Cape Frontier Times 1840 2 April - June
Wednesday 6 May 1840
MARRIED by Special Licence at St.George's Church, on the 5th inst, by the Rev John Heavyside, Mr. Richard ORSMOND to Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. Christopher DALE.
We understand the village of Bathurst was visited on the evening of Thursday se'ennight with a severe storm of hail, accompanied by a violent wind from the west. The hail-stones were of large size, and nearly three hundred panes of glass were broken in the windows exposed from their aspect to the direct action of the storm. The rising crops of potatoes in the village were also severely injured.
On the 10th of last month the managing directors of the Port Elizabeth Jetty Company laid the foundation stone of that important work, having chosen that day as the occasion most appropriate, it being the anniversary of the arrival of the first party of British Settlers on the frontier in 1820.
Wednesday 13 May 1840
Mrs. Edward ROBERTS, late from Cape Town, begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity that she intends opening an Establishment for a limited number of Young Ladies, on the 1st June next, at the Drostdy House, Bathurst.
Terms may be had on application to Mr. KIFT, Graham's Town.
Highway Robbery
As Mr. MILLS was proceeding to Graham's Town on Friday last from Mill River, on horseback, he was accosted by three Hottentots, who asked him for some tobacco, which they obtained; they then begged some money to buy food, and he took his purse out of his pocket, which contained £50 in notes and gold, for the purposes of bestowing a trifle upon them; when one laid hold of the bridle of his horse, while the other two seized the purse, with which they immediately made off, and have hitherto eluded discovery.
Wednesday 20 May 1840
The undersigned intending to give up Tailoring at Fort Beaufort, wishes to inform those indebted to him that their accounts must be paid by the 30th June next, 1840, or they will be handed over for recovery by legal process, without any distinction of persons, also that all accounts against him, due by the same time may be sent in for payment: he further informs those persons who have ordered clothes, both Dutch and Dnglish [sic], since December 1839, and have not since been seen by him, that if they do not come or send for them, by the time above-mentioned, that they will be sold at the sole risk of the person who ordered them, and in accordance with the above, their accounts will be handed over for recovery.
NB In the meantime the whole of his present Stock is for sale, either by retail or wholesale, offering a good opportunity to any person who may feel disposed to carry on all the trade, consisting of blue, black and claret superfine cloth's, fancy and drab Kerseymeres, splendid buff Kerseymere, and Valentia Waistcoatings, also silk Valentia, Silk and a variety of other sorts, superior white Cord, white and brown Drills, white and drab Beaverteen, white Jean, striped Nankinet, Canvas, brown Petersham, a lot of superior Waistcoats, Stocks, Glaoves, Braces, and Trowsers straps, Gents superior black and white Beaver Hats, and a variety of Tailor trimmings.
Fort Beaufort, 12th May 1840
Wednesday 27 May 1840
BIRTH this morning, the Lady of the Rev J HEAVYSIDE of a son.
Wednesday 3 June 1840
DIED on the 12th December 1839, at his residence, No.66 Exchequer-street, Dublin, Christopher TEELING Esq MD, aged 84 years, the Senior of the Dublin Physicians. In the Catholic Convention in 1792, Dr. TEELING represented Carrickfergus.
A diabolical attempt at incendiarism was made early yesterday morning, in the house of Mr. MASKELL, unprecedented, we are happy to say, in Graham's Town. The family were awoke about 4 o'clock, by the smoke which was diffused throughout the house, and upon searching for its cause, discovered that a fire had been kindled in the passage close to the street door, leading to the back premises. A basin which had been in the kitchen the previous afternoon, and containing dripping, was found in the fire. The lower part of the door is burnt, as also a considerable part of the floor of the passage. There is nothing to indicate whether the fire was kindled inside the house or was communicated underneath the threshold. It is a most kind providence that a seasonable discovery was made, as the consequences might otherwise have been terrific. This nefarious circumstance is shrouded in complete mystery. Mr. MASKELL is so universally and deservedly respected that it is impossible to assign motives or attach suspicions as to its origin.
Wednesday 10 June 1840
DIED on Monday Morning last, John James, Son of Mr. Alexander HYDE, aged 18 months.
BIRTH, the Lady of Mr. G.A. MONRO of a Daughter on the 9th instant.
BIRTH, on Thursday the 4th June, the Lady of Lieut. SMITH, 27th Regt, of a Daughter.
Wednesday 17 June 1840
Notice of Removal
Mrs. HIGGINSON, Fancy Milliner and Dress Maker, respectfully informs the Ladies of Graham's Town that she has removed to Mr. HEWSON's Cottage, in Hill Street, opposite the Masonic Lodge.
Graham's Town, June 17 1840
DIED March 20th 1840, at Upper George-street, Bryanstone Square, London, in her 29th year, Emma, the wife of Mr. J. STANDEN, and the daughter of C.B.R. WRIGHT Esq.
Mr. Edward PARKER, Attorney of the Queen's Bench and other Courts at Westminster, and Mr. William SMITH of Graham's Town, sworn Land Surveyor and General Agent, beg to inform the inhabitants of the Eastern Province that they have entered into Partnership, and that all business in the above Professions entrusted to them will be conducted with due attention to the interests of their Clients.
Office at the Residence of Mr. W. SMITH, High-street, Graham's Town
Graham's Town 1st June 1840.
Wednesday 24 June 1840
A clergyman of the established church, the Rev Mr BOOTH, has been appointed to supply the spiritual wants of the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort, and is probably already on his passage to this colony.
We are sorry to state that on Sunday the 21st inst, as Garrison-Serjeant-Major DRENNAN was in the act of firing a blunderbuss up the chimney of a house in Hill-street, which was on fire, the barrel burst, and so shattered his hand as to make amputation necessary. We are glad however to be enabled to add that he is doing well.
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