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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1852 2 April - June

13 April 1852

Stephen MUNDY
Has just received a large addition to his extensive Stock of Berlin Wools, Patterns, Books, Purse and Crotchet Silks, Steel Purse Mountings, Braids, Chenille, Steel and Black Ornaments, Mourning Brooches, Bracelets, Shell and other Combs, Steel and Gilt Beads, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Watch Glasses, Telescope Glasses.
Piano Forte, Violin and Guitar Strings
Double and Single Rifles
Rifled and Revolving Pistols and Pistol Caps
Powder Flasks, Telescopes, Bowie Knives, Dirks, Daggers, Hunting Knives, Sword Sicks. Percussion Caps and Conical Bullet Moulds.

27 April 1852

St.George’s Church
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday 11th May next
A General Meeting
of the inhabitants of Graham’s Town and of the parochial limits thereof, being members of, and holding communion with, the Church of England and Ireland, as by law established, will be holden in St.George’s Vestry, at 12 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of electing three Vestrymen.
Acting Colonial Chaplain
Graham’s Town, 27th April 1852.

Notice to Flockmasters and Others
Messrs. GOLDSWAIN & Son beg to give notice that Messrs H. ROBERTS & Brothers have purchased from them their well-known
Pure Flock
consisting of Ewes and Rams, from the original flocks of Messrs. GRIFFITHS and MAYNARD, formerly of Burnt Kraal. And the undersigned trust that the liberal support and patronage which has always followed them may be extended to those who have now become the proprietors of their valuable stock.
Burnt Kraal
10th April 1852.

4 May 1852

To the Members of the United Albany Brethren Benefit Society
The Committee of the above Society, with the Members present at their monthly Meeting, resolved to follow the remains of the late Lt.Col. FORDYCE and Lt. CAREY to the place of interment, and request that all Members will make it convenient to attend at their Club Room on Saturday next, at 1 o’clock, in order to proceed from thence to the Drostdy, and follow in the procession to the place of interment, in order to shew that respect which is die to those honoured individuals who have fallen in the defence of their country and their homes.
By Order of the Committee
Jno. GLASS, Sec.
Graham’s Town
May 4th 1852.

In the Estate of Lourens Jacobus ERASMUS, deceased, and surviving Widow Anna Margaretha Carolina DE VILLIERS of Somerset (East)
The Liquidation and Distribution Account of the above estate will lie open for inspection of those interested at the office of the Resident Magistrate of Somerset until the last day of the present month, after which day the Heirs &c can receive the amounts due to them upon application to the undersigned.
By Order of the Widow and Executrix
(Signed) P.C. MASSYN qq
15th April 1852.

11 May 1852

The undersigned hereby notifies that
Of Whittlesea, has ceased to be their Agent from the first of the present month, and request that all Drafts upon them signed by that person be immediately presented for investigation, and if found correct will be duly accepted.
CAWOOD Brothers
Graham’s Town
17th April 1852.

18 May 1852

The sad intelligence reached town yesterday that Messrs John and William CLAYTON Junr, and a discharged soldier named John ELLIOTT, were murdered on Saturday morning last at the mouth of the Fish River by a band of rebel Hottentots and Kafirs. The rebels, after accomplishing this deed of blood, ransacked the house and drove off more than 100 head of cattle. Another of old Mr. CLAYTON’s sons who was in the house (containing a double story) sick, jumped out of one of the upper windows and made his escape. There were some female relatives of the family in the house at the time, who were driven away by the marauders, and it is reported that the Hottentots planned to kill the females, but that the Kafirs refused to permit the perpetration of this horrid crime. It is said that the rebels first drove away the cattle, and the three unfortunate men in pursuing them were intercepted by another party, who prevented their return to the house, and mercilessly butchered them. Mr. BRADSHAW, the active Field-cornet of Bathurst, is in pursuit of the murderers with a party of burghers. The whole colony will sympathise with old Mr. CLAYTON in this sudden and terrible bereavement. Col. PERCIVAL has started with a detachment of the 12th, upon a patrol in Lower Albany, in pursuit of this desperate gang of murderers.
From Blinkwater, 14th instant, we learn that the Waterkloof is as numerously garrisoned by the enemy as ever, and that Colonel NAPIER’s Brigade was proceeding from Balfour to join the first division, preparatory to an attack on this noted stronghold.

25 May 1852

BIRTH on the 23rd inst, Mr. BIRENRUTH [sic] of a Daughter.

DIED on Monday the 24th instant, Margaret, third daughter of W.M. and E. JAFFRAY, aged 3 years and 2 months.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Adam James McKENZIE of Fort Beaufort, late Storekeeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office at Graham’s Town, on the 2nd day of June 1852, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of giving instructions to the Trustee as to the Sale of the Landed Property in the said Estate.
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, 28th April 1852.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Adam James McKENZIE and William WYNNE, carrying on trade in partnership at Fort Beaufort under the firm and style of McKENZIE & WYNNE, Storekeepers.
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office at Graham’s Town, on the 2nd day of June 1852, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the proof of debts.
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, 28th April 1852.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William WYNNE of Fort Beaufort, late Storekeeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office at Graham’s Town, on the 2nd day of June 1852, at 10 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of giving instructions to the Trustee as to the Sale of the Landed Property in the said Estate.
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, 28th April 1852.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of William AYTON (deceased) and surviving Spouse, of the District of Fort Beaufort
Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in the above have been granted to Mary AYTON (born GILBERT), surviving Spouse of the above-named deceased, as Executrix Testamentary therein. And all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to lodge the same with, and those persons thereto indebted to pay the same to, the undersigned within three months from the 10th instant (May).
Graham’s Town, 7th May 1852.

1 June 1852

From Cape Town
Having formed an Establishment in this Town, begs respectfully to announce to the inhabitants that she is prepared to give instruction to young Ladies in the French language, in Music and Dancing. Terms &c can be known at her residence, New-street, or Messrs. GODLONTON & WHITE.

Hope’s Garden
Mr. Attorney SLATER having purchased at the public sale on Monday last the whole of the estate of Major HOPE R.E., known as “Hope’s Garden”, which as being contiguous to his own land will enable him thereby to open a new line of street, affording at the same time an easy and direct approach to beautiful and valuable Building Sites in one of the most salubrious parts of Graham’s Town, intends to have plans and diagrams, which may be inspected at his office in a few days, preparatory to advertising for early public sale such allotments suitable for building and general purposes as he contemplates disposing of.
Graham’s Town, March 21st, 1852
Office of Mr. SLATER is removed to the one recently occupied by the Trust Company, in High Street, and next adjoining their present office.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. John PHILLIPS, at Cradock, son of Mr. T. PHILLIPS JP, one of the oldest frontier residents. He died from the results of a cold brought on by exposure to the weather consequent on the war. Like hundreds of others he had been forced to [for continuation see first page]
[Transcriber’s Note: sadly I did not notice the continuation when taking the photographs]

8 June 1852

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of James BOYLE
The Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Insolvent Estate will lie, for the inspection of Creditors and others, at the Master’s Office for a term of fourteen days from this day’s date; after which the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order distribution thereof.
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee
3rd June 1852.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Christopher Thomas BIRD, deceased.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office in Graham’s Town, the 16th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 10th June next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee

15 June 1852

Dwelling House to Let
That convenient double storeyed house hitherto occupied by Mrs. J.D. NORDEN, situated in Bathurst-street, containing four rooms and kitchen, with servants' rooms on the ground floor, three convenient rooms on the upper stories, a large walled-in yard, with wood-house, with the water laid on. Possession can be given within a few days. Particulars to be had on application at the office of Mr. N. BIRKENRUTH.                                                                                          
12th June 1852

Mrs. J.D. NORDEN being about to leave the Colony, requests all persons having claims against her to send them forthwith to her residence in Bathurst-street, next door to the Colonist office.
Graham’s Town, 8th June 1852.

DIED at Cape Town on Saturday 5th June 1852, in his 23rd year, Mr. Robert SAUNDERS Jun, Sworn Government Land Surveyor.

22 June 1852

DIED on Friday the 11th instant, Walter John Clement, youngest child of F. CARLISLE Esq, of Graham’s Town, aged 2 years.

29 June 1852

MARRIED at Somerset East on the 15th inst, by the Rev J. Piers, Dutch Reformed Minister, P.C. MASSYN Esq, of that place, to Cathrina Margaretta BOUWER, widow of the late P.W. BOUWER, of Mayers Krall, Somerset District

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