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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1850 4 October - December

Tuesday 1 October 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of James BOYLE of Bathurst-street, Graham's Town, Butcher
All persons claiming to be creditors under this estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office in Graham's Town on the 9th day of October 1850, at 10 o'clock precisely for the proof of debts.
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of John SHORT, of Cradock, Blacksmith
All persons claiming to be creditors under this estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his office in Graham's Town on the 2nd day of October 1850, at 10 o'clock precisely for the proof of debts.
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee

Tuesday 8 October 1850

Begs respectfully to inform Travellers and the Public in general that he has taken over the above Hotel, known as
Freemasons' Tavern
And hopes by keeping Good Accommodation, with the Best of Wines and Spirits, to be favored with a share of public patronage.
Good Stabling and Forage
Room for Three or Four respectable Boarders.
NB C.B. still continues the business of Carpenter and Undertaker adjoining the Hotel.

Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers for Sale that excellent Farm
"Berg Place"
Situated on the Bay Road, about 5 miles from Graham's Town.
This Farm is well adapted for Grazing or Agricultural purposes, having during the long protracted drought an abundance of Water – and has a fine Garden. In fact it possesses every natural advantage to make it a profitable concern to any person desirous of purchasing a Farm.
For terms and further particulars enquire of the undersigned on the premises.
Stephanus PETZER

Tuesday 29 October 1850

DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday morning, the 26th inst, Charles BLACKBEARD, aged 29 years and 2 months, leaving a Wife and two infant Children to deplore his loss, besides a large circle of relations and friends. He was the son of one of the Settlers of 1820, and deeply do they lament that his death was hastened by one whom they supposed to be his friend.

Tuesday 5 November 1850

DIED on the 14th inst at Kruis Fontein, Olifants Hoek, the residence of her Son, P.J. WOEST, Maria, the beloved wife of Mr. Alexander CAIRNS, aged 69 years, 6 months and 4 days. Deceased was first married to Mr. Hendrick WOEST, by whom, and by her present bereaved husband, she leaves a numerous family, deeply to regret the loss of a beloved and affectionate parent. Her end was peaceful, as she was enabled, by the Divine aid, confidently to rely for Salvation on the merits of a crucified Redeemer.

DIED at King William's Town on the 30th ult, Caroline, aged 11 months, daughter of Mr. KER, Clerk of Works, R.E.D.

DIED at Winterberg on the 12th Oct, after a long and trying illness, Mr. John Joseph SMITH Junr, in the 37th year of his age, leaving a wife and four children to lament the loss of a fond and affectionate husband and parent. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord".

Tuesday 12 November 1850

Begs to give notice to the inhabitants of the Somerset District and its neighbourhood that he has made arrangements with Messrs. POLLARD & RUDD at Haddon, Old Post, for carrying on the Business of
Carriage and Wagon making, Farriering, Carpentering & Building
In all their various branches
and hopes by punctuality and attention in the execution of all orders to merit a fair share of the public favour.
H.P. is also in a condition to execute any orders in
The Undertaking Line
and has provided everything necessary for Funerals, either in Town or Country.
Elizabeth Farm
East Riet River
District of Somerset
NB All orders to be transmitted to Messrs POLLARD & RUDD, Haddon, Old Post.

Tuesday 26 November 1850

DIED at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. John WEAKLEY, Graham's Town, Mary, the beloved wife of Joseph WEAKLEY Jr, aged 34 years. Her end was peace.
Graham's Town, November 21st 1850.

DIED on Sunday the 24th inst, Sarah, the beloved wife of Joseph McMASTER Esq of Graham's Town, in the 36th year of her age, deeply regretted by her bereaved family and friends.

Tuesday 3 December 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Ralph MURRAY of White Bush, District of Bathurst, Farmer
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office in Graham's Town on the 8th day of January next, at 11 o'clock precisely, for the purpose of taking into consideration the acceptance or rejection of the following proposition:- "To pay the sum of £131 in instalments of 6, 12 and 18 to the Trustee of his Insolvent Estate, in consideration of being released from all further claims, and his Estate rehabilitated, according to law – upon security being given at any time hereafter to the Trustee for the punctual payment of the instalments as aforesaid".
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee

Tuesday 17 December 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of George CUMMING of Hilton Farm, in the District of Albany
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at Graham's Town on the 15th day of January 1851, at 10 o'clock precisely, for the purpose of enabling Mr. Charles MAYNARD of Graham's Town to offer the sum of £500 Sterling to the Insolvent's Creditors, in payment of the deficiency still due on their respective claims, upon their consenting to grant the insolvent a release from sequestration of his estate.
George WOOD
Joint Trustees
Graham's Town, Nov 15 1850

Tuesday 31 December 1850

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Francis McGUIRE, late of Fort Hare, in British Kaffraria, Trader
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office in Graham's Town on Wednesday the 22nd January 1851, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee's Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned, on or before the 22nd January 1851, or proceedings will be instituted against them.

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