The Daily Representative 1925 4 October - December
Thursday, October 1, 1925
GUNN.- On the 29th September, to Mr. And Mrs. H.C.H. GUNN, a daughter.
KIDSON.- At "Rus in Urbe," Lady Frere, 30th September , 1925, to Mr. And Mrs. B.E. KIDSON, a son.
Saturday, October 3, 1925
Local & General
A Double Tragedy.
A terrible double tragedy occurred at Nel's Rust, near Maritzburg, on Tuesday, the victims being two well-known farmers, Reginald and Evelyn MALCOLM, sons of Donald MALCOLM, of Hielands, Nel's Rust, aged 36 and 35 years respectively. Evelyn, who had been shell-shocked and wounded at Delville Wood, went to his room and refused to come out for his meals. Shortly after lunch his brother went in to see him, and immediately afterwards the native boy in the kitchen heard a shot. Going to investigate be found Reginald lying in the passage, shot through the body, and, rushing to report the matter to Evelyn, was just in time to see the other brother fall, shot through the body. He had a shot gun in his hands. By the time help had been summoned, both brothers were dead. They are said to have been the greatest of friends, and there appears to have been no quarrel between them.
Tuesday, October 6, 1925
LANGFIELD.- At Wakelyn, district Queenstown, on 1st October, 1925, Lizzie May, eldest and beloved daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W.G. LANGFIELD, aged 24 years.
Estate of the late Tasti XOXA (No. 7298)...
Attorney for Executor Dative.
Wednesday, October 7, 1925
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Charles George HAY (No. 9128), of Whittlesea, district of Queenstown...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Thursday, October 8, 1925
HAYTON.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on the 7th inst. To Mr. And Mrs. HAYTON (nee Gladys FORWORD) of Salisbury, Rhodesia, a son.
FULLER.- At Queenstown on the 8th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. R.C. FULLER, a daughter. Both well.
Friday, October 9, 1925
BURGESS.- Passed away at Bloemfontein Hospital on the 30th August, 1925, Phyllis Louisa BURGESS, aged 12 years, dearly loved and only daughter of Hendry BURGESS, formerly of Queenstown.
Saturday, October 10, 1925
TWOMEY.- At the Mental Hospital on the 8th instant, to Dr. And Mrs. T.C. TWOMEY, a son.
JOLLY-ASPELING.- At St. Columba's Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, on October 8th, by the Rev. Robert RUSSELL, M.A. Ernest James Strickland JOLLY, only son of Mrs. H. JOLLY, Barberton, Transvaal, to Gwendoline Rex ASPELING, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G.W.R. ASPELING, of Queenstown.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late William Henry HOWELL (No. 8884)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the lat Gavin MacFarlane, FERNIE (No. 9127)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Thursday, October 15, 1925
In Memoriam
VAN STRAATEN.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our loving father, J.F. VAN STRAATEN, who passed away at Johannesburg, 15th October, 1918.
Sterkstroom Notes.
We regret to record the passing away on Sunday of an old resident, in the person of old Mr. Christian POSTHUMUS, at the ripe age of 82 years. The deceased, who was a native of Cradock, came here in the early fifties and has lived here ever since. To his aged wife and family we extend our heartfelt sympathy on their loss.
Friday, October 16, 1925
GODDARD.- Passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital on October 14th, Edwin Robert Vyvyan, beloved infant son of R. And E.H. GODDARD.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Reuben FLETCHER and subsequently deceased spouse Amelia Hannah FLETCHER, of Grey Craig, district of Queenstown. (No. 4850)...
Attorney for the Executors, Elliot, C.P.
In the Joint Estate of the late John MILES (in his lifetime of Rietkuil, in the Division of Queenstown) and surviving spouse Evelyn Eliza MILES, born BARTLETT, widow (No. 5782)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary,
Local & General
The London "Times," of 25th September, contains the following interesting announcement: "The engagement is announced between John Frederick, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. A.J. ADAM, of The Larches, Warlingham, Surrey, and Kathleen Mary, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. T.C.H. PEACOCk, of St. Erth, Warlingham.
Eighty-one Years in South Africa.
An old resident of the Diamond Fields has passed away in the person of Mrs. Anne GARDNER, who was 97 years of age. She came out to South Africa in the sailing vessel Lalla Rookh in 1844, and had been on the Diamond Fields for the past 40 years. Her family comprised four daughters and two sons living, 31 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.
Saturday, October 17, 1925
In Memoriam.
LOVERING.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Sarah LOVERING, who entered into rest on October 17th, 1924.
WOLFF.- In ever loving memory of my darling husband and father, Claude Percival Mitford WOLFF, who died on the 17th October, 1913. Inserted by his loving wife and children, East London.
Monday, October 19, 1925
JOYNES.- Died at Queenstown on the 19th inst., Hedley JOYNES. Sadly mourned by his widow, two children and brother.
Tuesday, October 20, 1925
Local & General
A family Poisoned.
A correspondent of "Die Burger" reports that a farmer, named Andries SWANEPOEL, of the farm Jerusalem, district Schweizer Reneke, with his wife and children drank water which had been dipped up in an empty locust poison tin. The wife and the one little boy died very quickly afterwards and the man and the other two little boys were brought into the village, where one of the boys died last Sunday in hospital. "Die Burger" learns that Mr. SWANEPOEL and the second little boy are making good progress and there is good hope of their recovery. The body of the boy who died in hospital was taken back to the farm and buried beside his mother. "Die Burger" has learned also of a case in which about 24 head of cattle died in consequence of grazing on ground sprayed shortly before to destroy locusts. The farm is between Schweizer Reneke and Vryburg.
Thursday, October 22, 1925
BOWDEN.- Died at the Frontier Hospital, on the 21st inst., Ellen Louisa, widow of the late Lieut. J.T. BOWDEN.
In Memoriam.
TRENNERY.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, T.A. TRENNERY, who passed away 22nd October, 1919. Inserted by his loving wife and children.
Local & General
Boy Electrocuted.
A ten-year-old schoolboy named Dennis NORTH lost his life in tragic circumstances at Sea Point, Capetown, on Sunday afternoon. It appears that the deceased, who resided with his parents at No. 3, Boundary Road, Green Point, while playing with some friends on a roof in Lower Hillside Terrace, accidentally hooked a piece of wire round an overhead electric cable and was electrocuted. Medical assistance was immediately summoned and artificial respiration applied, but life was found to be extinct.
Friday, October 23, 1925
DICKIN.- At Tylden on the 23rd inst. To Mr. And Mrs. H.B. DICKIN, a daughter.
Policeman's Tragic Death.
A fatal accident occurred at Huguenot Station on Wednesday evening, in which Frederick Henry DU PLESSIS, a constable stationed at Stellenbosch, was killed. A number of policeman came by train to Huguenot to participate in a shooting competition. Just as the train was moving out again, DU PLESSIS suddenly seemed to have forgotten something in the carriage. He ran along the platform and fell between the train and the platform. Before the train could be stopped seven carriages passed over him.
Saturday, October 24, 1925
In Memoriam
In loving memory of our dear mother, Emily Ann THOMAS, who fell asleep October 25th, 1924.
Local & General
Drowned in a Drift.
The car of two commercial travellers, W.H. CHAPPLE and C. DAY, stuck in a spruit about four miles from Petrussteyn. A little later the spruit came down in spate as the result of heavy rains, and the car overturned. A nearby farmer and a native extricated DAY, but CHAPPLE was unable to free himself, and he was drowned. The body was recovered on the following morning.
Monday, October 26, 1925
CROZET.- At Queenstown on the 23rd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Louis CROZET, a young golfer.
In Memoriam.
BURGESS.- In loving memory of my dear husband and loving father, Albert BURGESS, who died at Upington 26th October, 1918.
Tuesday, October 27, 1925
In the Estate of the late Ockert Johannes Albertus BOTHA and surviving spouse Magdalena Johanna Catharina BOTHA (born POSTHUMUS), of Queenstown (No. 8546)...
F.A. Visser,
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
Estate of the late Emma Bennetta MARSBERG (No. 8580)...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, October 29, 1925
Friday, October 30, 1925
Local & General
Fatal Fall from Balcony.
At 9.30 on Tuesday morning a middle-aged European was seen to fall from the balcony of the Princess Royal Hotel, Long Street, Capetown, on to the pavement, and when picked up he was dead. A membership card of the Salaried Staff Association, Railways and Harbours, found in his pocket, bore the name R.R. FAULKNER. There was also a letter addressed to the Home of Rest, Durbanville, bearing the postmark Kalk Bay, and signed "your loving son, Eric."
Saturday, October 31, 1925
Bridegroom from Queenstown.
The wedding took place recently at the Dutch Reformed Church, Capetown, of Miss Jessie I. HOWIE, who came out to this country to marry Dr. J.M. VAN SCHALKWYK, son of Mrs. T. VAN SCHALKWYK, of Parys, O.F.S., and a member of the staff at the Queenstown Mental Hospital. Miss HOWIE's parents reside in Buckinghamshire, England. The wedding was performed by the Rev. Mr. JOUBERT, the bride being given away by Dr. Alex DANEEL...
Tuesday, November 3, 1925
Local & General
The engagement is announced of Capt. C.W. MEREDITH, A.F.C., S.A. Air Force, elder son of the late Mr. C.J. MEREDITH, and Mrs. MEREDITH, Kenilworth, Capetown, to Norah, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.T. DAVIDSON, Cofimvaba, Transkei.
Wednesday, November 4, 1925
COCKIN.- Passed peacefully away at Retreat, Dewetsdorp, on November 2nd, Charlie COCKIN, aged 50 years and 5 months.
SWAN.- At the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, to-day Wednesday, 4th November, Charles SWAN, in his 31st year. Funeral from St. Michael’s Church to-morrow (Thursday) at 4 p.m. All friends invited.
Thursday, November 5, 1925
Estate of the late John MARCO, of Queenstown, who died at Sikosi, Chios, Greece. (No. 3897)...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Estate of the late William John SCOTT, of Queenstown, who died in Rhodesia on the 28th day of January, 1909 (9137)...
George SCOTT,
Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 38,
Queenstown, C.P.
Friday, November 6, 1925
Estate late Annie Edkins POPE, widow, of Queenstown (6859)...
Executor Testamentary.
Magistrate’s Office, Upington.
PEARS.- Passed peacefully away on the 1st inst. At his home near Wolvehoek, O.F.S., George Ashcraft PEARS, aged 80 years and 9 months.
Monday, November 9, 1925
Local & General
A Wireless Tragedy.
A pathetic story was told at the inquest concerning the death of Mary, the three-year-old daughter of James BOYD, a Customs officer at Port Elizabeth. Giving evidence, the father, who is a wireless enthusiast, described how on Monday afternoon last the little girl followed him to his wireless room. He did not take any notice of her until he looked around and saw that she had upset some cyanide of potassium over herself. It was contained in jars in a box and was standing on a packing case. Witness immediately caught hold of his daughter and telling her not to swallow and to spit, ran to the bath with her. He turned the tap on and endeavoured to was the cyanide off, and then took the child to her mother. He got some salt water and milk, in order to try to make the child vomit. He went to the Government veterinary surgeon’s office and asked him to phone for a doctor. Several doctors were tried but none was available, so the child was taken to the hospital, where she died the same day. A verdict of death due to asphyxiation was returned.
Wednesday, November 11, 1925
Estate late Daniel Wilhelmus SCHOEMAN, of Gretna, Sterkstroom (9257)...
Box 19, Sterkstroom.
(Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Estate late William Jacobus LOMBARD, of Queenstown (No. 6580)...
Attorney for the Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Local & General
Phone Camp Tragedy.
Another drowning fatality occurred at Umzimhlava River on Sunday morning, near a slippery drift. The victim, G. HALLBECK, a European of the telephone construction camp, went bathing with two comrades, HARDWICK and TAYLOR. HALLBECK wore an old pair of trousers and boots, and went in first to test the depth, wading out until the water reached his armpits. A second later he disappeared, then came to the surface shouting for help. HARDWICK swam to his assistance, but was pulled under by the drowning man on two occasions, until obliged to loose his hold, and HALLBECK sank for the last time. A youth named BRAMFIELD dived and secured the body two hours later. A series of drowning fatalities have occurred lately near the same place.
Friday, November 13, 1925
Estate of the late William Robert HART...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Saturday, November 14, 1925
Estate late Johanna Maria Helena DE LANGE, born VAN DER LINDE (No. 8379)...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Monday, November 16, 1925
MARSHALL.- At 7, Porter Street on the 14th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Robert MARSHALL, a daughter.
Tuesday, November 17, 1925
HEYDENRICH.- Died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. C.V. WELCH, Queenstown, Robert Charles HEYDENRYCH, formerly of Port Elizabeth, aged 77 years 8 months. (Surname spelled differently)
Wednesday, November 18, 1925
BREETZKE-DIXON.- At St. Michael’s and All Angels on Wednesday, 18th November by the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN, Albert Arthur BREETZKE, to Elizabeth DIXON.
Monday, November 23, 1925
BAXTER-LAWLOR.- At the Sacred Heart Church, Queenstown, on Tuesday, the 17th inst., by the Rev. Father GATELY, Owen BAXTER, of Askeaton, to Sabina Quigly, second daughter of H.G. LAWLOR, of Cofimvaba.
CHRISTMAS.- Died suddenly at Nelspoort Sanatorium, on the 19th inst., in his 21st year, Charles James, beloved son of Joseph CHRISTMAS, Kenilworth.
Wednesday, November 25, 1925
In Memoriam
JACOBY.- In loving memory of our dear dad, F.W. JACOBY, sen., who passed away on 25th November, 1923.
Your loving children Bert and Dora.
In loving memory of my dear husband and loving father, F.W. JACOBY, who died on the 25th November, 1923.
Inserted by his loving wife and family.
Estate of the late Frederick William SIMPSON and surviving spouse, Helena Emilie Henriette SIMPSON (born STOCK)...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
27, Terminus Street,
East London
Thursday, November 26, 1925
In Memoriam
MUTCH.- In memory of my husband and father, C.R. MUTCH, who died 26th November, 1922. Inserted by wife and family.
MUTCH.- In loving memory of our dear dad, Charles Robert MUTCH, who died on November 26, 1922.
Fondly remembered by Evelyn, Connie and Neil.
Friday, November 27, 1925
Death of Mr. Fred R. SOUTHEY
Ex-Manager, Standard Bank.
Steynsburg, Thursday.
Mr. Fred R. SOUTHEY, of Thebus Waters, Steynsburg, passed away yesterday afternoon. Deceased, who was in his 82nd year, was for many years manager of the Standard Bank at Somerset East, and when he retired some 17 years ago took up farming in this district in conjunction with his son. The late Mr. SOUTHEY was a prominent Freemason and at all times liberally supported the cause. – Reuter.
Wednesday, December 2, 1925
GORDON.- At 12, Victoria Road, Queenstown, on the 2nd December, to Mr. And Mrs. N. GORDON, a daughter. Both well.
BROUGH.- At Queenstown on 1st December, to Mr. And Mrs. D.J.A. BROUGH (nee Lily KEAN) a lovely son. Both well. Thanks to doctors.
Estate of the late Edward George Whitchurch VINCENT and surviving spouse, Agnes Maria VINCENT (No. 8196)...
Agnes Maria VINCENT,
Executrix Testamentary.
c/o Standard Bank,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Local & General
The death has occurred of Lieut.-Colonel Gerald SUMMERS, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Somaliland. – Reuter.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Margaret MORGAN (born FARQUHARSON), widow of the late Edward James MORGAN (No. 3117)...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Paul Adolphus MARSBERG and surviving spouse, Annie Catherine MARSBERG, of Queenstown (No. 4801)...
Solicitor For Executrix Testamentary,
Chancery Lane, Smith Street, Durban.
Local & General
Mr. Noel H.V. COGILL, of the 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, will marry Miss Francis RAILL, daughter of Major-General Sir Herbert and Lady RAILL, at Folkestone, on the 12th inst. Mr. COGILL is the son of Mr. W.H. COGILL, at one time manager of the Queenstown branch of the African Banking Corporation.
Friday, December 4, 1925
BROWN.- At the Molteno Nursing Home on the 25th November, the wife of C.H.B. BROWN (nee Eileen MACLEAR), of a daughter.
ROSS.- At Bolotwa, on the 28th November last, Jessie, second daughter of the late Henry ROSS of Fairfield, district Queenstown.
Local & General
The death occurred at Tamboers Kloof Nursing Home, Capetown, yesterday evening of Mr. P.G. MYBURGH, member of the Porvincial Council of Swellemdam. The deceased was a well-known and highly respected resident of Bredasdorp, over which district his sudden death has cast a spell of gloom.- Reuter.
Satuday, December 5, 1925
Local & General
All connected with racing in East London (says the “Dispatch”), will learn with regret of the death of Mr. Archie ADAMS, which occurred in Bloemfontein, to which place he had been forced to retire owing to coastal conditions not suiting his health. “Archie” was probably the most popular bookmaker that ever took up in East London, and certainly operated on a larger scale than any other. It was largely due to his efforts that the East London Tattersall’s was brought into being. Popular in racing circles, Mr. ADAMS was respected and untimely end will be greatly regretted all over the Union. He was only 45 years of age, and a married man.
Tuesday, December 8, 1925
Married.- At Lilyvale, by the Rev. G.H.P. Jacques, M.B.E., Cecil B. PRICE, of Bushby Park, and Ruby E. BOWES, only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. BOWES.
Local & General
The death took place at Penryn, Cyphergat, yesterday afternoon of Mrs. W.B. BROWN after an illness of some weeks. The deceased lady was the elder daughter of the late Sir Bisset BERRY. Kt. She was a resident in Queenstown for many years and has many friends her, all of whom will join in expressing sympathy to the bereaved husband and family in their great sorrow. The funeral takes place to-morrow morning from her late residence in Ebden Street at 10.30.
Wednesday, December 9, 1925
WILLIAMS.- Died suddenly, December 6th, at the residence of his sister, Mrs. W.R. LANE, Queenstown, Thomas P. WILLIAMS. Dearly mourned.
Mr. And Mrs. LANE wish to thank all friends for kind expressions of sympathy and for floral tributes sent.
Johannesburg Tragedy
Two Children Still Living
VAN DER BERG, the railway employee who is alleged to have shot his four children at Hospital Hill (Johannesburg) last night, appeared in the Magistrate’s Court to-day. Two of the children are still alive but unconscious, the other two having succumbed. The case was remanded until the 21st inst.- Reuter.
BROWN.- At “Penryn,” Cyphergat, on December 7th, Gwendoline Phelps, beloved wife of W.B. BROWN.
Thursday, December 10, 1925
Sterkstroom Notes
We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Percy STIDWORTHY, following an operation to his skull in the Johannesburg Hospital on Saturday last. Deceased who is a brother of our worthy townsman, Mr. Joe STIDWORTHY, was formerly a resident here, carrying on a business trade and later took up farming at Grassmead, Vereeniging, for a number of years. A necrosis in the cerebellum, necessitating two operations some years ago at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, which in later years required still further surgical treatment, with the result stated. We express our sincere sympathy to Mr. And Mrs. SIDWORTHY and the widow of his deceased brother in the bereavement they have sustained.
Friday, December 11, 1925
TORR- At Edenvale, Glen Grey, on the 2nd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. N.E. TORR, a daughter. Both well.
Local & General
His many friends will regret to hear that Mr. Joe MANNING of East London dropped dead this morning whilst dressing in his room. Mr. MANNING was head of the well-known firm of motoring engineers, MANNING and PATTERSON, Ltd., of East London and Queenstown. We understand that death was due to haemorrhage of the brain.
In the Estate of t he late Andrew Solani McITEKA, of Lablangupo Location, in the district of Queenstown (No 1161)...
Attorneys for Executor Dative,
Saturday, December 12, 1925
FILMER.- At Mapassa Poort, Tylden, on the 10th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Gerald FILMER, twins, a boy and a girl. All three well.
Tuesday, December 15, 1925
MILES.- Passed peacefully away at her residence, Sterkstroom, on the 14th December, 1925, Erilda (Rillae), beloved wife of R.L. MILES. Aged 61 years 8 months.
Wednesday, December 16, 1925
Wedding Bells
The most fashionable wedding for a very long time past took place on Wednesday, 25th November, at 3 p.m., when James HARE was married to Miss Dinah WINNAAR of this town. The ceremony took place in the Roman Catholic Church, the service being conducted by the Rev. Father GATELY...
Thursday, December 17, 1925
SOBEY.- At Queenstown on the 16th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. F.G. SOBEY, a son, both well.
HOLLIDAY.- On the 16th inst., at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. And Mrs. Cecil HOLLIDAY, a son.
SUTHERLAND-WYLDE.- Married at St. Michael’s and All Angels on the 16th December, by the Rev. W.A. GODDWIN, assisted by the Rev. HARRISON, Thomas (“Toy”) SUTHERLAND to Doris Maud, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.F. WYLDE, of Queenstown.
In the Estate of the late Willem Jacobus NIEUWVELDT (No. 7699), of Sterkstroom...
Dan J. DE WET,
Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 6,
Estate of the late Ann EDWARDS (born TUERSLEY), widow, of Sterkstroom (No. 7428)...
Dan J. DE WET,
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
Friday, December 18, 1925
MALLETT.- On the 17th, at 31, Dugmore Street, to Mr. And Mrs. G.J. MALLETT (nee Catherine BRYCE), a son. Both well.
In the Estate of the late John Benjamin LEACH, of Queenstown (No. 174/147/2988/20)...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Sterkstroom Notes
We regret to record the death of a very estimable lady, Mrs. Rillie MILES, wife of our esteemed townsman, Mr. R.L. MILES, of Lytham, which sad event took place on Monday morning last at her residence, Lombard Street, at the age of 61 years and seven months. Of a quiet and unassuming nature, she endeared herself to all who had the privilege of her acquaintance, and to the poor and necessitous, of whatever colour, class or creed, she always extended the hand of charity with unselfish magnanimity in a life so full of usefulness and nobleness. It was Mrs. MILES’s wish to be buried at Hilton, where both Mr. And Mrs. MILES resided for many years, and where her two sons died, and her wish has been fulfilled, her remains being taken thither on Monday evening. To Mr. MILES and his family we join with a wide circle of friend in extending our sympathy in the sad loss they have sustained.
Tuesday, December 22, 1925
DE BRUIN-DEWING.- Married at the Wesleyan Church, Queenstown, on the 16th December, 1925, by the Rev. G.H.P. JACQUES, M.B.E., Herman, younger son of Mr. H.J. and the late Mrs. DE BRUIN, of Queenstown, to “Nettie,” youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R.W. DEWING.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Gwendoline Phelps BROWN, born BERRY, of “Penryn,” Cyphergat, district Molteno (No. 9834)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, December 24, 1925
HADDAD.- At Queenstown on the 22nd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A. HADDAD a son. Both well.
In Memoriam
BURT.- In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear daddy (Ted BURT). Ever remembered.
BURT.- In loving memory of dear old Ted. Inserted by Ellen.
BURT.- In loving memory of our dear brother Ted. Inserted by Jen and Mark.
MYBURGH.- In loving memory of our dear sister Violet Rebeccah Matilda, who passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital on the 23rd inst. Inserted by Mary and Alfred.
MYBURGH.- In loving memory of our dear sister Violet Rebeccah Matilda, who passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital on the 23rd Inst. Inserted by Ella and Chris.
MYBURGH.- In loving memory of our dear sister Violet Rebeccah Matilda, who passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital on the 23rd inst. Inserted by Bert and Gussie.
MYBURGH.- In loving memory of our dear child Violet Rebeccah Matilda, who passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital on the 23rd inst. Inserted by Father and Mother.
Estate of the late Lawrence SCOTT, of Queenstown (No. 119/686)...
Executors Testamentary
Mayoral Marriage
Tarkastad’s Chief Citizen Weds
Tarkastad, Wednesday.
This morning the Mayor (Mr. R.A. ROBB) was married at the Presbyterian Church to Kathleen, younger daughter of Dr. R.D. MacLENNAN. A large number of town and country residents were present at the ceremony and afterwards at the reception in the Town Hall...
Tuesday, December 29, 1925
HADDAD.- At Queenstown on the 22nd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A. HADDAD a son. Both well.
MYBURGH.- Passed away at the Frontier Hospital on the 23rd inst. Our dearly loved sister Violet.
Inserted by Annie and Sonny.
Thursday, December 31, 1925
WYCHE.- At Queenstown on the 23rd to Mr. And Mrs. C.R. WYCHE, a son.
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