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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1849 1 January - March

Tuesday 9 January 1849

A lamentable accident occurred on Monday afternoon of last week. Abraham NORDEN, the son of Mr. Benjamin NORDEN, a fine and promising lad about 12 years old, while bathing, in company with a number of schoolfellows, on the beach below the Military Hospital, was seized with cramp and sunk; the assistance which was rendered unhappily came too late to preserve him. Another lad, named WILMOT, was fortunately rescued, in a state of insensibility, and by the immediate use of proper remedies was restored to animation. (Mirror)

Tuesday 16 January 1849

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 13th inst, the wife of Dr. O'CONNOR, Staff Surgeon, of a Son.

DIED at "Waterfall" in the district of Cradock, on Saturday the 6th January 1849, Mr. T.H. HALSE, aged 64 years, deeply lamented by his family and a numerous circle of friends.

Tuesday 23 January 1849

It is but fair to the present post-contractor, Mr. T. STUBBS, to state that the mail to Graham's Town has been remarkably punctual; indeed on several occasions it has arrived several hours before its usual time. Mr. STUBBS also deserves the credit of having a convenient cart constructed to carry the post, which was too heavy to be carried by one horse. This is a step in civilisation, and as such deserving a record. By the way, we are sorry to hear that the contractor has lately been fined £6 for bringing in the post on one occasion rather late. It appears that during the night the mail-cart met with an accident, having been upset in a ditch not far from the road near Bushman's River, which was the occasion of the delay. Under these circumstances it is not reasonable to inflict the penalty, which in past times seems not to have been inflicted where it ought to have fallen.

Tuesday 30 January 1849

Mr. POWER, 91st Regiment, being about to leave the colony requests that all claims against him may be sent in immediately for settlement.
Drostdy Barracks, 30th January 1849.

Tuesday 6 February 1849

MARRIED this morning at St.George's Church, Frances Mary, eldest daughter of Chas. MAYNARD Esq JP, to Thos. HARE Esq, Captain Cape Mounted Rifles.
6th Feb 1849

MARRIED this morning at St.George's Church, Henrietta Georgina De Villiers, second daughter of C. MAYNARD Esq JP, to John STOKES Esq, Lieut. Royal Engineers.
6th Feb 1849

Tuesday 13 February 1849

MARRIED at King William's Town, British Kaffraria, on the 30th ult by the Rev Mr Birt, Mr. KER, Clerk of the Works R.E.D, to Caroline, third daughter of Charles FULLER Esq, King William's Town.

BIRTH at Colesberg on the 4th instant, Mrs. John CAMPBELL of a Son.

The Undersigned hereby gives notice that he is in daily expectation of receiving title to the Lo No. 28 Artificer's Square, Graham's Town. Any person having any just claim to the said Lot since 5th June 1838 will be pleased to lodge the same with the Clerk of the Peace.
Any person or persons having any claim to the Farm "Cold Valley", Winterberg, after the 1st April 1839, or between that date and 27th July 1841, are likewise requested to lodge them with the Clerk of the Peace.
Formal possession having been this day taken of Cold Valley farm by me, and notice ti that effect posted on the premises.
Cold Valley, January 29 1849.

Tuesday 27 February 1849

District of Stockenstrom
Thos. And Benjamin GREEN
Beg to notify Farmers, Carriers and the public in general, that having commenced business at the above place as
Wagonmakers & Blacksmiths
they hope by punctuality and strict attention to orders that may be entrusted to them, to merit a share of their patronage.

Tuesday 13 March 1849

Circuit Court
For the District of Fort Beaufort and Alice, including Fort Peddie.
Mr. STONE, Solicitor, hereby announces to the public that he will visit Fort Beaufort on the 16th, and Alice on the 19th March instant, for the transaction of Circuit Business, and he will be happy to undertake any matters entrusted to his care. During his stay at Fort Beaufort he will hold consultations between the hours of 9 and 6 o'clock, at the Hotel of Mr. M. BERRY, and will be glad to see such persons who need his assistance or professional advice between those hours.
Graham's Town, March 4 1849.

Tuesday 20 March 1849

BIRTH on the 10th instant at George Town, the lady of David TAYLOR Esq of a son and heir.

Tuesday 27 March 1849

BIRTH this morning, Mrs. W.M. JAFFRAY of a Daughter
March 27th 1849

Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town that in the ensuing quarter (which will commence on the first of April), he has made arrangements for two Drawing Classes, to meet at his house (at the bridge leading to Fort England). The one, for young Gentlemen, will attend from ½ past 10 to 12am, on Mondays and Thursdays; the other for young Ladies, on Saturday mornings from 10 to ½ past 12.
Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, Perspective and Flower Painting.
NB. Plans of Steam Engines and Machinery of every description made for English orders.


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