Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1826 - 4 - October - December
Friday, October 6th, 1826. Vol. XX1, No. 1082.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
29th September – Jessie, English Ship, T. WINTER, Master, from London and Guernsey, 18th and 27th July, cargo 1000 Quarters of Wheat, for this Port.
Passenger – Mr. CARFRAE.
1st October – City of Bordeaux, English Brig, J.ALEXANDER, Master, from Algoa Bay 23d September, cargo Colonial Produce, for the Port.
Ditto – Morning Star, English Bark, W. BUCHAN, Master, from Ceylon 8th August, bound to London, cargo Spices.
Passengers – Lieut.-Colonel PATTERSON, Major AUDAIN, Lieutenants DWYER and PICKARD, Dr. DWYER, Mrs. LUSIGNAN and Family, and Miss AUDAIN.
Ditto – Exporter, Ditto Bark, R. BULLEN, Master, from Weymouth 23d July, bound to Calcutta, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Dr. RAINSFORD, Mrs. BULLEN, and Miss A. COX.
2d – Alexander, Danish Ship, J. RABE, Master , from Copenhagen 14th July, for this Port, Mauritius, and Batavia, cargo 1200 Quarters of Wheat, and 900 Barrels of flour.
Passengers – Capt. HORSSMAN, Rev. – JOASSEN, Messrs BOEK, HANSEN, MAIER, and RELLING; Serjeants PAULSEN and FOGT; Mr. and Mrs. HOHLENBERG, and Dr. VOIGT.
Ditto – Edgar, American Schooner, R. JOHNSON, Master, from New York 17th July, cargo flour and Tobacco, for this Port.
4th – Alexander Adam, English Schooner, A. PETER, Master, from Lima 18th July, cargo a few Sundries.
Ditto – Ellen, English Brig. C. CAMPER, Master, from Plymouth 15th July, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – The Rev. Mr. GOODISON, Military Chaplain, Lieutenants FLEMMING and VINCENT, and Ensign PHIBBS, His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, and Mrs FLEMMING and Child.
5th – Ceylon, English Bark, Francis DAVISON, Master, from Gravesend 9th July, bound to Ceylon, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Lieutenants PHELAN, T.PHELAN, KEOGH, and KEEN, Ceylon Corps, and 1 Servant.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
30th September – George, Coasting Sloop, G. THOMSON, Master, for the Breede River.
1st October – Madras, English Ship, C. BEACH, Master, bound to Calcutta, cargo Sundries.
4th – Exporter, English Bark, R. BULLEN, Master, bound to Calcutta, cargo Sundries.
5th – Leda, English Bark, J. NORTHWOOD, Master, bound to New South Wales.
Ditto - Morning Star, W. BUCHAN, Master, for England.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay
4th Oct – Calista, English Bark, R. ROBERTSON, Master, bound to Mauritius, cargo Horses, &c. from this Port.
Ditto – [Castle Forbes], English Ship, J.W. ORD, Master, bound to Madras and Bengal, cargo Ordnance, &c. from London.
Arrival at Port Beaufort.
27th Sept. – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, from Table Bay 18th September, cargo Sundries and 2 Servants for Mr. [H]ARRY
The Brig M[artha], J. DOBSON, Master, with timber from Mossel Bay, went ashore in Struis Bay on the 24th September, and is totally wrecked. The crew and passengers have been saved.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
26th Sept. – Orange Grove, Coasting Schooner, A.BURCH, Master, from Table Bay 15th instant, cargo Sundries.
Ditto. – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Table Bay 17th instant, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Miss CRAWFORD, Messrs. RUTHERFOORD, ROBERTSON, VAN ECTVELDT, and 4 Steerage Passengers.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay.
23d Sept. - Mary Ann, English Ship, - MCDONNELL, Master, bound to St. Helena and London.
In the Reformed Church, on Monday the 2d October.
Mr. Petrus Johannes REDELINGHUYS, to Miss Jacoba Alida BOTHA.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 1st October, 1826,
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of James ALLEN, baptized Thomas.
A Daughter of the late G. SMITH, baptized Ann Elizabeth.
On the 3d October.
A Son of Captain NICHOLSON, His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Robert Edward.
In the Reformed Church, on Friday, 29th September
A Son of D.A. MULLER, baptized Roeloff Albertus.
A Son and four Daughers of Jan RUTGERS, baptized Nicolaas, Hendrikje, Alida Cornelia, Grietje, and Cornelia Margaretha.
A Daughter of J.J. LE SUEUR, Esq. baptized Johanna Egberta.
A Daughter of A.P. HERHOLDT, baptized Anna Catharina Dorothea.
A Daughter of F.JORDAAN, Ls. Baptized Antoinetta Margaretha Maria.
A Daughter of Wm. MATTHEWS, baptized Betzy Susara Johanna.
Likewise the following Adult Persons: - Jan Ericus Johannes KANNEMEYER, - Pieter Johan LAZEE, - Jacobus Hendrik WEWER, - Christina Dorothea CHRISTIAANSE, - Sara Aletta Johanna KANNEMEYER, - Mina Elisabeth ADAMS, - Geertruyda Carolina ADAMS, - Dina Maria ADAMS, - Elsje Johanna, -Johanna Catharina Helena BESTER, - Maria Catharina CHRISTIAANSE, - Elisabeth Catharina ERNTZEN, - Elisabeth Willemina Maria, -and Rosina ARENTZE, - all of the Cape; also Sara, of Madagascar, Prize Apprentice in the service of M. BERGH.
In the Sub-Drostdy of Clan William, by the Ref. GEORGE THOM, D.D. on Thursday the 14th September, 1826.
A Daughter of P.W. LUBBE, baptized Johanna Maria.
A Son of C.A.J. BURGER, baptized Alewyn Johannes.
A Son of A.J. VAN HEERDE, baptized Schalk Willem.
A Daughter of N.A. SPRUIT, baptized Hester Adriana Margaretha.
On Sunday the 17th Sept.
[There may be an entry or two missing here – bottom of page is cut off in photo]
A Daughter of P.J. SMIT, Esq. baptized Hester Helena.
A Son of E.H. WOLFAARD, Esq. baptized Alert George Sebastiaan.
A Daughter of J. FOSTER, baptized Jane Elisabeth Johanna.
A Daughter of F.J. LUBBE, B.Ps. baptized Johanna Maria Jacoba.
A Daughter of W.J. VAN WYK, Gs. Baptized Martha Maria Jacoba.
A Daughter of G. NIEUWOUDT, Js. Baptized Johanna Ernetta Hendrietta.
A Daughter of J.G. SANDBERG, baptized Christina Magdalena Cicilia.
A Son of A.E. BOTA, baptized Gert Albertus.
A Daughter of A.G.J. VAN WYK, baptized Christina Hester.
Two Sons of J.J.S. KOOPMAN, baptized David and Jan Johannes Stephanus.
A Daughter of C.J. MOUTON, baptized Geesje Helena.
A Son of F.J. BRAND, baptized Frederik Johannes.
A Daughter of I.J. VAN DER MERWE, Ns. Baptized Hester Sophia Jacoba.
A Daughter of J.J. VAN ZYL, Ps. Baptized Elisabeth Maria.
A Son of W.J. VAN WYK, baptized Willem Jacobus.
A Son of Mr. H.C. NIEUWOUDT, baptized Ernst Hendrik.
A Son of M. KOOPMAN, baptized Michiel Stephanus.
Two Sons of C.L. VAN ROOYEN, baptized Barend Jacobus and Cornelis Lodewyk.
A Son of C.J.B. KOOPMAN, baptized Christiaan Nicolaas.
A Daughter of J.H. VAN ROOYEN, baptized Helena Margaretha.
A Daughter of D.W. VAN ROOYEN, baptized Johanna Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of S.W. LUBBE, baptized Sophia Christina
A Daughter of G. ECKHARD, baptized Maria.
A Daughter of Margaretha Johanna KOOPMAN, baptized Hanna Jacoba Louw.
A son of W.J. VAN WYK, baptized Michiel Stephanus.
28th September – Helena Maria Carolina KARSTE, aged [10/16] years.
30th – A Son of Mr. Geo. KILGOUR, named James Augustas William, aged 18 months and 7 days.
1st October –An Infant Son of Mr. Gysbert Reitz.
Ditto – A Daughter of the late Alex. Burrel LAING, named Margaret Jane, aged 5 years and 4 months.
3d – An Infant Son of Ellen JACOBS.
4th – Willemina PAASSCHEN, aged 82 years.
Ditto – A Son of C.J. LUYT, named Daniel COENRAAD, aged 22 months and 12 days.
5th – A Son of Wm. JACOBSZ, Gs. named Willem Johan, aged 17 months.
The Board of Orphan Masters, in their capacity of Testamentary Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. Maria Cornelia VAN DER RIET, Widow of the late Willem Stephanus VAN RYNEVELD, Esq, will sell by Public Auction, on Tuesday the 11th October next, on account of the said Estate, -
Lot 1 – A House and Premises, with Store and Stables adjoining, situate at the corner of Boom-Street and Buitenkant.
Lot 2 – A House and Premises, situate at the corner of Booms-street and Coffee-Lane.
Lot 3 – Two Houses and Premises situate in Coffee-Lane.
These three Lots will first be put up separately, and afterwards in one Lot, by the afslag only; and the whole of the purchase money may be held on interest by the purchaser or purchasers (if required) for five years certain, provided good and satisfactory security be given to the Orphan Masters previous to the execution of the transfer.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
September 14, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
Warning – ALL Persons who have given Watches or Clocks to the late Pieter Francois FRUY, which as yet have not been returned to them, are informed that one Month from this date will be given to prove their right of property, by calling at the Orphan Chamber.
The Secretary of the Board is qualified to deliver the Watches, Clocks, &c. to the Persons to who they respectively belong; but those not claimed before the stipulated period will be sold as the property of the Deceased.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
28th September, 1826
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
The Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters in the district of Worcester, J.G. ASPELING, Esq. duly authorised, will dispose of, by Public Auction, on the 6th and 7th of November next, at the Place Elandsfontein, situate in the Onder Reggeveld, for account of the Estate of the late Gert Matthys NEL, Js. And his surviving Widow Hendrina Cecilia STEENKAMP, Household Furniture, one Waggon, addle, and Breeding Horses, Draught Oxen, and Breeding Cattle.
Orphan Camber, Cape of Good Hope,
20th September, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
Friday, October 13th, 1826. Vol XX1. No. 1083.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
9th October – Britannia, English Big, W. FERRIS, Master, from Gravesend 4th July, cargo Sundries, for this Port and Mauritius
Passengers – Drs. URQUHART, ST. LEGER, LIGHTFOOT, SMITH, LESLIE; Ensign REYNOLDS, H.M. 49th Regiment, Mr. HARRISON, Mrs. O’BRIEN and Child.
10th – Ionia, Ditto Brig, W. FURNELL, Master, from Liverpool 21st July, cargo Sundries, for this Port and Mauritius.
Passenger – Mr. LOLLY.
Ditto – George, Coasting Sloop, J. THOMSON, Master, from the Yzer Fontein 9th instant, cargo Salt, for the Port.
11th – Ann, English Schooner, J. BUNKER, master, from a whaling voyage, cargo 200 Barrels of Oil; put in for refreshments, and the crew being a mutinous state.
12th – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Port Elizabeth 7th instant, cargo Colonial Produce, for this Port.
Passengers – Messrs. BATHURST and DAYSON, a Serjeant and two Privates of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
7th October – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J.PAGAN, Master, cargo Sundries, for the Breede River.
9th – Success, Ditto, Geo. SMITH, Master, for St. Helena, cargo Sundries and Sheep.
Ditto – Buffon, French Brig. J. DUCOM, Master, for the Isle of Bourbon and India, cargo Sundries.
11th – Ceylon, English Bark, f. DAVISON, Master, cargo Sundries, for Ceylon.
Ditto – Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, for Buck Bay.
12th – Duke of Gloster, English Schooner, S. AMM, Master, for Port Elizabeth, cargo Sundries and Sheep.
Arrival in Algoa Bay.
3d October – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, William MCLEOD, MASTER, from Table Bay 25th September, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Messrs. THOMPSON, VAN EYK, LUYT, and SIMPSON.
Arrival in Mossel Bay.
1st October – Ann, English Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, from Port Natal and Algoa Bay, 21st and 28th September, bound to this Port, to load Timber.
In the Reformed Church, on Saturday the 7th October.
Lieutenant William STEELE (half-pay) of His Majesty’s 50th Regiment. To Miss Anna Catherina LANGERMAN.
On Sunday the 8th October.
Johannes JOBSEN, to Hilletje SCHIETEKAT Widow of the late Arie DE JONG.
On Thursday the 12th October.
Mr. Cornelis Breevilt SCHUITEMAKER, to Miss Wilhelmina Magdalena JACOBS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Thursday the 5th October, 1826.
By The Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of W.T. VAN DEN BERG, baptized Lambertus Petrus Johannes.
A Son of S.J. JORDAAN, Ls. Baptized Louis Johannes Jacobus.
A Son of Apploon VAN DE KAAP, baptized Ernst Christiaan.
A Daughter of Mr. D.G. EKSTEEN, Js. Baptized Geesje Wilhelmina Maria.
A Daughter of J.D. PRINS, Js. Baptized Johanna Maria Carolina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday, 8th October.
A Daughter of D.F.J. KOENSE, baptized Louisa Dina Rosina.
On Wednesday the 11th October.
Two Daughters (Twins) of Mr. J.M. WENTZEL, baptized Christina Carolina and Ann Margareth Elizabeth.
6th October – Florentina VAN DE KAAP, aged 62 years.
7th – An Infant Son of J.W. DE MELANDER.
8th – Mrs. Johanna NIEUWHOUT, Wife of Mr W. WEIDEMAN, Sen. Aged 72 years, 8 months, and 2 days.
Erratum – In the notice of the death of John CONSTABLE, jun. in the Gazette of the 29th September, for “27 years, 7 months, and 25 days”, read “35 years and 7 months”.
Died on the 6th instant, at Zwartland, at the Place of Mr. S.F. DU TOIT, our respected and revered Father, Daniel DU TOIT, Js. aged 63 years.
In the name of the respective Brothers and Sisters.
Died at Copenhagen, on the 11th June, 1825, my Mother-in-Law, the Widow Olsen LOND, aged 75 years, - of which I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
October 10th, 1826. Widow P. LOND, born LELIE.
Friday, October 20th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No.1084
Arrivals in Table Bay.
13th October – Flamingo, Coasting Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, from St. Helena 16th September, cargo of a few Staves, for this Port.
16th- Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, from Buck Bay 15th instant, cargo Lime.
Passengers – The Overseer and two Children of Groote post Farm, a Corporal and two rank and file of the 49th Regiment, and 6 Convicts.
Ditto – Australia, English Ship, W. WILSON, Master, from Portsmouth 27th July, cargo Sundries, for New South Wales.
Passengers – A.W. SCOTT, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. HENDERSON, and 4 Children, and 24 Men, Women and Children, sent out by the Australian Company.
17th – Ann, English Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, from Port Natal 21st September, and Mossel Bay 14th October, cargo Timber, for this Port.
18th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. MCLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay 9th Oct. cargo Colonial Produce.
Passenger – Dr. MAIR. 39th Regiment.
Ditto – Harriett, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from St. Helena 29th September, cargo a few Staves, for this Port.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
15th Oct. – Hetty, English Schooner, J. WILLIAMS, Master, for the Knysna.
17th- George, Coasting Sloop, J. THOMSON, Master, for Dyer’s Island.
18th – City of Bordeaux, English Brig, J. ALEXANDER, Master, for the Breede River and Mauritius, cargo Sundries.
Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
16th October – His Majesty’s Ship Java, (52), Captain John WILSON, from Plymouth, St. Michael’s, and Madeira, the 2d, 15th, and 27th, August, bound to India.
Passengers – Mr. J.W. NOBLE, Cadet, and – DICK, Esq. C.S.
18th – His Majesty’s Ship Alligator, (28), Captain A.D. CHADS, from Madras 17th August, and Trincomalee 1st Sept. bound to England.
Passengers – Colonel GODWIN, H.M. 41 Regiment, Mr. HANBURY, Captain KELLETT, Lieuts. GOLDFINCH and PURVIS, and Mr. WALLER, R.N.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 16th October, 1826.
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Richard BUTLER, to Miss Marcella SHELLY.
In the Reformed Church, on Tuesday the 17th October,
By the Reverend A. FAURE, B.D.
The Reverend William ELLIOT, to Miss Georgina Johanna CALDWELL, youngest Daughter of the late W. CALDWELL, Esq.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
Sept. 25 – Mr. John Penny MANDY to Miss Mary DOUGHERTY.
Sept. 28 – Joseph STICK to Sophia SOUTHEY.
Oct. 3 – William LEATHERN to Mary POULTON.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 15th October, 1826.
By The Rev. GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of Alex. McWILLIAMS, baptized Ann.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 15th October,
By the Reverend J.H. VAN MANGER, V.D.M.
A Son of Mr. C.M. KORSTEN, baptized Hendrik Cornelis Johannes.
A Son of J.A. CALMEYER, baptized Pieter Frederik.
A Son of F.W. SCHIRMER, baptized George Fredrik.
A Son of J.N. VAN WIELLIGH, baptized Johannes Nicolaas Thomas.
A Son of A.J. HENDRIKSE, baptized Jan Adriaan Daniel.
A Daughter of Mr. W.J. MACKRILL, baptized Reinietta Catharina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday, 15th October.
A Son of C.J. BECKER, baptized Fredrik Georg.
A Daughter of Dorothea Elisabeth KLIM, baptized Rosina Rebecca Johanna.
On Thursday the 19th October.
A Son of Mr. J.G. ASPELING, baptized Johannes Edmund Willlem.
In the English Church, at Port Elizabeth, by the Reverend F.McCLELAND, A.B. on Sunday, 1st October.
A Son of E.WARNER, baptized Thomas George.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
Sept. 18 – A Daughter of G.P. LATENGAA, baptized Maria Alettha.
Oct.8 – A Daughter of Mr. R.B. GREEN, baptized Elisabeth Rosina.
Ditto – A Daughter of Serjt. Joseph TURPIN, Cape Corps, baptized Emma.
Ditto – A Daughter of Serjeant-Major George PRICE, Cape Corps Cavalry, baptized Mary.
11th October – Catharina Maria Zwede, Wife of Fredrik LEIMKEULER, aged 54 years, 1 month, and 28 days.
14th – A Daughter of C.M. PEDDER, Esq. named Anna Mary, aged 3 years, 2 months, and 9 days.
Ditto – Helena Jacobs, aged 18 years, 9 months, and 13 days.
17th – Mr. Bartholomeus SCHULTZ, aged 58 years, 8 months, and 7 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of Mr. H.A. SANDENBERG, named Elsabé Antoinetta Jacoba, aged 11 months and 7 days.
Ditto – An Infant Daughter of Maria Jacoba DE GROOT.
At Graham’s Town.
Oct. 3 – Serjt.-Major Joseph PITT, late of the Cape Infantry, aged 45 years.
Port Elizabeth and Mauritius. – The Schooner Flamingo, A. SINCLAIR, Master, will sail for the above Ports in the course of ten days. For Freight or Passage apply to A. CHIAPPINI & Co.
On Monday the 23d instant, (the sale advertised to take place on the 2d instant having been postponed in consequence of the weather,) on account of the Insolvent Estate of Henry DRAY, a house and Premises, with the Buildings thereon, situate behind the Castle; also Household Furniture, consisting in Mahogany Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, a Sideboard, &c. &c.
On Tuesday, the 24th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Marthinus Wilhelmus THEUNISSEN, 2 Bullock Waggons.
Jan Hubertus THEUNISSEN, a covered Waggon.
Thomas THOMSON, 4 Horses.
On Friday the 27th instant, by the Agent at Graham’s Town, in front of the Public Offices, on account of Charles CRAUSE, a Piece of Land, with the Buildings thereon, situated near the Town of Bathurst.
On Saturday the 28th instant, on account of Cornelis VAN BAALIN, a House and Premises situate at Walendorp.
On the same day, by the Agent of Graham’s Town, on account of the Estate of William HOWARD (surrendered under Sequestration), a House, with a proportion of Land, situated in Howard’s Party; also Waggons, Oxen, some Household Furniture, &c. &c.
On Tuesday the 31st instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, the slaves (1) April of Mosambique, Achilles of the Cape, and August of Malabar.
On Wednesday the 1st November, at the Melkbosch, near Blaauwberg, on account of Andries BRINK, As. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration) said Place, with the Buildings thereon; also Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, Implements of Husbandry, &c.; also the Slaves Golia and Lubyn of Mosambique, Jacob and Esan of the Cape, labourers; and (2) Jacob, Rosina, Lys, Leintje, and Allet, all of this Colony.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at 10 0’clock, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons:
Michiel DE KOCK, Ss. two Saddle Horses with Saddles and Bridles.
Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart and 7 Horses.
On Saturday the 11th November, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of J.G. ROSSCHER, a part of the Plot of Ground No.7, Cuyler-street, with the Buildings thereon, situate in the aforesaid Village.
Sequestrator’s Office, October 19, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estates of Willlem Rynhard VAN AS, will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 16th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, Oct. 11, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estates of
Hendrik Francois MELLET, and Johannes Stephanus LE RICHE,
will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days from Monday the 16th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions on this head.
Sequestrator’s Office, Oct. 12, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estates of
Herman Frederick SCHUTTE, and The late Johan Christiaan BAERWINKEL,
will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 23d instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions on this head.
Sequestrator’s Office, October 19, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
The undersigned having granted to his Slave Fortuin, who is by trade a saddler, the privilege of working on his own account during one month, which was last February, and given him a pass to that effect, but he not having made his appearance since that time, hereby gives Notice, that any Person who will lodge him in prison will be handsomely rewarded.
Paarl, October 11, 1826.
Died, on the 3d instant, at Groeneberg, my beloved Wife, Sara Maria FRICK, aged 30 years and 5 months, leaving me with two very young Children to deplore her loss.
Groeneberg, Oct. 3, 1826.
Died on the 12th instant, at Hottentot’s Holland, my beloved Husband, Philip Hendrik MORKEL, aged 66 years and 3 months, - Notice of which is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Widow P.H. MORKEL.
Hottentot’s Holland, October 15, 1826.
All Persons having any Claims against the following Estates administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:
Of the late Thomas LAIDLEY,
- Lucas VISAGE, and predeceased Wife Elizabeth BURGER,
- John B. GORDON,
- Johan Eckard SNIDLER, and surviving Widow Maria STEYL,
- Daniel VAN DEN BERGH, senior,
- Casper Joh. MATTHIE, and deceased Wife Corn Johanna SMALL,
- Johan Christiaan VOGEL, and predeceased Wife Jacomina POTGIETER,
- Gerrit Matthys NEL, and surviving Widow Hend. Cicilia STEENKAMP,
- Pieter Franciscus FRAY,
- Albertus Joh. HERHOLD,
- Ester Elizabeth DU TOIT, and surviving Husband Pieter Francois ROSSOUW,
- Christiaan of the Cape, Slave of Hend. Gabriel WITSCHE,
- Fredrik DE JONGH,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Camber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 12th October, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late
Mrs. Martha Cornelia VAN DER RIET, Widow of Willem Stephanus VAN RYNEVELD, Esq.
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the above Estate are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the same period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 11th October 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
The Undersigned, as thereto duly authorised, will sell publicly, without the least reserve, for account of the Estate of the late Henry ALEXANDER, Esq. On Wednesday the 8th November, at 11 o’clock, at Hottentot’s Holland, an Erf and three adjacent Pieces of Ground with the Buildings thereon, named Knorhoek; also an Erf as aforesaid, situated on this side of Hottentot’s Holland Kloof.
Stellenbosch, October 13, 1826.
For Sale, and may be had at the Whale-fishery of Messrs. VAN HALL, SAPPE, & MUNTINGH, genuine Yellow-wood Planks, by the single one, or large number.
Run away, a Hottentot named Prins Maurits, bound by contract to the Undersigned; whoever lodges him in prison will be liberally rewarded. N.B. He has been seen in the company of Butchers’ Hottentots.
Friday, October 27th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1085.
Friday, October 27, 1826.
It is with much regret we have to communicate the loss of the Ship Britannia, Captain William BOUCHIER, burthen 469 tons, from England, bound to Table Bay, the Isle of France, and India, having struck on a rock, on Sunday last, off St. Helena Bay. The day previous to her reaching the Bay, when in the act of reefing in a gale of wind, a seaman fell overboard from the yard, who succeeded in reaching a hen-coop which was thrown from the ship to his assistance, when a boat was lowered, and the Chief-Mate and four men volunteered to rescue him from his perilous situation, and in which they succeeded; but, melancholy to relate, in returning to the ship a heavy sea struck the boat, it swamped, and all hands perished. After the ship had struck Capt. BOUCHIER immediately put her about, and made all sail for the land, when he succeeded in running her ashore in St. Helena Bay. The passengers were all landed in safety, but did not save their baggage; and we fear the Mails will be lost. We understand the poop and quarter-deck are above water; and every effort will be made to save as much of the cargo as possible, for which purpose the schooner Ann, with boats and every requisite assistance was dispatched yesterday evening. We are happy to be able to state that Mrs. COLEBROOKE, ( the Lady of Commissioner COLEBROOKE,) and the rest of the passengers are well, and are expected to reach Cape Town this evening. The passengers are –
The Britannia left England on the 30th July, and arrived at Madeira on the 12th August.
[ ] from England whose arrival has been so long and anxiously looked for, also took refuge in St. Helena Bay and which she was to leave on Monday last. Her arrival, therefore, may be hourly expected.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
21st October – Sir Francis H. Burton, English Brig, John MARTIN, Master, from Shields 27th July, bound to Calcutta, cargo Coals and Glass.
22nd – Iberia, English Brig, John KIRTON, Master, from the Knysna 17th October, cargo Timber, for this Port.
25th – City of Bordeaux, ditto Brig, put back on account of contrary winds.
26th – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, from Port Elizabeth 24th instant, cargo Colonial Produce, for this Port.
Ditto – Duke of Gloucester, put back on account of contrary winds.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
20th – Ann, English Whaler, J. BUNKER, Master, on a Whaling Voyage.
22d – Ionia, English Brig, J. FURNELL, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
Ditto – Alexander, Danish Ship, J. RABE, Master, for Mauritius and Batavia.
25th – Sir Francis H. Burton, ENGLISH Brig, John MARTIN, Master, for Calcutta.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
20th October – Hetty, English Schooner, J. WILLIAMS, Master, from Table Bay 15th instant, bound to the Knysna.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
26th October – His Majesty’s Ship Alligator, (28), Captain A.D. CHADS, bound to England.
Arrival in Plettenberg’s Bay.
12th October – Orange Grace, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from Algoa Bay 6th instant, in ballast, bound to the Knysna.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
17th October – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, from Breede River 10th instant, cargo Grain for this Port.
Ditto – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Table Bay 7th instant, cargo Sundries for this Port.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 23d October, 1826.
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
Mr. Francis Russell BRETT, to Miss Wilhelmina Elizabeth Johanna ENGELBRECHT.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. GEO. STURT, A.B.
By special Licence.
Oct. 14 – Mr. Nicholas Walleson MEYER, to Miss Susannah ALLEY.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 20th October, 1826.
By the Rev. GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of E. CHRISTIAN Esq. baptized Antoinette.
On Sunday the 22d instant, by the same,
A Daughter of Adam HOWITT, (Passenger per Australia,) baptized Jane.
A Daughter of Robt. NORMAN, baptized Margaret Charlotte
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 22d October,
By the Reverend A. FAURE, B.D.
A Son of D.B. KöHLER, baptized Diederik Benedictus.
A Daughter of J. SLABBER, baptized Maria Johanna Susanna.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 22nd October,
By the Reverend .F. KAUFMANN, V.D.M.
A Son of Mr. C.D.D. VAN RENEN, baptized Christiaan Daniel DIRK.
A Son of J.H.C. REYNERT, baptized Johan Hendrik.
A Daughter of J.J. ARENDS, baptized Ledia Willemina Christina.
On Wednesday the 25th October.
A Son of Mr. L.W.C. BECK, baptized Cornelis.
At Simon’s Town, by the Reverend G. STURT, A.B.
1st October- A Son and a Daughter of J. HASLAM, baptized Edmund and Christiana.
In the Sub-Drostdy of Clan William, by the Rev. George THOM, D.D. on Sunday the 24th September, 1826.
A son of E. HENDRIKS, baptized Heremias Nieuwoudt.
Two Daughters of W.J. VAN ZYL, Ps. Baptized Christina Adriana Alida and Maria Margaretha Geertruida.
Three Sons of J. KOETZé, baptized Andries, Jacobus, and Jan.
A Son of J. FARMER, baptized Johannes Adriaan.
A Daughter of J.G. FARMER, baptized Susanna Sophia.
A Son of J.S. SMIT, baptized Jacobus Stephanus.
Two Daughters of J.J. OBERHOLSTER, baptized Johanna Maria Elisabeth and Maria Elisabeth.
A Daughter of W.P. LOUW, Ws. Baptized Hester Maria Jusina.
A Son of E.A. NEL, Ws. baptized Jan Harmse.
On Wednesday the 27th September
A Son of D.J. STRAUS, baptized Sybrand Gerhardus.
A Son of J.J. STRAUS, baptized Jacobus Coenradus.
A Daughter of J.H. VISAGIE, baptized Geesje Helena Jacoba.
A Son of W.A. VAN ZYL. Js. baptized Willem Adriaan.
A Daughter of N.J. RAS, baptized Elisabeth Cornelia.
A Son of G.A. VAN ZYL, Js. baptized Johannes Albertus.
A Daughter of J.M. STRAUS, Fs. Baptized Catharina Elisabeth.
A Son of F.J. STRAUS, baptized Jacobus Coenraad.
A Daughter of J.S. GOUS, baptized Anna Johanna.
A Daughter of A. VAN WYK, Js baptized Susanna Francina.
A Daughter of G.S. NIEUWOUDT, Js. baptized Alida Joseva.
A Daughter of P. VAN ZYL, Js. baptized Elisabeth Jacomina [Glou]dina.
A Daughter of J.N. REDELINGHUISEN, baptized Cornelia Jacoba.
A Son of R. FRYER, baptized Richard Walter.
A Daughter of ditto, baptized Helena Frances.
A Daughter of J.A. VAN WYK, baptized Susanna Francina.
A Daughter of Mr. J.J. LOUW, Ws. Baptized Jacoba Margaretha.
A Son of D.J. THERON, Ds. Baptized David Fredrik Christiaan.
On Thursday the 28th September.
A Daughter of P.MOSTERT, baptized Maria Wilhelmina.
On Saturday the 30th September.
A Son of Mr. J.G.A. VAN WYK, baptized Gerrit Jacobus Gysbertus.
On Monday the 2d October.
A Daughter of G. NIEUWOUDT, Fs. Baptized Sara Jacoba Debora.
A Daughter of J.D. KOTZE, baptized Francina Jacoba Susanna.
A Daughter of G. VISSER, baptized Geesje Maria Margaretha.
A Son of D.J. ROSSOUW, Gs. baptized Heremias Cornelis.
24t October- Louis MEURANT, aged 53 years, 8 months, and 4 days.
The Widow Jacob THYSSEN intending to concentrate her Affairs on account of advanced age, will sell by Auction, on Monday and Tuesday, the 13th and 14th November, the whole of her Property; consisting in Slaves, Farming Implements, Leaguers. &c.; also her Residence called “Silent”, situated at Paardeberg. District of Stellenbosch; together with the adjoining Quitrent Place, too well known to need any description. The conditions will be very favourable.
M.C. WOLFF, q.q.
N.B. All Persons having any claims against the Widow J. THYSSEN are requested to send them in, with proper vouchers, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted are requested to settle their Accounts within the same period.
October 25, 1826.
Dirk SLABBER wishing to concentrate his Affairs on account of old age, will sell by Auction, on Monday the 20th November next his place, called “Langefontein,” situated behind Groenekloof, Cape District, well known as a good Corn Farm and as being very healthy for Cattle, having abundance of water. The Land is sown with 73 muids of Wheat, Barley, Rye and Oats. Likewise will be sold, some clever Slaves, amongst which are a tailor and a coachman; two teams of waggon Horses, some Mares, draught and breeding Cattle, excellent Milch Cows, Sheep, and what further may be offered for sale.
D.J. ASPELING. Sen. q.q.
Friday, November 3d, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1086.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
26th October – L’Edouard, French Ship, Mons. MALLET, Commander, from Marseilles 8th Aug. bound to Mauritius and Bourbon, cargo Wheat, Flour, and Sundries.
28th – Le du Gueslin, French Brig. Mons. DANGEAU, Master, from St. Malo 25th July, bound to Bourbon, cargo Wines, Brandies, &c.
Ditto – Anne Marie, French Ship, Mons. PELLETIER, Commander, from Bordeaux 18th August, bound to Bombay, cargo Wines and Brandies.
Ditto – Hebe, English Brig, H. ELSTON, Master, from the Downs 3d July, bound to this Port, with a General Cargo.
30th – Melago, French Ship, Mons. SALAUN, Master, from Nantes 9th August, bound to the Mauritius, cargo Wines and 40 Mules.
31st – Brittania, English Brig, J.G. WALKER, Master, from the Downs 31st July, bound to Bombay, with a General Cargo.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
27th October – Emulous, English Brig, T. WELLBANK, Master for the Mauritius.
Ditto – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPHS, Master, for Port Elizabeth.
Ditto – Thomas, Coasting Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, for Port Elizabeth.
Ditto – City of Bordeaux and the Duke of Gloucester sailed again for the Breede River and Port Elizabeth.
27th – Ann, English Schooner, J DUNN, Master, for St. Helena Bay, to assist the Brittania.
30th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, for St. Helena Bay.
31st – Australia, English Ship, W WILSON, Master, for New South Wales.
Ditto – Ellen, English Brig, C. CAMPER, Master, for the Mauritius.
2d November – Rival, English Brig, J. EVENING, Master, for Rio de Janeiro.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
31st October – George, Coasting Sloop, T.R. THOMPSON, Master, from Table Bay 16th instant, bound to Dyer’s Island, cargo Provisions.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
28th October – His Majesty’s ship Java, (52), Captain J. WILSON, bound to India.
Ditto – Hetty, English Schooner, J. WILLIAMS, Master, bound to the Knysna in Ballast.
29th – His Majesty’s Ship Samarang, (28) Capt. D. DUNN, bound to the Isle of France.
Sailed out of Plettenberg’s Bay.
14th October – Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, bound to the Knysna.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 29th October, By the Reverend J.H. VON MANGER, V.D.M.
A Son of Mr. H.H. LOEDOLFF, baptized Johan Hendrik.
A Son of Mr. S.V. VAN REENEN, Fs. Baptized Dirk Gysbert.
A Son of H.P. STAAL, baptized Johan Godlieb.
A Daughter of Mr. W.A. VAN SCHOOR, baptized Anna Tobia Maria.
A Daughter of B. CALMEYER, baptized Helena Petronella.
A Daughter of J.H. HEYDENRYCH, baptized Anna Elisabeth.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 29th October,
By the Reverend F. KAUFMANN, V.D.M.
A Daughter of Mr. J.F. DUSING, baptized Carolina Helena Josina.
26th October – Susanna Jacoba SWEEDE, Wife of T. ARENTS, aged 52 years, 6 months, and 15 days.
31st – A Son of Danie BEETS, named Johannes Christiaan, aged 4 months and 9 days.
2d November – A Daughter of Mr. J.H. MEYRING, named Johanna Fredrica Alida, aged 4 years and 7 months.
On Tuesday 7th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz;
Jan Hubertus THEUNISSEN, one covered Waggon.
Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. A House Clock.
On Thursday the 9th instant, at No. 6 Market-square, on account of the Insolvent Estate of William FORBES, the whole of his effects, comprising Household Furniture, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Shoes and Boots; also some Shoemakers’ Tools, and Leather.
On Friday the 10th instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Thomas THOMSON, (at the Place Rygersdal, Rondebosch,) Household Furniture, comprising Mahogany Dining Tables, Stinkwood and Cane-bottom Chairs, Bedsteads and Bedding, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, a Gig and Harness, Waggons, Carts, A Cow, Implements of Husbandry, &c. &c.
On Saturday the 11th instant, at Papendorp, on account of the Widow KIMPFEL, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) two Houses and Premises, situated as above; also Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe, Looking Glasses, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, a Cart and Harness, Fustage, Horses and Cows; also the Slaves Spasie of Mosambique, and Sara of the Cape.
On Monday the 13th instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of the Widow Geo. Hendrik LINGENFELDER, A House and Store, situated No. 59, Bree-street; Forte, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, Fustage, &c; also a female Slave Dina, of Madagascar.
On the same day and place, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Marthinus Johannes LINGENFELDER, a Bedstead and Bedding, a Silver Watch, and Culinary Utensils.
On Tuesday, 14th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Andries VAN SITTERT, the Slave called Hendrik, of the Cape.
William MOORE, one covered Waggon, two open do. and 8 Horses and Harness.
On Wednesday the 15th instant, at Wynberg, on account of the Insolvent Estate of C.A. WENTWORTH, Household furniture, comprising a Bedstead, Tables, Chairs, a Mahogany Wardrobe, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, Plate, a Horse, Gig, and Harness, a quantity of Medicines, &c. &c. &c.
On Thursday the 23d instant, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of Carel Christiaan GIEBELAAR, at the Scholts Kloof, Field-cornetcy of C. HATTING, Zwarteberg, a Bedstead, 9 Draught Oxen, a Saddle Horse, 3 Mares, some Implements of Husbandry, Fustage, a Quantity of Wood, &c. &c
Sequestrator’s Office, November 2, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Notice. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estate, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
The Widow Hendrik Maximillian KIMPFEL (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement: on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, October 26, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Johan Godfried MOCKE, will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 30th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, Oct, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of The Widow of the late Jan ROSSLEE, will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days from Monday the 30th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions on this head.
Sequestrator’s Office, Oct. 26, 1826
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late Alexander JOHNSTON, and his surviving Widow Elizabeth MACKIE, (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent,) are hereby required to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Office of the Undersigned, within the term of six weeks from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; whilst those who may stand indebted to the above Estate are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the same period, on pain of legal prosecution.
Sequestrator’s Office, 31st October, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Michael Hendrik VAN NIEUKERKEN, Ms. Will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 6th of next month, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, 31st October, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
The Undersigned, as thereto duly authorised, will sell publicly, without the least reserve, for account of the Estate of the late Henry ALEXANDER, Esq. on Wednesday the 8th November, at 12 o’clock, at Hottentot’s Holland, an Erf and three adjacent Pieces of Ground with the Buildings thereon, named Knorhoek: also an Erf as aforesaid, situated on this side of Hottentot’s Holland Kloof.
Stellenbosch, October 13, 1826.
Friday, November 10th, 1826. Vol XX1. No. 1087.
5th Nov. – Eliza Jane, English Ship, R.L. HARE, Master, from Mauritius, 5th October, cargo sugar and Pepper, for England.
Passengers – Mr. G. KILGOUR, Master of the late Brig Venus, Mr. BEDDARD, and Mr. STEFFENS.
6th – Sophia, English Ship, James BARCLAY, Master, from Portsmouth 13th August, with a General Cargo, for Bengal.
Passengers – Dr. and Mrs. O’DONNOGH, Mrs. MAHON, Miss E. JOHN, Messrs. HAY, BURTE, and ASMAN, and 20 Native Indians.
7th – Hon. Comp. Schooner St. Helena, Jas. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, from St. Helena 7th October, bound to this Port, with empty Casks.
Ditto – Dido, Dutch Bark, J. H. SEEPE, Master, from Batavia 10th September, bound to Rotterdam, with Coffee and Tin.
8th – George, Coasting Sloop, J.H. THOMPSON, Master, from Dyer’s Island 7th instant, for this Port, in ballast.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
4th November – Du Gueslin, French Brig, Mons. DANGEAU, Master, bound to Bourbon.
Ditto – Melago, Ditto Ship, Mons. SALAUN, Master, bound to Mauritius.
5th – Flamingo, English Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth.
Ditto – Harriet, ditto Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth and St. Helena.
Ditto - Iberia, English Brig, J.KIRTON, Master, bound to the Knysna.
Ditto – L’Edouard, French Ship, Mons. MALLET, Master, bound to Mauritius and Bourbon.
6th – Anne Marie, French Ship, Mons. PELLETIER, Master, bound to Bombay.
7th - Eliza Jane, English Ship, R.L. HARE, Master, bound to England.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
3d November – Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from the Knysna 28th Oct. bound to this Port, cargo Timber for His Majesty’s Naval Yard.
Passengers – Mr. H. REED, Settler, from Algoa Bay.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
3d Nov. – George, Coasting Sloop, J.H. THOMPSON, Master, bound to Dyer’s Island, cargo Provisions from Table Bay.
Arrival in Mossel Bay.
29th October – Thomas, English Schooner, Richard BUTLER, Master, from Table Bay 27th instant, cargo Sundries.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
31st October – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Table Bay 27th instant, cargo Sundries, for this Port.
Passengers – Messrs. SMITH, URQUHART, LESLIE, and LIGHTFOOT, Army Medical Staff, Lieutenants ROSE. Engineers, Rev. Mr. SHREWSBURY and Family, and Servants, 5 Hottentots, and a Slave Boy.
Ditto – Duke of Gloucester, English Schooner, Simon AMM, Master, from Table Bay 27th instant, cargo Sundries, for this Port.
Arrivals at Port Beaufort.
29th Oct. – City of Bordeaux, English Brig, J. ALEXANDER, Master, from Table Bay instant, in ballast.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 4th November, 1826.
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
By Special Licence.
Mr. Robert SAUNDERS, to Miss Elizabeth Magdalena Susanna MOHR.
In the Lutheran Church, on Monday the 6th November,
By the Reverend F. KAUFMANN, V.D.M.
Mr. Johannes Jacobus WIID, to Miss Theodora Christina STADLER.
At Wynberg, on Friday the 3d November, by the Reverend William WRIGHT, M.A.
By Special Licence.
Mr. William Edward SMITH, to Mrs Hanna, Widow of the late Mr. A.B. LAING.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 4th November, 1826.
By the Rev. GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of George KEKEWICH, Esq. baptized Samuel Blomefield.
On Sunday the 5th November, by the same.
A Daughter of Mr. Wm. HAWKINS, baptized Mary Ann FITZHERBERT.
A Son of Mr. Joseph HODGSON, baptized Charles Hunter.
A Daughter of Francis NIBBS, baptized Mary Ann.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 5th November,
By the Reverend A. FAURE, B.D.
A Son of D.W. HERTZOG, Esq. baptized Johannes Albertus MUNNIK.
A Son of Mr. Vespasias SCHÖNNBERG, baptized Johan Christiaan BRASLER.
A Daughter of Mr J.P.H. FAURE, baptized Anna Fredrica Catharina.
A Daughter of Mr. J.F. DE WET, baptized Elisabeth Catharina Jacoba.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
7th October – A Daughter of W. BERRY, baptized Sophia.
22nd – A Daughter of H.C. VAN RENSBURG, BAPTIZED Susanna Josiena.
Ditto – A Son of Captain A.B. ARMSTRONG, of H.M. Cape Corps, baptized Alexander Thomas.
29th – A Son of M.G. BOEYING, baptized Matthys Martinus.
Ditto – A Daughter of B.S. VAN DER LINDEN, baptized Anna Maria.
27th October. – At Pigot Park, by the Rev. Thos. IRELAND, a daughter of Donald MOODIE, Esq. baptized Catherine Jemima.
31ST October – Christina Heromia SMIT, Widow of the late Joan FAIRBAINX, aged 52 years, 4 months, and 9 days.
2d November – Barbara Cornelia SMIT, Wife of F. SMIT, aged 74 years and 2 days.
5th – MRS. Apolonia Carolina MOCKE, Wife of Mr. Carel HANCKE, aged 44 years, 3 months, and 12 days.
On Saturday the 11th instant, at Papendorp, on account of the Widow KIMPFEL, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) two Houses and Premises, situated as above; also Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe, Looking Glasses, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, a Cart and Harness, Fustage, Horses and Cows; also the Slaves Spasie of Mosambique, and Sara of the Cape.
On Monday the 13th instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of the Widow Geo. Hendrik LINGENFELDER, A House and Store, situated No. 59, Bree-street; Forte, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, Fustage, &c; also a female Slave Dina, of Madagascar.
On the same day and place, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Marthinus Johannes LINGENFELDER, a Bedstead and Bedding, a Silver Watch, and Culinary Utensils.
On Tuesday, 14th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of Andries VAN SITTERT, the Slave called Hendrik, of the Cape.
On Wednesday the 15th instant, at Wynberg, on account of the Insolvent Estate of C.A. WENTWORTH, Household furniture, comprising a Bedstead, Tables, Chairs, a Mahogany Wardrobe, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, Plate, a Horse, Gig, and Harness, a quantity of Medicines, &c. &c. &c.
On Monday the 20th instant, At Hout Bay, on account of J.J. LOURENS, certain Piece of land, with the buildings thereon.
On Thursday the 23d instant, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of Carel Christiaan GIEBELAAR, at the Scholts Kloof, Field-cornetcy of C. HATTING, Zwarteberg, a Bedstead, 9 Draught Oxen, a Saddle Horse, 3 Mares, some Implements of Husbandry, Fustage, a Quantity of Wood, &c. &c
Sequestrator’s Office, November 9, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late Alexander JOHNSTON, and his surviving Widow Elizabeth MACKIE, (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent,) are hereby required to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Office of the Undersigned, within the term of six weeks from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; whilst those who may stand indebted to the above Estate are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the same period, on pain of legal prosecution.
Sequestrator’s Office, 31st October, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Michael Hendrik VAN NIEUKERKEN, Ms. Will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 6th of next month, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, 31st October, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
Notice – All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of John INGRAM, (placed under Sequestration), are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement, on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 9, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
The Undersigned, administering the Estate of John INGRAM, placed under Sequestration, hereby gives Notice, that a Meeting of the Creditors of said Estate will take place at this Office, on Wednesday the 15th instant, between the Hours of eleven and Twelve, in order to hear such Proposals as said INGRAM intends to make, and to resolve thereupon. Those Creditor who do not attend will be considered to have voted with the majority.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 9, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Notice. – Conformable to the 50th Article of the Instructions of the Undersigned, the known and unknown Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of The late Free Woman Rosamond, are hereby summoned to appear at this Office on Monday, the 11th December next, in order to be heard on their behalf with regard to said Estate, when in case of difference respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately, and de plano, - the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estate laying in the meanwhile open for the inspection of the respective Creditors, from Monday the 13th instant.
Sequestrator’s Office, Nov. 9. 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Friday, November 17th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1088
London Gazette, Tuesday, August 15.
WAR OFFICE, Aug. 14.
98th Regiment of Foot – Captain A. NEAME to be Major, by purchase, vice RUDSDELL, promoted; Lieut. A.C. GREGORY to be Captain, by purchase, vice NEAME; Ensign H.W.V. VERNON to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Gregory; and E.O. BROADLEY, Gent. To be ensign, by purchase, vice Vernon, all dated Aug. 15, 1826.
Unattached – To be Major of Infantry, by purchase, Captain J.W. DUNN, from 49th Foot. – 15th August.
Commissariat – To be Deputy Assistant Commissary General, commissariat Clerk C.B. DAWSON, dated 15th July, 1826.
Married, by Special Licence, on Friday the 10th instant, by the Reverend B.C. GOODISON, Chaplain to the Forces, Captain Edward Augustus DANFORD, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment of Foot, to Johanna Catharina, Widow of the late Lieutenant-Colonel GRAHAM, and Daughter of the late R. CLOETE, Esq. of Westervoort.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
10th November – Columbine, English Brig, James TAIT, Master, from Bombay 7th September, cargo Cotton, Silk, and Pepper, for London.
Passengers – Captain SHAW, and Ensign CROCKETT.
Ditto – John, English Brid, G. GRIFFIN, Master, from Port Jackson 31st July, cargo Wheat and Cedar, for this Port, - Mr. ROBERTS, Supercargo.
11th – Achilles, English Bark, J. HENDERSON, Master, from Falmouth 25th August, with a General Cargo, for this Port.
Passengers – Mrs. SMITH and child, Mrs. ALEXANDER, Miss KING, Mr. and Mrs. FEATSCH, Moravians, and Mr. Henry MILLS.
Ditto – Louisa, English Brig, Thos. MACKIE, Master, from Leith 6th August, with a General Cargo, for Calcutta.
Passenger – Mr. Thomas BLYTH.
13th – Ann, English Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, from St. Helena Bay 11th inst. Laden with Wine, Beer, and Sundries, saved from the wreck of the Brittania, and a basket of Letters, chiefly for Bombay.
Ditto – Constance, French Ship, A. GATAU, Master, from Nantes 7th August, cargo 9 Horses, 33 Mules, Wines Brandies, &c. for Bombay.
14th – Royal George, English Ship, W. REYNOLDS, Commander, from Dartmouth 1st September, with a General Cargo, for Calcutta.
Passengers – Mrs. MURCHISON, Mrs. ROBINSON and Child, Mrs. MUNRO, Mrs. REYNOLDS, two Misses SANDBY, and two Misses HANSON; R. MURCHISON, Esq. Hon. Com. Civil Service, Captain MUNRO, Bombay Army, Mr. ROSE, Assistant Surgeon, Mr. BROOKE, Cadet, and four Native female Servants.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
8th Nov. – Jessie, English Ship, T. WINTER, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Brittania, English Brig, W. FERRIS, Master, for Simon’s Bay.
10th – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, bound to St. Helena. – Put back on account of contrary wind.
12th - Edgar, American Schooner, R. JOHNSON, Master, for New York.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
11th November – Brittania, English Brig, Wm. FERRIS, Master, from Table Bay 9th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Government Stores.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
12th Nov. – Catharina Elisabeth, Dutch Ship, J. INGERMAN, Master, bound to Amsterdam, cargo Coffee and Spices, from Batavia.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 12th November,
By the Reverend J.H. VON MANGER, V.D.M.
A Son of J.C. GNADE, baptized August Wilhelm.
A Son of Johanna HENDRIKSE, baptized Martinus Johannes.
A Daughter of J.J. BOSMAN, baptized Catharina Maria.
A Daughter of the late Helena Maria Carolina KARSTEN, baptized Antoinetta Elisabeth.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 12th November,
By the Reverend F. KAUFMANN, V.D.M.
A Daughter of Mr. H.C. DREYER Fs. Baptised Engela.
A Daughter of Mr. J.C. FRISLEW, baptized Sophia Maria Jacoba.
In the Sub-Drostdy of Clan William, by the Rev. George THOM D.D. on Tuesday the 3d October, 1826.
A Daughter of D.J. VERMEULEN, baptized Martha Sophia Johanna.
On Thursday the 5th October.
A Daughter of J. VAN ZYL, Bs. Baptized Martha Maria.
A Son of Mr. L. MARQUARD, baptized Leopold.
A Daughter of Mr. G.W. VAN ZYL, Bs. Baptized Geertruida Cornelia.
A Son of W. ENGELBRECHT, Js. baptized Josias Andries.
8TH Nov. – Johannes Bernardus VAN SOES, aged 54 years and 4 months.
9th – Anna Magdalena STANDER, Wife of L.J. BIANCHI, aged 38 years, 9 months, and 7 days.
10th – An Infant Daughter of J.C. GNADE.
12TH – Martha Maria MOLLER, Widow of the late Hendrik MELLET, Sen. aged 76 years, 5 months, and 8 days.
19th- Mr. Johannes Meyndert CRUYWAGEN, As. Aged 25 years, 7 months, and 20 days.
Ditto – Eva Fredrica CORNELISSE, aged 55 years, 8 months, and 2 days.
Ditto – An Infant Son of Arthur SMITH.
On Thursday the 23d instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Andries VAN SITTERT, the Slave Hendrik of the Cape.
Johan Philip REINHARDT, the Female Slave Fredrika, and her four Children, Thom, Jan, Mary and Christian.
Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. A House Clock.
Jan Hubertus THEUNISSEN, a covered Waggon.
Pieter E. BREVIS, the Slave Maart, of Bougies.
On Friday the 24th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, at her Place at Riebeeks Kasteel, at 10 o’clock, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, and 7 Horses; also the Slave Christiaan of the Cape.
On Wednesday the 29th instant, by the aforesaid Agent, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Jacobus Johannes LUTTIG, Hs. The Slaves Maart and August.
George Erhard SYFFERT, an open Cart.
On Saturday the 2d December, at Papendorp, on account of the Widow KIMPFEL, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) Two Houses and Premises situated as above; also Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe, Looking-Glasses, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, a Cart and Harness, Fustage, Horses and Cows; also the Slaves Spasie of Mosambique, and Sara of the Cape.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 16, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Maria Fredrica BORGWEDEL, Widow of the
late Johannes Christoffel ACKERMANN, will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 20th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, 15th November, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
Notice is hereby given, for the information of those concerned, that the following Estates have been finally settled at the Orphan Chamber, since 1st January, 1824, up to 31st December, 1825 -
Of the late Jacobus ARENDSE
---- Free Black April, of Batavia.
---- Moor Anthony.
---- Rachel Aletta VERMEULEN, and surviving Husband Johs. Gerhs. BENADE.
---- Dorenda of the Cape, Widow of Alexander of Bourbon.
---- Jan DE BRUIN, and surviving Widow Aletta Johanna OOSTHUYZEN.
---- Johanna Helena VOSLOO, and surviving Husband Mattheus Johs DE BEER.
---- Gerrit BROEKHUYZEN, and surviving Widow Wilhelmina Charlotta
---- Johan BIDON.
---- Jacobus Johs. BREDENKAMP, J.Fs.
---- William B[A]CKER
---- Leenderd BORNEMAN.
---- Jan Godlieb BRINK, and deceased Wife Elisabeth KUUHN.
---- George BERNARD.
---- Cornelis Johs. Nics. BESTBIER.
---- Jan BATEMAN.
---- Johan Wichard BRUMMER, and surviving Widow Anna Cornelia
---- Adriana Ventura, Widow of Jan BELLAPASQUA.
---- Daniel Jacs. BLOM, and deceased Wife Susanna Maria Jacoba DU PLESSIES.
---- Elisabeth Christina Wilhelmina BASSON.
---- Joachim Christoffel BOSHOFF, and surviving Wid. Elisabeth Christina SMIT.
---- Jacobus COETZEE, Js.
---- Jan Hendrik COETZEE, and surviving Wid. Johanna Catharina VENTER.
---- Gideon George COERTSE, and surviving Widow Maria Margaretha STRYDOM.
---- Johan Valentyn CUNTZ.
---- Gerrit Abraham COETZE, and surviving Widow Hester Sophia KRUGER.
---- Anthonie CONTENIE.
---- Thomas DAVIDSE.
---- Johannes Esaias DAVEL, and surviving Widow Anna Geertruyda MEYER, (re- opened).
---- John ELLIOT.
---- Johannes Paulus EKSTEEN, and surviving Widow Alida Wilhelmina MUNNIK.
---- Arie VAN ELDYK.
---- George FRENCH.
---- Thomas FRAWLEY.
---- Jacobus Adriaan VORSTER, and surviving Widow Maartje LUBBE.
---- Francois GERMAIN.
---- Coert GROBBELAAR, and deceased Wife Louisa PIENAAR.
---- Daniel Jacobus GROENEWALD, Js.
---- Maria Elisabeth GOOR, Widow of Jan Julius GREEBE.
---- Johan Wilhelm Ludwig GEBBARD.
---- Dirk Arnoldus GRYLING, and surviving Widow Rachel POTGIETER.
---- Maria Christina KORFF, and surviving Husband Willem GROBBELAAR, Sen.
Of the Late Willem GROBBELAAR, Senior.
---- Johannes Hendrik HATTINGH, and surviving Wid. Maria Johanna Botha.
---- Petrus Josephus HOLTSHAUSEN.
---- Cornelia Helena Gesina VAN WYK, and surviving Husband Frederik Andries Jacobus VAN HEERDEN.
---- Johan Casper Loos HURLINGH.
---- Carel VAN HEERDEN, Fs.
---- Johanna Elisabeth ERASMUS, and surviving Husband Joh. Jacs. JACOBSZ.
---- Cornelis Isaac JOOSTEN,
---- Adriaan Albertus VAN JARSVELD, and surviving Widow Susanna Maria MINIE.
---- Free Black Jan.
---- Judith Magdalena Susanna JONKER.
---- Sara KOOPMAN.
---- Aletta Margaretha KLYN, and surviving Husband Michiel KOOPMAN.
---- Dirk Johannes KOTZEE, D.Js.
---- Geertruida Anna Magdalena GROBBELAAR, and surviving Husband Ernst
---- Aletta Jacoba LAUBSCHER, Widow of Petrus KEEVE.
---- George KARSTENDY.
---- Engela Catharina Magdalena GRIEZEL, and surviving Husband Gerrit Lodewyk
---- Jacoba VAN DER MERWE, and surviving Husband Adriaan LA BUSCAGNE.
---- Maria Hillegonda KOTZEE, and surviving Husband Henning Jeremias LUBBE.
---- Johannes Matthys LOUW, Js.
---- Anthoni Francois LOMBAARD, Hs.
---- Catharina Sophia STEENKAMP, and surviving Husband Casper Jeremias LABUSCAGNE.
---- Anna Catharina BAUERMEESTER, Widow of Hendrik Johannes LAUBSCHER.
---- Matthys LOTTER, Js.
---- Susanna VAN BREDA, Widow of Hendrik Oostwald LAUBSCHER.
---- Ann HART, Widow of James LEADER.
---- Barend Gabriel MARAIS, and surviving Widow Engela Elis. Aug. MEYER.
---- Farquhar MACKINNON.
---- Elias MATTHEE, and surviving Widow Maria Elis. BESTER.
---- Pieter MOSTERD, Ns. and surviving Widow Jacomina Hend. LAUBSCHER.
---- Valentinus Nic. MALTER, and surviving Widow Sara Joh. SMAL.
---- Aletta Coenradina DE MEYER.
---- Jonathan MITCHEL.
---- Adam NAPIER.
---- Mary NEVELING.
---- Jan NOEY.
---- Anna Maria Petr. JANSSEN, and surviving Husband Joh. Jac. OOSTHUYSEN.
---- Philippus Herm. ONKEN, and surviving Widow Geertruyda Marg. COETZEE.
---- Laurens DU PLESSIES, and surviving Widow Gesina LABUSCAGNE.
---- Pieter DU PLESSIES, and surviving Widow Susanna Maria FOURIE.
---- Daniel Joh. DU PLESSIES, and surviving Widow Susanna Elis. MULLER.
---- Maria Elis. BOTHA, and surviving Husband And. Steph. DU PLESSIES.
---- Maria Joh. ROUX, and surviving Husband Coenraad Christ. PREDIGER,
---- Joseph ROPER.
---- Sara Maria HURLING, and surviving Husband Gabriel Joh. ROSSOUW.
---- Maria Dorothea HIEBNER, Widow of Willem VAN REENEN.
---- Samuel ROSSOUW, (re-opened).
---- Humphres REED.
---- Carsten Hend. RHEEDER, and surviving Widow Petronella Sib. PLANTEFEBER.
---- Thomas SLATER.
---- Pieter Steph. STEENKAMP, and surviving Widow Isabella Corn. POTGIETER.
---- Gerrit SMITH, Es. And surviving Widow Anna Elis. KOTZEE.
---- Anna Elis. KOTZEE, and surviving Husband Jae. Daniel VAN DER SPUY,
---- Anna Cath. VAN WYK, Widow of [Corn.] SMITH.
---- Joh. Marg. DOMUS, Widow of Petrus Joh. VAN DER SPUY.
--- Maarten Joh. SMITH, and surviving Widow Anna Beatrix SMITH.
---- Pieter Andries STAPELBERG, and surviving Widow Maria Helena OLIVIER.
---- Stephanus Johannes SCHOEMAN, J.Js.
---- Catharina Helena OLIVIER, and surviving Husband Gerrit Steph. STRYDOM. Sr.
Of the Late Jacobus Cornelis VAN DER SPUY.
---- Levina Johanna SMITH.
---- Moor Saubden.
---- Jan Michiel SADIE, and deceased Wife Sara Maria NIELSEN.
---- Paul THYSSEN.
---- Johanna Andreesje TRIFTHEISER.
---- Johanna Christina Dorothea THOMAS, Widow of John THOMPSON.
---- Susanna Maria WARNECK, and surviving Husband Pieter Juriaan TRUTER, Fs.
---- Charl Wynand THERON, C.Ws.
---- Martha Magdalena VAN WYK, Widow of Johs. Lucas VISAGE, (re-opened).
---- Gysbert VERWEY, Gs.
---- Johanna Maria VAN DER WALT, Widow of Pieter Albert VENTER.
---- Magdalena Wilhelmina HARTOG, Widow of Anthony Walraven VLOTMAN.
---- Pieter VISAGE.
---- Floris Johs. VISSER, and surviving Widow Helena Anthonia LOUW.
---- Johanna Maria VAN DER WALT, Widow of Pieter Albert VENTER, (re-opened).
---- Isaak Johannes DE VILLIERS, (re-opened).
---- Elisabeth Catharina VAN DER WESTHUYSEN, Widow of Johs. Henricus VILJOEN
---- Petrus Johannes VISAGE, and survivingWidow Cornelia VAN BILJOEN.
---- Jurie VAN WELSLAND.
---- Anna Maria WESSELS.
---- Petrus Francois Melchior WESSELS.
---- Roelof VAN WYK.
---- Daniel DE WAAL.
---- Jacobus Lodowicus WOLMARANS.
---- William WHITE.
---- [Cornelis] STEYN, Widow of Mattheus WILLEMSE, (re-opened).
---- Adriaan David VAN WYK, and surviving Widow Anna Cicilia VENTER.
---- Anna Catharina DE BEER, and surviving Husband Fredrik VAN ZYL, Gs.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
November, 16, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
Friday, November 24th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1089.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
17th November – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W. McLEOD, Master, from St. Helena Bay 13 instant, bound to this Port, cargo Brandy, Beer, and Sundries, from the wreck of the Brittania.
19th – Spring, English Brig, L.J. HAYNES, Master, from Torbay 7th August, cargo Coals and Sundries, for Mocha and Bombay.
Ditto – Susannah, English Bark, R. CLAPPISON, Master, from Gravesend 14th August, bound to this Port and the Mauritius, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Mr. REVELEY, Civil Engineer, Mrs. REVELEY and two Children, and Servant, Mr. ATKINSON, Assistant Civil Engineer, Capt. ROLLAND, Assistant Astronomer, Mrs. ROLLAND, and Ensign EDWARDS, 98th Regiment.
20th - Thomas, English Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master from Mossel Bay 9th inst. For this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Ditto – Virginia, American Schooner, J. GOODRIDGE, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 20th October, bound to this Port, and a market with Coffee and Flour.
23d - Clyde, English Ship, D.M. MUNRO, Commander, from Madras 13th September, bound to London, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonel HAWKINS, 2d Madras European Regiment, Mrs and Miss HAWKINS, and Servant; Major BUNCE, H.M. 67th Regiment; Major WALLIS, Captains BROOKS, CHADWICK, and MAN; Lieutenants SCOTT, ROBERTSON, HAYES, HOPE and CAN; Mr. F. HEALY, Dr. BEATSON, and Master MACQUEEN.
23d – Coventry, English Brig, John PURDIE, Master, from Mauritius 16th October, bound to this Port and London, cargo Sugar and Sundries.
Ditto – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Port Elizabeth 14th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. MAYNARD, HUNTLEY, and TILLEY, Rev. Mr. MILES and Servant, Lt. WELLS, Bombay Marines.
Ditto – Penelope, English Bark, W. CHRISITE, Master, from Mauritius 24th October, bound to Marseilles, cargo Coffee and Ebony.
Passenger – Mr. QUEVILLY, French.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
17th November - Louisa, English Brig, T. MACKIE, Master, bound to Calcutta.
Ditto – Hon. Comp. Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, for St. Helena.
Ditto – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, for St. Helena.
18th – Sophia, English Ship, J. BARCLAY, Commander, for Bengal.
19th – Brittania, English Brig. T.G. WALKER, Master, bound to Bombay.
Ditto - George, Coasting Sloop, J.H. THOMPSON, Master.
Ditto – Columbine, English Brig, J. TAIT, Master, bound to London.
20th – Royal George, W. REYNOLDS, Master, for Calcutta.
22d – Constance, French Ship, A. GATAU, Master, bound to Bourbon.
Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
19th Nov. – Catharina Elisabeth, Dutch Ship, J. INGERMAN, Master, returned to this Port in consequence of adverse winds, and sailed again on the 20th.
23d – Diadem, English Transport, J. EDMAN, Master, Lieut. S.P. PRITCHARD, R.N. Agent, from the Isle of France 22d October, bound to England.
Passengers – Mr. SMITH, Purser, to join His Majesty’s Ship Samarang, for the Cape; the Rev. J. ALLEN, R.N. Lieut. EMERY, R.N. Lieut. J. DRURY, R.M. Lieut. WESTONACOTT, Royal Staff Corps; Lieut. GALLOWAY, half-pay; Staff Assistant Surgeon FARMAN; Messrs. LA FARQUE, J.H. CHRISTIAN, and W BUYNE; five Seamen, Invalids, R.N.; thirty Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of different Regiments, 11 Women, and 16 Children, for England.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
17th Nov. – Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BIRCH, Master, bound to the Knysna, in ballast.
Ditto – Brittania, English Brig. W .FERRIS, Master, bound to the Mauritius, in ballast.
In the Reformed Church, on Saturday the 18th November,
By the Reverend J.H. VON MANGER, V.D.M.
By Special Licence.
Francois Johannes LOMBARD, to Maria Magdalena BOOYSEN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 19th November, 1826.
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of Mr. J. GRIMES, baptized Caroline.
On Monday the 20th November, by the same.
A Son of George PATON, Esq. baptized George Ponty.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 19th November,
By the Reverend J.H. VON MANGER, V.D.M.
A Daughter of Mr. A.G. DE SMIDT, baptized Sara Maria.
A Daughter of Mr. W.A.J. DE SMIDT, baptized Susanna Maria.
In the Lutheran church, on Sunday the 19th November,
By the Reverend F. KAUFMANN, V.D.M.
An Adult Female Person, baptized Hendrietta Johanna SMITH.
Nov. 16 – Mrs. Maria Cecilia VAN DER MERWE, Widow of the late Mr. A.W. BECK, aged 70 years and 22 days.
21st – Mrs. Elizabeth HORNE, Wife of James HORNE, Esq. aged 49 years.
Ditto – Pieter Everhard BREVIS, aged 45 years.
Ditto – A Son of R. VAN REJEN, named Reynert Christoffel, aged 13 months.
On Wednesday the 29th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, on account of Jacobus Johannes LUTTIG, Hs. the Slaves Maart and August.
On Saturday the 2d December, at Papendorp, on account of the Widow KIMPFEL, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) Two Houses and Premises situated as above; also Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe, Looking-Glasses, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, a Cart and Harness, Fustage, Horses and Cows; also the Slaves Spasie of Mosambique, and Sara of the Cape.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of Abraham Philippus MINNAAR,Js. in Church-street, Tulbagh, three Saddle Horses, six Breeding Mares, and a Saddle and Bridle.
On Monday the 4th December, on account of James DICK, Senior, a House and Premises, situated at Zwart River, Cape District.
On Wednesday the 6th December, by the Agent at Beaufort, at the Sub-Drostdy, in Bird-street, on account of the late Joseph CLEAVER, Two Erven No. 43 and 44, with a small House erected on the former.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 0’clock, on account of David Hendrik DE VILLIERS, P.Fs. a Bullock Waggon and 10 Oxen.
On Friday the 8th December, on account of Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Green-point, consisting of several Erven; also four Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, now occupied by Mr. GREEF; which will be put up for sale, severally and jointly, the particulars of which will be made known on the day of sale; further, Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads and Bedding, Looking Glasses, a Wardrobe, Glass and Earthen Ware, Plate, Culinary Utensils, Implements of Husbandry, an open Waggon, a covered Cart, a Chaise, Horse, and Harness, and 2 Cows; also the Slave Fytje, with her four Children, Job, Dela, Adam, and Salomon.
On Saturday the 9th December, by the Agent at Caledon, on account of Johannes Hermanus GROENEWALD, a part of the Place Weltevreden, situated at the River Zonde End.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 23, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
Notice – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement:
Cornelis Stephanus OLIVIER (given over as Insolvent), to this Office, or to the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, within the term of eight weeks from the above date: on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequastrator’s Office, November 23, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of the late Barend BARENTSZ, and his surviving Widow Anna Sophia WEESBERG, will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 27th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 23, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
To be Sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Monday the 27th instant, at the House formerly occupied by the late C. SMITH, Widow of A.J. FAERBANKS, situated at the corner of Rose and Wale Streets, - a Share in the Theatre, belonging to the Estate of the late Mrs. Martha Cornelia VAN DER RIET, Widow of Willem Stephanus VAN RYNEVELD.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, November 23, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
To be Sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Monday the 27th instant, at the House formerly occupied by the late Christina SMITH, Widow of Abner Javens FAERBANKS, situated at the corner of Rose and Wale Streets, the Effects of the Deceased, consisting in Household Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Beds and Bedsteads, some Culinary Utensils, and two capital Slaves, a mason and a washmaid.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 13th November, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
Mr. P.A. POUPART, who is assumed Executor of the Estate of the late Frans HILLIGERS, will sell by Auction, on the 27th instant, at the same time as the Sale by the Orphan Chamber, at three instalments, or on such other terms as will be made known at the time of sale, a House and Premises, marked letter A, corner of Wale and Rose Streets.
Any Person willing to furnish a Covered Waggon and Eight Horses, with a Driver and Leader, to serve as a Postwaggon between Cape Town and Mr. B. KALMEYER’S Place, De Kuylen, to go twice a-week (Wednesdays and Saturdays) at fixed hours, may send a Tender to the Secretary of the Burgher Senate, on or before Wednesday the 29th instant, at 10 o’clock A.M.
Town House November 16, 1826.
Friday, December 1st, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1090
The following CONVICTS having deserted from Craig’s Tower on Sunday Night, the 26th instant,
Klaas BOMMER, a Hottentot,
Jan NOACH, ditto
Silvestre, Slave of C. VOIGT.
John, a Caffre,
Klaas, ditto,
Valentine, a Bushman,
Courage, a Hottentot
Jan JOHANNES, a bastard ditto
Platje KEYZER, a Hottentot, and
October AFRICA, a bastard ditto,
the respective Landdrosts, Field-Cornets, and Inhabitants of the Country Districts, are hereby requested to adopt such measures as will lead to their apprehension, and they will lodge them in the nearest Gaol, to be forwarded under proper escort to Cape Town Prison
Police Office, Cape Town, Nov. 30, 1826.
Chas. DE LORENTZ, Superintendant of Police.
To Let, a pleasant Residence at Rondebosch. – Apply to the Widow J.F. DREYER.
Married, by Special Licence, on Thursday the 30th of November, at Springfield, Wynberg, by the Reverend George HOUGH, Colonial Chaplain, John KENTISH, Esquire, of the Hon. East India Company’s BombayCivil Service, to Miss Frances Julia Eliza, youngest Daughter of Major G.J. ROGERS.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
26th November – Success, English Schooner, Geo. SMITH, Master, from St. Helena 1st instant, cargo empty Casks.
27th – Diadem, English Ship, R.B. COTGRAVE, Commander, from Bombay 13th September, and Bourbon 28th October, bound to London, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. GILLAND, Mrs. ROBERTSON and Child, Hon. J. FORBES, Captain WATERFIELD and Lieut. BEMBO, H.C.S. ; Lieut. GILLAND, H.M. 2d Regt. Lieut. MARTIN, H.M. 6th Regt. Lieut. TUDOR died on the passage 29th September.
30th – Greenock, English Ship, John MILLER, Master, from Batavia 10th August, and Sincapore 15th September, bound to London, cargo Pepper and Spices; put in for Water and Refreshments.
Passenger – Mr. THORNTON,
Sailed out of Table Bay.
26th November - Spring, English Brig, L.J. HAYNE, Master, bound to Mocha and Bombay.
28th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth.
Ditto – Penelope, English Bark, Wm. CHRISTIE, Master, bound to Marseilles.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 27th November, 1826.
By the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. John FISON, jun. to Miss Barbara Dorothea Lodovica SPORKMAN.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 26th November,
Mr. Michiel Johannes DE BEER, to Mrs. Jacomina Hendrina LAUBSCHER, Widow of the late Mr. Pieter MOSTERT.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 26th November,
A Son of J.G. BRINK, As. Esq. baptized Pieter Gerhard.
A Son of Mr. J.N. JANKOWITS, baptized Johan Diederik Christoffel.
A Daughter of Mr. Reynier MAASDORP, baptized Elisabeth Jacoba.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 26th November,
A Son of E.P. STEINHÖBEL, baptized Ernst Fredrik Gustavus.
A Son of H. PANNEWIT, baptized Johan Friedrich.
On Wednesday the 29th November,
A Daughter of Mr. J.F. BECK, baptized Catharina Anna Barbara.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
4th Nov. – A Daughter of S. DENHAM, baptized Elizabeth.
12th – A Son of Mr. D. HOCKLY, baptized Daniel Thomas.
Ditto – A Son of Mr. F. FYNN, baptized Alfred William
Ditto – A Son of W.W. MARE, baptized Fredrik Rudolph.
14th – A Son of J. BYRNE, baptized Patrick.
15th – A Son of D. BROWNE, baptized Henry William.
24th November – Maria Elisabeth ADRIAANS, aged 66 years, 7 months, and 21 days.
25th – Robert BELL, aged 33 years.
Ditto – Everdina Geertruyda VAN DE KAAP, Widow of the late J.J. SCHRENDER, aged 69 years, 6 months, and 15 days.
27th – Johan Hendrik LOEDOLFF, Esq. aged 63 years and 9 months.
Ditto – A Daughter of Mr. H.G. MUNTINGH, named Catharina Johanna, aged 7 months and 18 days.
At Graham’s Town.
12th Nov. – Elizabeth Denham, aged 10 days.
Ditto – Elizabeth NORTON, aged 4 months.
On Saturday the 2d December, at Papendorp, on account of the Widow KIMPFEL, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) Two Houses and Premises situated as above; also Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe, Looking-Glasses, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, a Cart and Harness, Fustage, Horses and Cows; also the Slaves Spasie of Mosambique, and Sara of the Cape.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of Abraham Philippus MINNAAR,Js. in Church-street, Tulbagh, three Saddle Horses, six Breeding Mares, and a Saddle and Bridle.
On Monday the 4th December, on account of James DICK, Senior, a House and Premises, situated at Zwart River, Cape District.
On Wednesday the 6th December, by the Agent at Beaufort, at the Sub-Drostdy, in Bord-street, on account of the late Joseph CLEAVER, Two Erven No. 43 and 44, with a small House erected on the former.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 0’clock, on account of David Hendrik DE VILLIERS, P.Fs. a Bullock Waggon and 10 Oxen.
On Thursday the 7th December, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Jan Hubertus THEUNISSEN, a Covered Waggon.
Johan Philip REINHARDT, the Slave Fredrika, with her Four Children, Thom, Jan, Mary, and Christian; also the under part of a Bullock Waggon.
Hendrik HEGERS, a plated Tea Urn, a do. Coffee do. A do. Tea Pot, a do. Milk Pot, and a do. Sugar do.
The Lunatic Anthony GRONUM, 203 Seal Skin Caps, 33 Cloth ditto, 30 Bundles Boot Legs, 41 Pair Cotton Braces, 40 Canisters of Peppermint and Ginger Lozenges.
On the same day and place, the following Goods, viz. a Carpenter’s Bench, empty half Aums, a quantity of Spirits in case-bottles, Fire Arms, Clothing, and various other Articles, decreed by the Worshipful the Court of Justice, by Resolution dated 9th November last, to be publicly sold ad opus jus habentium.
On Friday the 8th December, on account of Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Green-point, consisting of several Erven; also four Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, now occupied by Mr. GREEF; which will be put up for sale, severally and jointly, the particulars of which will be made known on the day of sale; further, Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads and Bedding, Looking Glasses, a Wardrobe, Glass and Earthen Ware, Plate, Culinary Utensils, Implements of Husbandry, an open Waggon, a covered Cart, a Chaise, Horse, and Harness, and 2 Cows; also the Slave Fytje, with her four Children, Job, Dela, Adam, and Salomon.
On Saturday the 9th December, by the Agent at Caledon, on account of Johannes Hermanus GROENEWALD, a part of the Place Weltevreden, situated at the River Zonde End.
On the same day, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Cornelis Hermanus Stephanus OLIVIER, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Wardrobes, a Bedstead and Bedding, Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, 2 Horses, and 10 draught Oxen.
On Thursday 14th December, by the Agent at Worcester, at the Place Daschbosfontein, (Twenty-four Rivers,) on account of Petrus Johannes BURGER, a Bullock Waggon, 10 Oxen, one Horse, Saddle and Bridle, and 10 Breeding Cattle.
On Saturday the 16th December, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of Andrew NICOL, a Plot of Ground, situated on the Bakens River, near Algoa Bay.
Sequestrator’s Office, November 27, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Persons having any Claims against the following Estates Administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:
- Gerrit Johannes Gerhardus VOSLOO, and his deceased Wife Anna Barbara BOTHA,
- Johs. JACOBSZ, and his surviving Widow Helena KRUGEL
- Christina SMITH, Widow of Agner Javens FAERBANKS,
- Willem Jacobus FORSTER, and his surviving Widow Johanna Maria KRUGER,
- William OSTLER,
- Harry EVATT,
- Samuel Willem FISSCHER,
- Bastard male Hottentot Carel ABRAHAM,
- Cafferman SWAARTBOY,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the above Estate are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the same period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th November, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
The Undersigned intending to concentrate her Affairs, will sell by Public Auction on Wednesday the 27th instant, on very favourable terms, her very fertile Estate, situated at the Paarl, having abundance of water during the driest seasons, and which is planted chiefly with young Vines, yielding already 40 Leaguers of Wine, and all sorts of Fruit Trees; also, Fustage, Store Implements, Stills; Household Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, a Clock, Tea Urn, Pots, Pans, Kettles, and what further may be offered on the day of sale.
Paarl, Dec. 8, 1826.
Widow A. MELLET.
The Undersigned Executors of the Estate of the late Sybella Jacoba LAUBSCHER, Widow of Samuel Antony WALTERS, will sell by Auction, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th instant, the Place called “Mallerug”, situated at Paardeberg, District of Stellenbosch; also Household Furniture, Male and Female Slaves,&c.
The Sale will be held at the above-named Place. Cape Town, December 6, 1826.
J.J. HAUPT, q.q.
The Executors of the Estate of the late Mr. C. MOSTERD, will cause to be sold at the Auction Room of Mr. WITSEN, on the 16th instant, a Slave Boy named Zezar VAN DE KAAP.
December 8, 1826.
M. VAN NIEKERK, Executors.
Died on the 1st instant December, aged 61 years, 11 months, and 9 days, my beloved Husband, P.U. FISCHER – Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Died on the 22d November, in the George District, Mr. Jacobus DE BUYS, senior, aged 89 years and 6 months, Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
George Town, November, 25, 1826.
Friday, December 8th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1091.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
1st December – Diadem, English Transport, Lieutenant PRITCHARD, R.N. Agent, John EDMAN, Master, from Simon’s Bay 30th November, with Invalids, for England.
Ditto – Eliza, Dutch Ship, J. BECKMAN, Master, from Batavia 29th August, bound to Antwerp; put in for water and refreshments.
Passenger – Mr. MOUILLIN.
Ditto – Bonny Nan, Dutch Ship, Charles ETTY, Master, from Batavia 13th October, bound to this Port, cargo Timber, Rice and Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. C.D. WILHELM, and Mr. CAMYN.
3d – Africa, English Ship, John SKELTON, Master, from Portsmouth 20th September, bound to Calcutta, cargo Coals and Sundries
4th – Hetty, English Schooner, J. WILLIAMS, Master, from the Knysna 29th November, for this Port, cargo Timber.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
3d December – Greenock, English Ship, G. MILLER, Master, bound to London.
6th – Coventry, English Brig, John PURDIE, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – William, English Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, for Lamberth’s Bay.
7th - Kowie Packet, English Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, for Port Beaufort.
Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
25th November – Padang, Dutch Ship, E. ROGERS, Master, from Padang and Mauritius 26th October, bound to Antwerp, cargo Coffee.
Passengers – The Reverend C. EVANS, Mrs. EVANS, three Children, and two Servants.
5th December - Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BIRCH, Master, from the Knysna 29th November, bound to this Port, cargo Timber for His Majesty’s Naval Yard.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
30th November – Padang, Dutch Ship, E. ROGERS, Master, bound to Antwerp, cargo Coffee.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay.
28th November – Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, for St. Helena.
Ditto – Flamingo, English Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, for Mauritius.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 4th December, 1826.
By the Reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Thomas PEARSON, to Mrs. Susanna Black.
In the Reformed Church, on Friday the 1st December
Mr. Rudolph CLOETE, Hs. to Miss Johanna Charlotta Rebecca VAN REENEN.
On Sunday the 3d December.
Philip Gabriel SCHOT, to Catryn KEET.
In the English Church, on Wednesday the 29th November,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of the Reverend Geo HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain, baptized Elice Ellen.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 3d December, 1826,
By the Rev. GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. C. KINCAID, baptized Jessy.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 3d December.
A Son of C.J. DE CERFF, baptized Sara Helena Maria.
A Daughter of R. CROOKE, baptized Maria Johanna Susanna Hendrica
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 3d December.
A Son of A.J.G. BECK, baptized James Andries Hendrik.
A Daughter of Felix ORLANDIEN, baptized Anna Elisabeth Maria.
1st December- Pieter Ulrich FISCHER, Esq. aged 61 years. 11 months, and 21 days.
Ditto – Johan ADRIAANSEN, aged 65 years.
2d – A Daughter of Florentina WILLEMSE, named Charlotta RENSFORD, aged 8 months.
4th – A Son of A.J. VAN DER WESTHUYZEN, named Isaack PLANTEFEBER, aged 9 years, 9 months, and 13 days.
6th – Ensign Anthony Carell HAYES, aged 21 years, of His Majesty’s 13 Regiment of Foot at Bengal.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Gerhard Ewoud OVERBEEK and Martin Johannes SMIT, as Testamentary Executors and Administrators of the Estate of the late Louis Balthazar MEURANT, have addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That they, in their aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent their bringing it to a final settlement, ) are desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of three Months subsequent to the publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration, has thought proper to grant and accord it; and accordingly, by these Presents, doth summon and call upon all Persons, who have any Claims upon the said Estate, either on account of Bonds, Book-debts, Deeds of Security, Guardianships, Administrations, or otherwise, to appear at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the ensuing three Months subsequent to the Publication of these Presents, and there give in such Claims, on pain of forfeiting their Right. It is, however, to be understood, that by granting this Term, the Right of Creditors Abroad will not be affected, nor are they in anywise included. And that no Person may plead ignorance hereof, this shall be published and affixed in the usual manner.
Thus done and Granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 7th of December 1826, and published and affixed the same day.
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
THIS DAY, the 8th instant, on account of Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Green-point, consisting of several Erven; also four Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, now occupied by Mr. GREEF; which will be put up for sale, severally and jointly, the particulars of which will be made known on the day of sale; further, Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads and Bedding, Looking Glasses, a Wardrobe, Glass and Earthen Ware, Plate, Culinary Utensils, Implements of Husbandry, an open Waggon, a covered Cart, a Chaise, Horse, and Harness, and 2 Cows; also the Slave Fytje, with her four Children, Job, Dela, Adam, and Salomon.
On Thursday the 11th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons,viz:
Abraham Jocobus WIID, Senior, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration.) the Slave Adonis of the Cape.
The Insolvent Estate of Charles Augustus WENTWORTH, a quantity of Medicines.
The late Pieter E. BREVIS, the Slave Maart of Bougies.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, at the Place Daschbosfontein, (Twenty-four Rivers,) on account of Petrus Johannes BURGER, a Bullock Waggon, 10 Oxen, one Horse, Saddle and Bridle, and 10 Breeding Cattle.
On Saturday the 16th December, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of Andrew NICOL, a Plot of Ground, situated on the Bakens River, near Algoa Bay.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Jan Hendrik CROUS, Senior, the Slaves Printo of Madagascar, mason, and Lena of Mosambique, with her Children Jacob and Dolphina.
CH. PAULSEN, a Bullock Waggon and 48 Oxen.
On Saturday the 23d instant, by the Agent at George, on account of Robert CRAIL, a House and Erven, situated in Courtenay-street, in the aforesaid Village.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 7, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estate, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
AKEN and MONTEATH, (placed under Sequestration,) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement, on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 4, 1826.
The Undersigned, administering the Estate of William FORBES, hereby gives Notice, that a Meeting of the Creditors of said Estate will take place at this Office on Monday, the 11th December next, between the hours of eleven and twelve, in order to hear such Proposals as said FORBES intends to make, and to resolve thereupon.-Those Creditors who do not attend will be considered to have voted with the majority.
Sequestrator’s Office, De. 4, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
The Ship BONNY NAN, Capt. Charles ETTY, will be ready to take in Cargo in ten days. – Any Person inclining to engage Freight to that Port, may apply at the Counting-house of VAN HALL, SAPPE, & MUNTINGH.
Baptized by the Reverend Richard MILES, at Union Chapel, Church-square, on Sunday the 3d instant, a Son of Mr. James GUNN, named Francis Mardin.
Cape Town, December 4, 1826.
The Undersigned intending to concentrate her Affairs, will sell by Public Auction on Wednesday the 27th instant, on very favourable terms, her very fertile Estate, situated at the Paarl, having abundance of water during the driest seasons, and which is planted chiefly with young Vines, yielding already 40 Leaguers of Wine, and all sorts of Fruit Trees; also, Fustage, Store Implements, Stills; Household Furniture, consisting of Beds, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, a Clock, Tea Urn, Pots, Pans, Kettles, and what further may be offered on the day of sale.
Paarl, Dec. 8, 1826.
Widow A. MELLET.
The Undersigned Executors of the Estate of the late Sybella Jacoba LAUBSCHER, Widow of Samuel Antony WALTERS, will sell by Auction, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th instant, the Place called “Mallerug”, situated at Paardeberg, District of Stellenbosch; also Household Furniture, Male and Female Slaves,&c.
The Sale will be held at the above-named Place. Cape Town, December 6, 1826.
J.J. HAUPT, q.q.
Died on the 1st instant December, aged 61 years, 11 months, and 9 days, my beloved Husband, P.U. FISCHER, - Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives
Died on the 22d November, in the George District, Mr. Jacobus DE BUYS, senior, aged 89 years and 6 months, Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
George Town, November 25, 1826.
J. DE LA HARPE, Executor.
The Executors of the Estate of the late Mr. C. MOSTERD, will cause to be sold at the Auction Room of Mr. WITSEN, on the 16th instant, a Slave Boy named Zezar VAN DE KAAP.
December 8, 1826.
M. VAN NIEKERK, Executors.
Uit de hand te koop by P.ALBERTUS, Cognac en Medoc in vaten en gebotteld, roode en witte Champagne, Malaga, Lafitte, Ponillac, Medoe, Vin de Grave, Likeur, Ratafia, Salaad Olie, eenige fraaye Pendules en Spiegels, Behangselpapier met landschappen van diverse kleuren.
Door Executeuren zat opden 16 dezer by den Hr. R. WITSEN worden verkocht, de Slave-jongen genaamd Caesar VAN DE KAAP, toebehoorende aan den Boedel van wylen den Hr. C. MOSTERT, Sen.
M. VAN NIEKERK. Executeuren.
Gedoopt, door den Eerw. R. MILES, in de Union Chapel, Kerkplein, op ong=dag den 3 dezer, een Zoon van den Hr. James GUNN, met name Francis MARDIN.
Kaapstad den 4 December, 1826.
BEKENDMAKING. – Aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden wordt by deze bekend gemaakt, dat op den 22 November ll. in den ouderdom van 89 jaren en 6 maanden, in het Distrikt George is overleden, Jacobus DE BUYS, Senior.
Georgestad den 25 November 1826.
J.C DE LA HARPE, Executeur.
Die Onderget. Maak by deze bekend aan Nabestaanden, Bloedverwanten en Vrienden, dat het den Almagtigen God behaagd heft, haren geliefden Echtgenoot, den Wel-Ed. Hr. P.U. FISCHER, op den 1 dezer, in den ouderdom van 61 jaren, 11 maanden en 9 dagen, het Tydelyke met het Eeuwige te doen verwisselen.
Kaapstad den 4 December, 1826.
C.S. FISCHER, Geb. Bosman
Friday, December 15th, 1826. Vol.XX1 No. 1092.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
7th December – Duke of Gloucester, Coasting Schooner, S. AMM, Master, from the Knysna 3d December, bound to this Port, cargo Timber.
Ditto – George, Coasting Sloop, H. THOMPSON, Master, from St. Helena Bay 6th December, bound to this Port, in ballast.
9th – Lonach, English Ship, W. DRISCOLL, Master, from the Downs 15th September, bound to Bombay, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Captain SMITH, 12th Regt. Lieutenant SMYTHE, H.C.S. Ensign BEBEE, 6th Regiment; Mr. COLLINS, Cadet; Mr. GUELLEMAND, Mrs. PROCTOR, and three Servants.
12th – Buckbay Packet, Coasting Schooner, Charles GREEN, Master, from Port Frances 3d December, bound to this Port cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Captain ARMSTRONG, Cape Cavalry, and Mr. MACKAY.
13th – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, from Port Beaufort 8th December, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
14th – Elizabeth, Coasting Cutter, R.G. SIMPSON, Master, from Port Elizabeth 29th November, cargo Colonial Produce, for this Port.
Passenger – Mr. W. WHITE.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
7th December - Ann, Coasting Schooner, J.DUNN, Master, bound to the Knysna.
9th – Africa, English Ship, J. SKELTON, Master, bound to Calcutta.
10th – Eliza, Dutch Ship, J. BECKMAN, Master, bound to Antwerp.
Ditto - Diadem, English Ship, R.G. COTGRAVE, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Success, English Schooner, George SMITH, Master, bound to St. Helena.
Ditto – Clyde, English Ship, D.M. MUNRO, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Virginia, American Schooner, J. GOODRIDGE, Master, bound to Mocha.
Ditto – Susannah, English Bark, R. CLAPPISON, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
8th December – His Majesty’s Ship Helicon, ([4]0), Captain C.D. ACLAND, from Zanzibar 5th November, bound to this Port.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 11th December, 1826.
By the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
James MANCHEE, to Sarah MOORE.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 10 December,
Mr. Carel Johannes VAN DER MERWE, Fs. To Miss Wihelmina Maria Aletta VAN AS.
In the Lutheran Church, on Friday the 8th December,
By Special Licence,
Carl KIENZLE, to Anna Maria Elisabeth Catharina ZAAYMAN, Widow of the late J.A. ALBERT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 10th December, 1826.
By The Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. E.EAGAR, baptized Johanna Catharine.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 10th December,
A Son of C.J. BRAND, Esq. baptized Hendrik Christoffel
A Son of S. DE KOCK, jun, Esq. baptized Nicholaas Jacobus.
A Son of Mr. H.D. VOS, baptized Hercules Crosse.
A Son of Mr. C.H. McCOMB, baptized John Thomas.
A Daughter of Mr. J.A. HEYDENRYCH, baptized Christina Petronella.
A Daughter of Mr. S.J. MOSTERT, baptized Anna Martina Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of S. PRUCE, baptized Rosina Morrentina.
A Daughter of Hanna VAN DE KAAP, baptized Sara Fransina Baka.
In the Lutheran Church, on Monday the 11th December.
Ten Slaves of J.D. PITON, Esq. baptized James LESENBURY, Robert SISSING, Christian SISSING, Willem SISSING, Jan GILES, Mary Ann REDFORD, Rachel SISSING, Alida SISSING, Susanna GILES, and Fanchon GILES.
2d December – Mrs. Brieta HULTMAN, Widow of the late R.H. ACKERMAN, Esq. M.D. aged 59 years and 2 months.
8th – John DEDIER, aged 51 years.
Ditto – A Son of A.J. ISAACKSE, named Gabriel Beyers Strydom, aged 1 year and 24 days.
9th – A Daughter of C.P.BRAND, named Maria Charlotta Petronella, aged 10 months.
12th – Pieter Pieterse BOLTMAN, aged 52 years and 2 months.
Notice is hereby given, that several People having been found altering the Private Water Leading into their Houses, by means of False Keys, rendering it impossible for the Burgher Senate to calculate the necessary supply of Water to the Town, or make such arrangements as the convenience of the inhabitants may requier, and Person found opening or otherwise meddling with the Stop-cocks in the Streets, the same being Public Property, will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the Law, and the Water Leading will be immediately taken away.
Town House, December 13, 1826
The Undersigned hereby give Notice, that the Co-partnerhship now existing between them will cease on the 31st of this present month; all Claims are therefore requested to be sent in on or before that day for adjustment; and all Debts due to be paid forthwith.
Graham’s Town, 5th December, 1826.
On Wednesday the 20th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Marthinus Wilhelmus THEUNISSEN, 44 Oxen and 8 Waggon Horses.
Arend WAHL, a Cart and 2 Horses.
Cornelis DE WAHL, Ts. A Gun and 6 Chairs; also the Slave Bersiba, with her child Isaac.
On Thursday the 21st instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following persons, viz:
Joseph SUASSO DE LIMA, part of a Library, consisting of the Encyclopedia, Historical Works, Romances, Novels, &c.
The Insolvent Estate of Cornelis Herm. Steph. OLIVIER, a Saddle and Bridle.
The Insolvent Estate of the late Pieter Everhard BREVIS, Household Furniture; consisting in a Bedstead and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, &c.; also the Slaves (2) Maart and Antje, of this Colony.
On Friday the 22d instant, at No. 35, Waterkant, on account of AKEN & MONTEATH (whose Estate is administered by the Department), Household Furniture; consisting in Bedsteads and Bedding, Mahogany Tables, Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Beaufits, Wardrobes, a Writing Desk, Sofas, Looking Glasses, Pictures, Glass and Earthenware, Plate, Plated Ware, Culinary Utensils, and a collection of Books.
On Saturday the 23d instant, by the Agent at George, on account of Robert CRAIL, A House and Erven, situated in Courtenay-street, in the aforesaid Village.
On The same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place and on account of the Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, at Riebecks Kasteel, at 10 o’clock, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, and 7 Horses.
On Saturday the 23d instant, on account of James DICK, SENIOR A House and Premises, situated at Zwarte River, Cape District.
On Wednesday the 27th instant, on account of Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), a House and Premises, with the Land thereunto attached, situated at Green-point, now occupied by Mr. GREEF.
On the same day by the Agent at Worcester, in front of his House, on account of Jacobus James HOLLAND, a Horse, Saddle, and Bridle.
On Friday, the 29th instant, on account of Johan Phil. RYNHARDT (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Houses and Premises, No. 70, Loop-street, and No. 10, Wale-street; also Household Furniture, consisting in a Bedstead, Bedding, Tables, Chairs, a Bureau, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, Smiths’ and Waggonmakers’ Tools, a quantity of Iron and Wood, a Carpenter’s Bench, a new Cart, the lower part of a Bullock Waggon. &c.; also a quantity of Oak and Assagai Wood, Yellow-wood Beams, old Iron, two Boats, Blacksmiths’ Tools, &c.
On Saturday the 13th January, 1827, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of C.M. LUYT, a Plot of Ground, with a House thereon, situated No. 14. Caledon-street, in the aforesaid Village.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 14, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
The late Pieter Everhard BREVIS, (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent,) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 12th instant.
Johan Philip REINHARDT, (placed under Sequestration,) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above date.,
Johan Nicolaas JOONE, (placed under Sequestration,) to this Office, or to the agent at Simon’s Town, within the term of six weeks from the aforesaid date, on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequastrator’s Office, December 15, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate Matthew FYSH, will lay open at this Office during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 18th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions,
Sequestrator’s Office, December 13, 1826.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
Notice is hereby given for the information of those concerned, that the following Estates have been finally settled at the Orphan Chamber, since the 1st January, up to the 30th June, 1826:
Of the late Gerrit BUSMAN, and his surviving Widow Susanna Maria ZIMMERMAN.
---- Andries Petrus VAN DER RIET OTTO.
---- Frederik Henricus DEKENS.
---- Samuel TOMKINS.
---- Baron William Ferdinand VAN REEDE van Oudtshoorn, (re-opened)
---- Hester POOL, Widow of Johannes Gregorius LOEDOLFF.
---- Ockert GOUSCH, and his surviving Widow Helena GOUSCH.
---- Christian LOND.
---- Broeder LAURENS.
---- Andries PIETERS.
---- Hester Johanna BESTER.
---- Fredrik Willem VAN REENEN, and surviving Widow Susanna Hermina HEUGH.
---- Johannes Gerhardus Cornelis KOTZEE, and his deceased Wife Margaretha VAN
---- Johannes KOCK.
---- Pieter Andries VAN ZYL, and deceased Wife Johanna Margaret. KOTZEE,
---- David DAVIDSEN, and deceased Wife Sophia Catharina Hendrina CANTERBURY.
---- Philippus Arnoldus MYBURG, and his deceased Wife Cicilia Johanna FOURIE.
---- Richard Chichely PLOWDEN
--- Christina Maria KRIEL, Widow of Simon Johannes VISSER.
---- Maria Johanna JURGENS, Widow of Carel Wilhelm THALMAN.
---- Joseph Erasmus FOURIE, and deceased Wife Johanna Adriana PRETORIUS.
---- Maria Susanna WIESE, Widow of Christiaan Maurits VAN DEN HEEVER.
---- Hans Jurgen STEYN, anddeceased Wife Nicolina Maria Elisabeth KLOPPER.
---- James KEEVA.
---- Ann CAMPBELL, Widow of John STUBBS.
---- Richard STUBBS.
The Private Property of the Ward Henry GEBHARD.
The late Robert SMITH.
---- Willem Marthinus BRITS, and deceased Wife Hester Cicilia NORTIER.
Orphan Camber, Cape of Good Hope, December 13, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
The Undersigned Executors of the Estate of the late Sybella Jacoba LAUBSCHER, Widow of Samuel Antony WALTERS, will sell by Auction, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 19th and 20th instant, the Place called “Mallerug”, situated at Paardeberg, District of Stellenbosch; also Household Furniture, Male and Female Slaves,&c.
The Sale will be held at the above-named Place. Cape Town, December 6, 1826.
J.J. HAUPT, q.q.
All Persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of the late Mrs. Johanna Catharina BODE Widow of the late Gerhard VAN DER BYL, are requested to send in the same to the Undersigned within three months from this date; and those indebted to pay their Debts within the same period.
Stellenbosch, Dec. 1, 1826.
P.C. BLOMMESTEIN, Executors.
The Executors of the Estate of the late Mr. C. MOSTERD, will cause to be sold at the Auction Room of Mr. WITSEN, on the 16th instant, a Slave Boy named Zezar VAN DE KAAP.
December 8, 1826.
M. VAN NIEKERK, Executors.
Died on the 24th September last, at Batavia, my beloved Wife, Maria Christina DE MAN, aged 28 years, - she has left behind four children of so tender an age as to be a t present insensible of their loss.
Jan LEZAR continues to purchase, at his Store under the Theatre, good salted Ox Hides, Goat Skins, and Ox Horns; - ten Stivers a piece given for the Ox Horns
Friday, December 22d, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1093.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
15th December – Mary Hope, English Ship, Jas, FARMER, Master, from Liverpool 16th September, bound to this Port and New South Wales, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Mr. J. WALKER, wife and Child, and Mrs. CUNNINGHAM, for New South Wales.
16th - Angerona, English Ship, W.E. BAKER, Master, from the Downs 6th September, bound to Calcutta, with a general Cargo.
Ditto – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Port Elizabeth 12th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
17th – Pensylvania, French Ship, M. THEROT, Master, from Bordeaux 10th September, bound to Mauritius and Bourbon, cargo Wines, Brandies, and Sundries.
Ditto – Prince Regent, English Ship, W. RICHARDS, Master, from Mauritius 15th November, bound to London, cargo Sugars.
Passengers – Mr. BLYTHE, and Mr. WATT and Servant.
19th – Admiral Cockburn, English Ship, J. COOLING, Master, from Falmouth 19th September bound to this Port and New South Wales, with a general Cargo and Settlers.
Passengers – Mrs. COOLING, Mrs. BRIGGS, Mrs. STEPHENS and four Children, Mrs. NICHOLS, Miss HAMILTON; J. STEPHENS, Esq. Messrs. CUMMINS, GUILDING, NICHOLS, BLAXLAND, and KNIGHT, in the Cabin; eleven Steerage Passengers, and eight Passengers for the Cape.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
17th December – Lonach, English Ship, W. DISCOLL, Master, bound to Bombay.
18th – Diadem, English Transport, John EDMAN, Master, bound to Portsmouth.
Ditto – Hebe, English Brig, H. ELSTON, Master, bound to London.
19th – Mary, and Hetty, put back on the 20th, on account of contrary winds.
Arrival at Port Beaufort.
9th December – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Table Bay 7th instant, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Three Seamen for the Brig Usk.
Arrival in Algoa Bay.
[ ] – [Ann, Coasting Schooner], J. DUNN, Master, from Table Bay 7th instant, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. MASKELL, Mr. and Mrs. REED, and a Hottentot Girl.
In the Reformed Church on Sunday the 17th December,
Petrus Arnoldus COMBRINCK, Hs. to Johanna Catharina UYS, Widow of the late J.J. GRAAFF.
Petrus Jacobus Paulus HANSSEN, TO Carolina Josina BECK.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. G. STURT. A.B.
11th December – Hendrik LOURENS, to Wilhelmina Susanna [FRANKIN].
Ditto – [Isaac] Fredrik KLOPPERS, to Helena Wilhelmina ADAMSE.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T IRELAND, M.A.
7th December – David RUDD, to Martha WHEELER.
10th – Johannes Hermanus BOUWER, to Maria Dorothea FERREIRA.
Ditto – Barend Daniel BOUWER, to Gysbertina JANSEN VAN RENSBURG.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 17th December, 1826.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Benjamin BOND, baptized Susannah.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 17th December,
A Daughter of M[ ],
A Daughter of W.SYMS, baptized Rachel Helena.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 17th December,
[ ]
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
6th November – A Son of W. WEBSTER, baptized John.
7th – A Son of A. GRAVEL, baptized William.
23d – A Son of Lieutenant HEATHCOTE, of His Majesty’s Cape Corps, (Cavalry,) baptized Thomas John.
3d – A Daughter of C. SANGER, baptized Maria Magdalena Elisabeth.
Ditto – A Daughter of J. NEL, baptized Aletta Johanna Elisabeth.
[Ditto – A Daughter of] [ ] DELPORT, baptized Aletta Elisabeth.
10th – A Daughter of T.D. POTGIETER, baptized Elsje Catharina.
Ditto – A Son of Serjeant William SANDS, of His Majesty’s Cape Corps, (Infantry) baptized William.
13th December – A Daughter of C.H. SMITH, named Henrietta Petronella, aged 11 months and 24 days.
14th – A Daughter of H.J. FAUSTMAN, named Aletta Johanna Isabella, aged 8 months and 12 days.
18th – Heronimus SALOMONSE, aged 86 years, 11 months and 18 days.
Ditto – A Son of John MURRAY, jun. named William, aged 11 months.
19th – A Daughter of S.J. JORDAAN, named Louis Johannes Jacobus, aged 4 months.
At Simon’s Town.
14th December – Anthony STEYNHARD, aged 52 years.
16th – Edmund HASLAM, aged 3 months and 2 days.
The Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of H.H. MOSTERD, MAKER & ROODT, Steph. BRINK, A.P. DE VILLIERS, T. RANDALL, and E. HANBURY, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear, on Wednesday the 3d January, at 10 o’clock A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court of the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 21st December, 1826.
By Order.
This Day, the 22d instant, at No. 35, Waterkant, on account of AKEN & MONTEATH (whose Estate is administered by the Department), Household Furniture; consisting in Bedsteads and Bedding, Mahogany Tables, Chairs, Chests of Drawers, Beaufits, Wardrobes, a Writing Desk, Sofas, Looking Glasses, Pictures, Glass and Earthenware, Plate, Plated Ware, Culinary Utensils, and a collection of Books.
On Saturday the 23d instant, on account of James DICK, senior, a House and Premises, situated at Zwarte River, Cape District.
On Wednesday the 27th instant, on account of Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), a House and Premises, with the Land thereunto attached, situated at Green-point, now occupied by Mr. GREEF.
On the same day by the Agent at Worcester, in front of his House, on account of Jacobus James HOLLAND, a Horse, Saddle, and Bridle.
On Thursday the 28th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
The Insolvent Estate of Pieter Melt VAN DER SPUY, the Slaves Adam and Regina, of the Cape.
Daniel Johannes DE VILLIERS, two Horses, and an open Cart.
Christiaan Andreas STORM, the Slaves André of Madagascar, Cupido of Nias, Scipio of Batavia, and Andries and David of this Colony.
The Insolvent Estate of Herbert PUGH, Household Furniture, consisting of Mahogany Chairs, a ditto Sofa, ditto Card and Pembroke Tables, an Office Desk, Glass, Plate, and Earthern Ware, Culinary Utensils; also a few Books, &c. &c.
On Friday, the 29th instant, on account of Johan Phil. RYNHARDT (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Houses and Premises, No. 70, Loop-street, and No. 10, Wale-street; also Household Furniture, consisting in a Bedstead, Bedding, Tables, Chairs, a Bureau, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, Smiths’ and Waggonmakers’ Tools, a quantity of Iron and Wood, a Carpenter’s Bench, a new Cart, the lower part of a Bullock Waggon. &c.; also the Slave Frederica and her five children, Tommy, John, Mary, Christian, and an Infant.
On Saturday the [20th] instant, on account of the joint Estates of AKEN & MONTEATH (whose Estate is administered by this Department), the Shipbuilders’ Yard, situated near the Whale Fishery, with the Building thereon; also a quantity of Oak and Assagai Wood. Yellow-wood Beams, old Iron, two Boats, Blacksmith’s Tools, &c.
On Wednesday the 3d January, 1827, by the Agent at Simon’s Town, on account of Jan Nicolaas JOONE, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) a Loan Free-hold Farm, called Poespas Kraal, with three Plots of Quitrent Land, situated near Slangekop; also, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bedding, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, two Saddles and Bridles, Tanners’ Tools, a quantity of Cordage, Implements of Husbandry, Waggons, Oxen, Goats, a Gold Watch, &c. &c.
On Monday the 8th January next on account of [ ]
with the Buildings thereon, situated in Kloof-street, Table Valley; also a Piece of Land adjoining Mr. NESER’S Garden, suitable for burning Bricks.
On Monday and Tuesday the 8th and 9th of January next, on account of Jacob Daniel DE VILLIERS Js. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) the Places named Groot and Klein Idas Valley and Nazareth, together with 775 Square Roods of Perpetual Quitrent Land, planted with a large Vineyard and different sorts of Fruit Trees, and plentifully supplied with water throughout the Year; also, Household Furniture, comprising Mahogany Sofas, Tables, Chairs, Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers, Bedsteads, Bedding, Looking Glasses, Glass and Earthen Ware, Kitchen and Wine Cellar Requisites, Farming Implements, a Cart, three Brandy stills complete; Fustage, Stockvats, 40 Leaguers of Wine, (last Vintage,) Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horses, Oxen, Cows, Sheep and Goats; also, the Slaves Christiaan, September, Jonas, Debora,Regina, (1) Rachel, Dion, constantie, Janira, Rosina, Abraham. Fredrik, Asia, Saul, Adriaan, Lys, Ezau, Arantus, Fortuin, Moses, and (2) Rachel.
On Saturday the 13th January, 1827, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of C.M. LUYT, a Plot of Ground with a House thereon, situated No. 14, Caledon-street, in the aforesaid Village.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 21, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Herbert PUGH, (now given over as Insolvent,) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 19th instant,
Johan Nicolaas KNOOP, (taken under Sequestration) to this Office, or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within the term of six weeks from the above date,
Cornelis DE WAAL, [Ts] (given over as insolvent) to this Office or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within the term of six weeks from the above date,
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 20, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Persons having any claims against the fo[llowing] Estates administered by the Orphan Chamber,
Of the late Jacoba Alida ACKERMAN, and surving [hus]band Jacobus Laurens BIERMAN
--- Bartholomeus VAN DEUREN
--- Robert BELL, and surviving Widow Sar[a Wil]liams,
--- Gerbrecht Philippina YZELLE, and s[urviving] Husband Cornelis Hermanus MYBURG,
--- Martha Elizabeth Adrianus DE KOOKER, [Widow] of Hendrik JANSEN,
--- Anthony Carroll HAYES,
--- Elizabeth Catharina BRUMMER, and s[urviving] Husband Jan DU PLESSIS,
--- Catharina Claudina VAN DER HEEVER, [and sur]viving Husband Daniel Petrus PIEN[AAR],
--- Gerrit Dirk KOTZE, and surviving Wid[ow ]gela Maria ERASMUS,
--- Prize Negress KITTY,
--- Female Hottentot Kaatje SMIT,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Camber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
December 21, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
All Persons having any Claims against the following Estates, viz: - The late Johannes JORDAAN, sen, and the late Daniel DU TOIT, Js. are requested to apply to the Undersigned within Three Months from this date.
D.J. ASPEING, Sen. q.q.
Died on the 7th instant, my beloved Husband, Frans Gysbert OLIVIER, aged 59 years, 2 months, and 4 days, Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Tulbagh, December 13, 1826.
Friday, December 29th, 1826. Vol. XX1. No. 1094.
21st December – Iberia, English Brig, P.KIRTON, Master, from the Knysna 18th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Timber.
Ditto – Sarah, English Brig, P. MILNE, Master, from Ceylon 15th October, bound to London, cargo Cotton and Sundries.
22d – Swallow, English Ship, J.B. MORLEY, Master, from Valparaiso 19th October, bound to the Mauritius, cargo Wheat.
Passengers – Mrs. MORLEY, and Mrs. P.S. KIERULF.
23d – His Most Christian Majesty’s Frigate L’oise, Capt. Le Dall DE KEREON, from Bourbon 30th November, bound to France.
Passengers – The Governor of Cayenne, his Lady, and Son; Messrs. MILOT, TIERCELIN, MONDéLET, and D. PAULIN, and Mr. VERREAUX, Naturalist for the Cape.
Ditto – Georgiana, English Ship, Wm. HAYLETT, Master, from Bengal 19th September, and Madras 15th October, bound to London, cargo Cotton and Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. McLEOD, Mr. and Mrs. HARRINGTON, and two Children; Captains McKENZIE, GRANT, THOMAS, and HYSLOP; Lieutenants MIDDLETON, SAVOURY, MOIR, COOK, and McBRIARS; Ensign RAMSEY; Messrs. ROSE, McDONALD, DANIELS, and LOVITT.
24th – Borneo, English Ship, J.C. ROSS, Master, from Torbay 14th October, bound to Batavia, with a general Cargo.
Passengers – Mesdames ROSS and DIMMICK, and four children; Messrs. JACK, TOLSON, and STEWART, Merchants, and five Steerage Passengers.
25th – Richard G. Cox, American Schooner, W.S.MONDAY, Master, from Buenos Ayres 27th November, bund to this Port, with a cargo of Skins.
Ditto – Hebe, English Brig. Thomas FOREMAN, Master, from Gravesend 28th September, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
26th – Mellish, English Ship, A. VINCENT, Master, from Gravesend 23d September, bound to Madras and Calcutta, with a general cargo.
26 – Caledonia, English Brig, J. BELL, Master, from Falmouth 31st October, bound to New South Wales, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. BELL, and Mr. SHAND.
27 – Alexander Adam, English Schooner, Alexander PETER, Master, from St. Helena 29th Nov. bound to this Port in ballast.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
21st December - George, Coasting Sloop, H. THOMPSON, Master, for Dyer’s Island.
23d – Prince Regent, English Ship, W. RICHARDS, Master, bound to London.
24th – Angerona, English Ship, W.E. BAKER, Master, for Calcutta.
26th – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, for Port Elizabeth.
Ditto - Duke of Gloucester, Coasting Schooner, S. AMM, Master, for St. Helena.
27th – Bonny Nan, Dutch Ship, C. ETTY, Master, bound to Batavia.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Tuesday the 26th December, 1826.
By the Rev. GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Benjamin GLASSCOTT, to Mrs. H.J. MUGGRIDGE.
George LITCHFIELD, to Elizabeth Mary STURGES.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 24th December, 1826.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of Mr. M. ADAMS, baptized Martha Elizabeth.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Thursday the 28th Dec.,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces
A Daughter of F. BALSTON, Esq. baptized Emily Sophia.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 24th December,
A Son of P.E. BIEL, baptized Anthon Fredrik.
A Daughter of J.H. HOFMEYER, Js. baptized Elisabeth Margaretha.
A Daughter of A.H. LEEUWENDAAL, baptized Fransina Christina.
On Tuesday the 26th December,
A Daughter of M.W. KELLY, baptized Elisabeth Catharina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 24th December,
A Daughter of D.J. ROOZA, Sen, baptized Sara Lusia.
A Daughter of J.G. KROEZEN, baptized Johanna Philippina Hendrica.
In The English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 3d December, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
A Son of Alexander, Government Prize Apprentice, baptized John.
On Sunday the 17th December,
A Daughter of Lieut. Alexander MURRAY, of His Majesty’s 59 Regiment, baptized Frances Harriet.
19th December – A Daughter of Mr. A. NELSON, named Barbara Jacoba, aged 11 months.
20th – A Son of H.B. OPPEL, named Karel Hendrik, aged 20 months and 15 days.
21st – A Son of F. GOSLOT, named Coenraad Gabriel Cornelius, aged 5 months and 9 days.
Ditto – A Son of P.L. VOGEL, named Lourens Jacobus Collin, aged 4 months.
22d – An Infant Son of J.M. DE WIT.
23d – a Daughter of E.G. LANDSBERG, named Elisabeth Catharina Cornelia, aged 6 months and 2 days.
24th – A Daughter of Mr. A. DE SMIDT, named Sara Maria, aged 14 months and 18 days.
25th – Jacob STEENKAMP, aged 64 years, 6 months, 6 months and [ ].
[possible that an entry is missing here – bottom of page chopped off in photo]
26th – Mr. Nicolaas VAN ES, aged 69 years, 3 months, and 15 days.
Ditto – A Son of ---. HOGSFLESH, named Thomas James, aged 2 years and 11 months.
Ditto – An Infant Son of J.P. LANGEVELD.
28th – A Son of J.H. STIGLINGH, named Jacobus Hendricus, aged 14 months and 26 days.
This day, 29th instant, on account of Johan Phil. RYNHARDT (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), two Houses and Premises, No. 70, Loop-street, and No. 10, Wale-street; also Household Furniture, consisting in a Bedstead, Bedding, Tables, Chairs, a Bureau, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, Smiths’ and Waggonmakers’ Tools, a quantity of Iron and Wood, a Carpenter’s Bench, a new Cart, the lower part of a Bullock Waggon. &c.; also the Slave Frederica and her five children, Tommy, John, Mary, Christian, and an Infant.
On Saturday the 30th instant, on account of the joint Estates of AKEN & MONTEATH (whose Estate is administered by this Department), the Shipbuilders’ Yard, situated near the Whale Fishery, with the Building thereon; also a quantity of Oak and Assagai Wood. Yellow-wood Beams, old Iron, two Boats, Blacksmith’s Tools, &c.
On Wednesday the 3d January, 1827, by the Agent at Simon’s Town, on account of Jan Nicolaas JOONE, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) a Loan Free-hold Farm, called Poespas Kraal, with three Plots of Quitrent Land, situated near Slangekop; also, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bedding, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, two Saddles and Bridles, Tanners’ Tools, a quantity of Cordage, Implements of Husbandry, Waggons, Oxen, Goats, a Gold Watch, &c. &c.
Johannes Jurgen SCHOLTS, 12 Stinkwood Chairs, and two Tables.
Petrus Johannes CATS, a new open Bullock Waggon; also, the Female Slave Doortje, with her child David.
The Insolvent Estate of Cornelis DE WAAL, the Household Furniture, a Gun, and the Female Slave Bersiba, with her Child Isaak.
At 12 o’clock, on the same Day, at the Place and on account of Johannes HARTOG, Ps. near Stellenbosch, a quantity of Casks and Fustage; also, 100 half aums of Lime.
On Monday the 8th January next, on account of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. A House and Garden called “Leeuwenrust”, with the buildings thereon, situated in Kloof-street, Table Valley; also a Piece of Land adjoining Mr. NESER’S Garden suitable for burning Bricks.
On Monday and Tuesday the 8th and 9th of January next, on account of Jacob Daniel DE VILLIERS Js. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) the Places named Groot and Klein Idas Valley and Nazareth, together with 775 Square Roods of Perpetual Quitrent Land, planted with a large Vineyard and different sorts of Fruit Trees, and plentifully supplied with water throughout the Year; also, Household Furniture, comprising Mahogany Sofas, Tables, Chairs, Wardrobes, Chest of Drawers, Bedsteads, Bedding, Looking Glasses, Glass and Earthen Ware, Kitchen and Wine Cellar Requisites, Farming Implements, a Cart, three Brandy stills complete; Fustage, Stockvats, 40 Leaguers of Wine, (last Vintage,) Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horses, Oxen, Cows, Sheep and Goats; also, the Slaves Christiaan, September, Jonas, Debora,Regina, (1) Rachel, Dion, constantie, Janira, Rosina, Abraham. Fredrik, Asia, Saul, Adriaan, Lys, Ezau, Arantus, Fortuin, Moses, and (2) Rachel.
On Saturday the 13th January, 1827, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of C.M. LUYT, a Plot of Ground, with a House thereon, situated No. 14. Caledon-street, in the aforesaid Village.
On Monday, the 29th January next, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of Richard HUNT, a Plot of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, called Markham House, situated at Port Elizabeth.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 28, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBURG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estate, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Jabez HART, (placed under Sequestration,) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 26th instant, on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estate, are desired to be liquidated within the said period, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, December 22, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
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