutterheim, formerly of Cathcart, assisted by the Rev. C.S. HILL, Rector of Cathcart, while Mrs. KOCH presided at the organ...

Saturday, January 14, 1928

In the Estate of the late Martha Ann THOMAS, born WEBB, widow, of Queenstown (No. 17265)...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary

The late Mr. P.F. ELLA
Stirring Episodes in his life
An old resident of Queenstown writes:-
Your correspondent of the 11th, writing about the late Mr. P.F. ELLA, whose body was laid to rest on that day, omitted to mention some of the stirring episodes in his life which helped towards the display of that manhood which was such a strong strait in his character.
In 1877 in the Kreli war, a force left Queenstown and did some good work at Ibeka.  The late Sir Bisset BERRY (then Dr. BERRY) and Mr. ELLA were with this force.  The doctor was taken very ill and was compelled to return;  he left Ibeka on horseback and travelled, ill as he was, the whole distance in that manner.  He could not have done so were it not for Mr. ELLA, who accompanied him when in danger of collapse.  A long and trying journey was successfully accomplished, doing credit to both as an example of endurance and determination.
In the Boer War Mr. ELLA was a member of the Defence Force under Captain FINCHAM.  On one occasion on messenger was required to reach the command at Wildschutsberg and to get past SMUTS’ and SCHEEPERS’ Commandoes, intervening, P.F. ELLA volunteered to attempt it, and, with four others, got through.
Later on Captain FINCAHM relinquished the command and was succeeded by Mr. P.F. ELLA, and appointment which gave great satisfaction.

Monday, January 16, 1928

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Robert Mulock WRIGHT, of Queenstown (No. 17105)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Local & General
Death of Mr. T.C. WRIGHT
Flags in town were flying at half-mast on Saturday, says the “Bulawayo Chronicle,” when it became known that Mr. T.C. (“Tommy”) WRIGHT, who was widely known and well-liked in Rhodesia, had died at Capetown.  Mr. WRIGHT came to Rhodesia about 1913 from Kimberley, and was for some years manager of the Anglo-African Trading Association.  Latterly he was a traveller on behalf of Walker’s, the whisky firm.  Mr. WRIGHT, who was 56 years of age, was taken ill after his last visit to Bulawayo, and was taken to a nursing home.  Subsequently he proceeded to Capetown, where he has since died.  There will be general regret at the passing of a man of benevolent and generous character, and his many friends will sympathise with the wife and two daughters he leaves at Queenstown.

Drowned at a Drift.
A raging torrent at Skinner’s Court was responsible for a duel tragedy at Pretoria on Thursday evening, Mrs. C.E. HELM, wife of a Bethlehem farmer, and a native Jack, of the Leper Hospital, being washed away and drowned.  Mrs. HELM’s husband, Daniel HELM, had a narrow escape from death and is at present lying in the General Hospital seriously injured.  Mr. And Mrs. HELM, had been visiting their daughter, who is a patient at the Leper Asylum.  They departed on the return journey to Pretoria before the storm commenced, and were on their way when the rain began.  By the time they reached the drift at Skinner’s Court the road was a veritable river and the drift itself, which in normal times is absolutely dry, was many feet deep in water.  They were travelling in a motor-bus, the property of the Leper Asylum, and were the only passengers.  The vehicle was driven by a man named PRINSLOO.  They had successfully negotiated the drift and were mounting the other side when the engine stalled and the bus ran backwards into the water.  Just then a strong “wave” swept down upon the party, tore the body off the chassis, and hurled the occupants into the water.  They were swept out of sight in the darkness, but PRINSLOO, with a deep wound on his forehead, managed to scramble out.  Mr. HELM was thrown against the bank some distance away and caught hold of a tree, from which precarious position he was subsequently rescued, with a fractured arm and other injuries.
GRIEVE-THOMSON.-  At. St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Truffontein, on the 14th inst., by Rev. Charles THOMSON (father of the bride) assisted by Rev. George PEATHE, M.A. (uncle of the bridegroom), Robert GRIEVE (Tertius), M.B., Ch.B., State Mines, son of Dr. And Mrs. GRIEVE, Queenstown, to Bertha Fernie THOMSON, daughter of Rev. Charles and Mrs. THOMSON, Turffontein.

Tuesday, January 17, 1928

Mr. Henry BLUMBERG, the popular manager of the Orpheum Theatr, returns to Queenstown this evening, accompanied by his young bride.  He left town about a month ago on his annual leave, and was married early this year to a Johannesburg lady.  During his absence, the duties of manager have been capably undertaken by Mr. SCHLOSBERG, who has already made quite a large circle of friends during his month’s appointment here.

Dordrecht Notes
The death occurred last week of one of Dordrecht’s oldest residents in the person of Mrs. David BOTHA, lately of the farm Brakleegte.  It is only a few months ago since Mr. BOTHA died and his wife was laid to rest beside him on Saturday at the old home Brakleegte.  The sympathy of the community is extended to the children and grandchildren of the worthy couple.

Wednesday, January 18, 1928

Local & General
Wife’s Tragic Discovery.
A tragic discovery was made by Mrs. Clarence TEE, of 118, Pier Street, Port Elizabeth, on Monday morning in the yard of her house.  She came upon her husband, a well-known resident, lying unconscious nearby with a partially empty Lysol bottle, and it was .... (cut off)

Late Mr. P.F. ELLA
Mr. Percival Frank ELLA, whose death last week at the age of 72 occasioned so much regret throughout the district, was prominently identified with the earlier life of Queenstown and played a leading part in building up the successful wool-washing industry at Toise River.  Afterwards, he became a progressive farmer in this district and gained a host of friends.  He was a kindly, genial man, and will be greatly missed.

Policeman’s Fatal Toss.
Thrown from his horse at Kleinplaas, Waterberg District, on Thursday night, Adriaan Tielman RUSSOUW (25), a mounted policeman, received injuries to which he succumbed in the Pretoria Hospital.  RUSSOUW, who had had three years’ service in the Force, had called on a farmer at Kleinplaas and had not been gone long when a horse was heard galloping by.  The farmer then heard moaning and on going to investigate found RUSSOUW lying on the veld unconscious.  He had injuries to the head which suggested that he had been thrown from his horse.  He was brought to Pretoria but died without regaining consciousness.  RUSSOUW, who was recruited in Bredasdorp, Cape, was single and an orphan.

Thursday, January 19, 1928

Local & General
Death of Old Molteno Resident
On Thursday evening, Mr. David GREEN, one of Molteno’s oldest and best known residents, died at the age of 67.  Mr. GREEN was for many years a mineral water manufacturer.  The deceased was a prominent figure in musical circles, and was organist of the local Wesleyan Church for 25 years.  Mr. GREEN had a most affectionate and generous nature.  He loved harmony in the home and in Nature and in the church, and was a great artist in the realm of son.  His great desire was to bring music into the souls of men.  He loved simple services and old hymns and tunes, and was never happier than when recalling the old days.  His passing came suddenly and unexpectedly.  It was simply “falling on sleep.”  Mr. GREEN was actively engaged in his office the day before he died.  He received a stroke early on Thursday morning and did not recover consciousness.  A memorial service was held in the Wesleyan Church on Friday, conducted by the minister , the Rev. Rayner SPEIGHT.  There was a large and representative gathering at the funeral and the numerous wreaths testified to the respect in which deceased was held.  Deepest sympathy goes out to the widow and the three sons and daughters in their great bereavement.

Typhoid Attacks a Family.
David Frederick KENDALL died at Kroonstad from typhoid fever on Sunday night, and poignaney is added to the occurrence by the fact that his wife, who was on holiday at Capetown, died from the same disease at about the same hour.  Two of their daughters are prostrate with the same sickness  and the news of the double death of their parents is being withheld from them.  Mr. KENDALL retired on pension on attaining his 60th birthday at the end of November last, after having been in the railway service for 40 years.    He was born in Cornwall and came to South Africa when a boy of 16 to start work as a ganger but gradually worked his way up until, several years ago, he was appointed permanent way inspector at Cradock.  Seven years ago he was transferred in a similar capacity to Kroonstad, where he remained until his retirement.  Mrs. KENDALL, whose maiden name was TREBBLE, was also born in Cornwall.  Thirteen children were born of the marriage, ten of whom is still alive.

Friday, January 20, 1928

Estate late Anna Elizabeth VAN HEERDEN (born DU PLESSIS), No. 15448...
Attorney for Executor Dative,
Hexagon, Queenstown

Estate late Nicholas (or Nicholaas) Johannes HUMPHRIES (No. 16347)...
Attorney for Curator
Hexagon, Queenstown
Saturday, January 21, 1928

In the Estate of the late Cordelia Florence Emily Southey, born CRANNEY, of Queenstown, No. 16021...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary

13-Year-Old Boy’s Suicide
Proposes idea to play-fellow and then carries is out.
How a 13-years-old boy proposed a suicide pact with a friend, and committed suicide by placing his head on the railway line, was told to the Aylesbury coroner.  The dead boy was Edward Acton FORREST, the son of a Post Office engineer, of Madeley Road, Aylesbury.
He suggested to a playfellow that they should put their heads on the railway line, and on the following day, after being scolded by his father for playing with gas, he committed suicide in this way.
He left a note saying:  “Nobody wants me so I killed myself, leaving all my money in the bank and everything I have got to Fred (his brother).”

Monday, January 23, 1928

WHINDUS-WEAKLEY.-  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on Saturday, January 21st, 1928, by the Rev. J.W. McGAHEY, Ernest James WHINDUS, son of the late Capt. And Mrs. E.J. WHINDUS, to Kate Eileen WEAKLEY, daughter of the late A.E. WEAKLEY and Mrs. WEAKLEY of Queenstown.

Wednesday, January 25, 1928

Little Girl’s Sad Death.
The death occurred at the Frontier Hospital yesterday morning of a little girl named FARRINGTON, aged eleven, who received fatal injuries in a fall from a donkey.  Her father, who is now farming at Ugie, was formerly a School Inspector and lived for a time in Queenstown, where he had many friends.  Great sympathy will be felt for Mr. And Mrs. FARRINGTON in their sad loss.

Thursday, January 26, 1928

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Sidney Herbert ARMOUR, of Queenstown, No. 16495...
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 83,

Friday, January 27, 1928

Estate of the late Edith Mary BIRCH. (No. 17040)...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency Co., Ltd.,
Agent for Executor Testamentary.
92, Cathcart Road,

Local & General
Mr. Matthew HART, son of Captain HART, S.A.P., Queenstown, has taken his B.A. Degree at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, with a first class in Roman Law.

Monday, January 30, 1928

FRIEND.-  Henry (Sparrow) FRIEND passed peacefully away at General Hospital, Johannesburg, on the 28th instant, age 22 years.

Tuesday, January 31, 1928

Local & General
News was received in town this morning that Mr. John ELLIOT, law agent, of Lady Frere, had passed away yesterday afternoon, as a result of a severe attack of pneumonia.  Mr. ELLIOTT has been associated with the public life of Lady Frere for many years, and for a long time held the office of Town Clerk.  To Mrs. ELLIOTT and family (of which there are three sons and two daughters) the sympathy of a very large circle of friends will go out.  The funeral will take place at Lady Frere this afternoon.

Thursday, February 2, 1928

Mr. Henry FRIEND
The funeral of the late Mr. Henry FRIEND took place at 10 a.m. yesterday from the West End Church, with which Mr. FRIEND had been associated as a youth prior to his leaving to take up a business appointment in Johannesburg some eight months ago.  The late Henry FRIEND was only 22 when he succumbed last Saturday to an attack of enteric fever.  The news of his decease was received in town with deepest distress and regret by a wide circle of relatives and friends, for Henry was most popular with his associates, and as a good all-round sportsman and cricketer was intimately identified with the best elements of the town’s youth and life.  The body was brought down on Monday’s train accompanied by Henry’s mother, Mrs. H.J. FRIEDN, of Tarkastad, who had been summoned to Johannesburg early last week, and arrive in time to see her son before he passed away.
The West End Church was thronged with mourners and sympathetic friends when the service was held there yesterday morning.  The Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY conducted the service...

Tragedy at a lonely station
Stationmaster found hanged
Elliot, Thursday.
A sad tragedy occurred at the lonely railway station of Cala Road, midway between Indwe and Elliot, at 6.30 yesterday morning, when the Stationmaster, Stephen KRUGER, was found dead, suspended by a rope in a fowl house.  At the magisterial enquiry held a few hours later the evidence conclusively pointed to suicide.  It appears that deceased had suffered some time from insomnia and depression, and had been given six weeks’ leave .  He was to have resumed duty yesterday morning, but overnight was again very depressed and this apparently led to his committing the rash act.  He leaves a wife and one child.-  Reuter.

Friday, February 3, 1928

Molteno Notes
The marriage arranged between Mr. Arthur WHITAKER and Miss Mona ARCHER, daughter of Dr. And Mrs. ARCHER-ISAACS of Molteno, took place at George last Monday, the 23rd inst.

Local & General
Her many friends in Queenstown will be sorry to hear that Nurse Betty DE WET, who qualified at the Frontier Hospital some three years ago, and had recently been nursing in Northern Rhodesia, died suddenly at Fort Jameson on Sunday evening last.  No details are as yet to had beyond the bare announcement contained in the telegram.

Estate of the late Inez Thelma FILMER (No. 13304)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.

Monday, February 6, 1928

BAKER.-  Born at Sister LEVEY’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 5th February, to Dorothy, wife of Stanley BAKER, “Stratheric,” Bolotwa, a daughter.

Tuesday, February 7, 1928

On Saturday, 4th February, in the morning a quiet but very interesting wedding took place in St. Michael’s Church, when the Rev. GOODWIN married Wilfred Sydney HEMENS, only son of Mr. HEMENS of Willowmore, to Mary Isabel Frances RITCHIE, younger daughter of the late Dr. And Mrs. RITCHIE, of Queenstown.

Thursday, February 9, 1928

Local & General
The death is announced of Mr. Trevelyan THOMSON, Labour member  of the House of Commons for Middlesborough. – Reuter.

Friday, February 10, 1928

PEARCE.-  On the 9th inst. To Mr. And Mrs. A.F. PEARCE, 37 Grey Street, a son.

Monday, February 13, 1928

Local & General
News was received by cable yesterday morning that Dr. T. LOGIE had died at Winscombe, Somerste.  On retiring from the position of Inspector of School with headquarters in Queenstown, Dr. LOGIE, with Mrs. LOGIE and son, left in 1922 to reside in England.  The built a home in Winscombe, where they have resided ever since.  The unexpected news of the death of Dr. LOGIE will be received with regret by the many friends of deceased and Mrs. LOGIE, who both took a keen interest in the welfare of Queenstown during the years they spent here.

Tuesday, February 14, 1928

LOGIE.-  Died at Winscombe, Somerset, England, on the 11th February, 1928, Dr. T. LOGIE.

Wednesday, February 15, 1928

MAGILL.-  On the 13th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Jack MAGILL, of Krom River, a son.  Both well.

Local & General
Mr. John McNALLY, whose death at the age of 74 is reported from Pilgrim’s Rest, Transvaal, was the owner of the local newspaper there, the “Pilgrim and Sabie News.”  Mr. McNALLY was well known in Aliwal North where he resided for many years and where at one time he owned and edited a now defunct paper, the “Northern Echo.”  A compositor by trade, Mr. McNALLY, a South African of Irish decent, was a man of forceful personality who soon became a factor above the ordinary in whatever  community he settled.

Thursday, February 17, 1928 (as on paper)

MAGILL.-  on the 13th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Jack MAGILL, of Krom River, a son.  Both well.

LINDSAY-LOVEMORE.- Married at Queenstown on the 15th inst., Kathleen Mary, youngest daughter of the late H.E. and Mrs. LOVEMORE, of Queenstown, to Kenneth Andrew LINDSAY, only son of the Hon. Mr. And Mrs. W.P. LINDSAY, of 1 Holland Park, London.

Molteno Notes
On Monday the 13th inst., Mr. J. GREYVENSTEYN, son of Mr. J. GREYVENSTEYN of Klipfontein, was married to Miss A. VAN RENSBURG, the stepdaughter of Mr. And Mrs. C. AUCAMP.  The ceremony took place in the Dutch Reformed Church, at 10 o’clock, the Rev. J.F. BOTHA, the local Dutch Reformed Minister, officiating.  After the ceremony the happy couple left for the farm, where they received the congratulations of their many friends and neighbours.

Forthcoming Wedding
Great interest centres in the forthcoming wedding of P.H. VAN ZYL, who is to be married to Miss Elsie OWEN-JOHN of Somerset East, in the Dutch Reformed Church at Somerset East on Wednesday, February 29th, at 11 o’clock.  Mr. P.H. VAN ZYL is the son of Mr. And Mrs. L.J. VAN ZYL, prominent people in the farming world, residing at Klipfontein in the Stormberg district.

Heartiest congratulations are extended to Mr. And Mrs. Gordon MILES, of Banghoek on the birth of a son.  We are pleased to hear that Mrs. MILES and the little fellow are doing famously at the Molteno Nursing Home.

Friday, February 17, 1928

In Memoriam
NICHOLSON.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother and Grannie, who passed away February 15th, 1925.
Ever remembered by her loving daughter Kate, Billie DIEMER and grandchildren.

Estate of the late Aimee Mary Ann GARDINER.  No. 15486...
Executor Dative,

Local & General
The death has occurred of Basil Macdonald HASTINGS, author and playwright.- Reuter.

Thursday, February 23, 1928

Cathcart Notes
The late Mr. John PURDON.
The sudden death of Mr. John PURDON, of Springfield, Waku, came as a shock to residents of town and district.  Feeling somewhat out of sorts, Mr. PURDON had retired early to rest, and it was found in the early morning that he had passed peacefully away in his sleep, death being due to cerebral hemorrhage.  A worthydescendant of the old British Settlers of 1820, the late Mr. PURDON came originally from Bathurst and settled in Waku, where he carried on farming operations for many years.  He was a man of powerful physique and in his younger days took his part in the Kaffer wars, and he could recount many stirring experiences of those campaigns.  He was universally respected in the district, as a man of sterling Christian character and he had few, if indeed, any enemies, and during his long residence in Waku he remained a loyal and devoted member of the Wesleyan Church, frequently officiating in the pulpit with great acceptance as a lay preacher.
The late Mr. PURDON, who had just reached his 78th year, was twice married, and is survived by his widow, four sons and two daughters, all grown up, to whom an all other relatives, much sympathy is extended in their sudden bereavement.
There was a very large attendance at the funeral which took place at Hilton, the Revs. J.A. GILLIS and N.P. ABRAHAM officiating.

Molteno Notes
Heartiest congratulations are extended to Mr. And Mrs. Louis VAN ZYL on the birth of a son.  We understand that both mother and child are doing famously at the Molteno Nursing Home.

Friday, February 24, 1928

WILSON-THOMPSON.-  At Glen Lochy, Elliott, on 14th February, Mr. And Mrs. A. WILSON-THOMPSON (nee Pyllis HAY), a son.

Tuesday, February 28, 1928

GILCHRIST.-  Passed away peacefully at the Umtata Hospital, Sunday, 26th inst., infant child of Mr. And Mrs. A. GILCHRIST (Gipsy WALSH).

Friday, March 2, 1928

In the Estate of the late Nathaniel John ELLIOTT (commontly known as John ELLIOTT), Law Agent, of Lady Frere, No. 17656...
Dated at Cathcart, C.P., this 1st March, 1928.
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

The family of the late H. KERN wish to convey their thanks to friends and relatives for kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes sent during their recent sad bereavement.

Monday, March 5, 1928

WRIGHT.-  Died on the 20th February, 1928, at Winklespruit, South Coast, Natal, Edith Charlotte WRIGHT, widow of the late William WRIGHT, formerly Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Stutterheim, aged 83 years and 6 months.

A Sterkstroom Wedding
A quiet but well attended wedding took place at Sterkstroom last Wednesday, when Dr. PIENAAR of Zastron was married to Miss Lientha VAN HEERDEN, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.J. VAN HEERDEN, of Wilskutsberg, Sterkstroom.
The wedding was solemnised in the Dutch Reformed Church by the Rev. LEYGONIE...

Wednesday, March 7, 1928

The CHAPLIN family
Mrs. CHAPLIN, mother of the film comedians, Charlie and Syd., was born in Capetown;  and several members of the CHAPLIN family are still living in South Africa.  Syd. CHAPLIN entertained a South African uncle in London recently.  This relative was Mrs. Albert CHAPLIN, of Matatiele, a well-known sheep rancher, who is spending a holiday in England.  Syd. Recalled his childhood days in Capetown quite clearly during a chat with his uncle.  Syd and Charlie have another uncle in East London.  It is just possible that Syd. CHAPLIN may visit South Africa again.  He is a film producer as well as a comedian.

Thursday, March 8, 1928

In Memoriam
In Loving Memory of our mother Isabella Kerr McKINNON, who died on 8th March, 1926.  Inserted by her daughters.
MOORCROFT.-  In loving memory of my dear Father who died 6th March, 1925.  Always remembered by Hector.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Matilda Ethel Winifred May COXEN, of Queenstown (No. 17741)...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
P.O. Box 83,

Mr. And Mrs. HART are spending a few days at the Hexagon Hotel.
Mr. HART is the manager of the Ocean Accident and Life Insurance Company.

Monday, March 12, 1928

Local & General
The death has occurred of the Rt. Rev. Francis CHAVASSE, former Bishop of Liverpool.- Reuter.

Tuesday, March 13, 1928

Local & General
News was received by telephone this morning of the death at East London of Mr. T.H. (Harry) MALLETT, of Aliwal North.  Mr. Harry MALLETT was a brother of Mr. C.M. MALLETT, of Queenstown, and for many years he has been associated with the firm of Messrs. MORUM Bros., Ltd., first in Queenstown, and later in Sterkstroom and Aliwal North.  He has been in poor health for some considerable time, and the news of his death was not altogether unexpected.

Wednesday, March 14, 1928

In the Estate of the late Annie Sophia Tocher LESLIE, formerly TOCHER, born FULLERTON, also known as Sophia LESLIE, of Queenstown, No. 17578...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Queenstown, 98 Robinson Road

In the Estate of the late Henrietta DOMONEY, born VAN STADEN, and surviving spouse, John Charles DOMONEY, of Queenstown.  No. 17107...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Queenstown, 98 Robinson Road

Thursday, March 15, 1928

In the Estate of the late John Eric Carlisle LEACH, of Queenstown.  No. 15014...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.

CLOKE.-  On the 15th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. T.D. CLOKE, a bonny son.  Both well.

Cathcart Notes
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Alban’s Church on Monday afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr. H.M. SHARPS, of Anta, and Miss Bernice STEPHEN, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. T.A. STEPHEN, of Braemar...

Friday, March 16, 1928

Sterkstroom Notes
With regret I have to record the death of Miss Susanna LE ROUX on Wednesday last at the early age of twenty years.  The deceased young lady, who resided with her parents at Aliwal North, was on a visit to her relatives here, Mr. And Mrs. THACKERAY, and contracted pneumonia.  She was interred in the local cemetery the following morning.  Our sympathy goes out to her bereaved family.

Local & General
The death has occurred at the age of sixty-nine years of the Right Rev. Wilfred GORE-BROWNE, Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman. – Reuter.

Saturday, March 17, 1928

In Memoriam
In loving memory of our dear Father, William Joseph DIXON, who passed away on 17th March, 1926.
Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.

Dordrecht Notes
We regret to report the death of Mrs. C. HUDSON, nee Ethel WOEST, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Ben WOEST, at Cala on Friday the 9th March.

Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. SCHOLTZ and Mr. And Mrs. Max HUMAN on the birth of baby boys.

Monday, March 19, 1928

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Arthur ANDERSON, of Queenstown.  No. 17377...
Attorneys for Executrix Dative.
P.O. Box 83,

In the Estate of the late Martha Ann THOMAS (born WEBB), widow, of Queenstown (No. 17265)...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.

Local & General
The Rev. W.C. DAKADA, Fourth Provincial of the Anglican Order of Ethiopia died yesterday (Sunday) at 10 a.m.  He is to be buried to-day at Lesseyton at 3 p.m. by the Rector of Queenstown, once chaplain of the Order of Lalaze.

Fireman Killed.
A fireman on the S.A. Railways, John ACKERMANN, of Queenstown, was killed at Molteno yesterday.  Apparently he climbed on to the tender of his engine to prepare to take in water and, on assuming an upright position, was knocked off and killed when the train passed under the bridge which crosses the line.  The body was brought to Queenstown – where his parents live – this morning and the funeral took place at 12 o’clock.

Wednesday, March 21, 1928

Cathcart Notes
A Wedding
One of the largest and prettiest weddings that have ever been witnessed in Cathcart took place on Thursday, the 15th, when Mr. Hugh Broughton ELLA, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. H. ELLA, of Toise River, was married to Miss Viva Ellaleen DELL, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. P.E. DELL, Thomas River.  The Wesleyan Church, in which the ceremony was performed, ....  The service was conducted jointly by the Rev. Frank JONES, of King Williamstown, an old friend of the bride’s family, and the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM, minister of the church...

Friday, March 23, 1928

WALSH-FINN.- Married at Queenstown on the 21st inst., Minnie May, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C. FINN, of Queenstown, to George Baden WALSH, eldest son of Mrs. E. WALSH, Queenstown.

Saturday, March 24, 1928

ALEXANDRA-DICK.- Married at Salisbury, S.Rhosedia, on the 23rd inst. (Nurse) Jean, eldest daughter of  Mr. And Mrs. W. DICK, of Queenstown, to Lionel ALEXANDRA, of Gatooma, Southern Rhodesia.

Monday, March 26, 1928

The engagement is announced between Winifred Louise JAMIESON (Jammie), formerly of Johannesburg, and Sydney John CLUTTEY, also of Johannesburg.

ARNOTT.-  Passed away at the Frontier Hospital on Sunday, 25th March.  George ARNOTT, age 72.  His sufferings are at an end:  he now rests in peace.
MAKIN.-  Died at 9, Jupiter Street, Kensington, Johannesburg, on Sunday, 25th March, 1928, Andrew William MAKIN, beloved husband of Annie MAKIN (nee  McKINNON, of Queenstown).

In the Estate of the late Louisa WILLIAMS (born GAMMIE), formerly of Whittlesea, in the District of Queenstown.  No. 15431...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary

Wednesday, March 28, 1928

WYLDE.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 27th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. E. Truro WYLDE, a son.

Friday, March 30, 1928

MACLEAN-PHILLIPS.-  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 28th inst., by the Rev. J.W. McGAHEY, Kenneth, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. J.K. MACLEAN, of Koonoona, Queenstown, to Eunice, youngest daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. J.L. PHILLIPS, Elands Kraal, Winterberg.

Local & General
The death has occurred of Keble HOWARD, the novelist. – Reuter.

Saturday, March 31, 1928

FROST.-  At “Sunnyside,” on the 30th inst., to Ivy, wife of Vivian FROST, of “Sunnyside,” Waverley, a son.  Both well.

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