Family Register pages from Bibles and Original Family Registers.
By preserving photographs of these often valuable and always fragile objects we aim to make as many as possible available to all.
All surnames are indexed and can be found using the Search facililty. If you have comments or suggestions, or Bible photos you would like to contribute, please contact Annelie Els

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![HAMP Edward Alexander 1840 - 19?? and Mary Sophia TURNER 1838-19??, married 187[3] HAMP Edward Alexander 1840 - 19?? and Mary Sophia TURNER 1838-19??, married 187[3]](/bibles/cache/PRIV_HAMP-TURNER/PRIV_HAMP-TURNER_01_372_w372_h372_cw372_ch372_thumb.jpg?cached=1686196353)
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