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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Nottinghamshire 1820 Settlers

These documents are housed in Nottinghamshire Archives and were transcribed by Rob Smith while researching for his book Nottinghamshire Settlers and Locations in the Eastern Cape of Good Hope  (Footprint Press, Hermanus, Western Cape). They are reproduced here by kind permission of Rob Smith and Nottinghamshire Archives. Surnames have been printed in block capitals to fit in with the other transcriptions on this site.

Most of the correspondence was addressed to Edward Smith GODFREY, Clerk of the Peace for Nottinghamshire, who was in charge of the selection of the Nottinghamshire settlers on the emigration scheme. He was assisted by the Rev. J.T. BECHER of Southwell.

Correspondence of Thomas CALTON and George DENNISON

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/1

[CALTON to GODFREY getting ready to embark]


We arrived here at eleven oClock last night after a very cold ride and this morning I proceeded to the vessel and had an interview with the Capt. and Leut. MUDGE they are both married I shall not be able to get this party on board until Friday evening or Saturday morning I have taken private lodging for them and I purchase them their provisions &c this in my opinion being the cheapest way.

Leut MUDGE’s orders are to proceed to Sea as soon as our party are all on board which we are to do with as little delay as possible I have told him we shall not exceed Sunday Week he requests that a New corrected list to be sent as soon as possible to Lord BATHURST for his approval that as little delay as possible may take place with respect to the books that was purchased of the Revd Mr ALMOND I am sorry they were given up as on enquiry I find Leut Mudge has only a few he says about a Dozen of bibles and testamts

DENNISON I suppose would send you the agreement we made with the Wagon Office I left it with him it was signed before I left For 9d/ per Adult[?] 8d/ for each person above 14 years and 4d/ under 14 years old those of two years not to be charged.

Money here flies like mad I am obliged to pay for every thing before I can get any thing done this being the cas I must request you to send me £50 to defray expences as I shall scarsely have sufficient until it arrives

The first Wagons will not arrive until Friday Eveg

I am Sir your Obt Servt
Saracens Head Inn Dale Street
Jany 12th 1820

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/2

Saracen’s Head Liverpool
Jany 13th 1820


Two Wagons arrived here this Evening and in consequence of the neglect of the bookkeeper not giving information to the office here that the goods were to be paid for by you at Nottingham they are determined for want of the Cash I have written by this post to the bookkeeper at Nottingham and to DENISON to say how we are priced[?] with respect to the goods. I have no doubt it occurred from the extraordinary confusion that took place at starting from the numbers that surrounded us at the time it perhaps will be requisite for you to write to the bookkeeper at the Miltons Head Inn Nottingham to say that you will see them paid
No Vegetables are found by the ship no Candles, and only Tea and Sugar occasionally
I am Sir yours Obt Servt

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/3

Saracen’s Head Saturday Evening
Jany 15th 1820


As regular as the night comes I have something new to inform you Lieut. MUDGE informs me we ought to procure Vegetables for the party as none are alowed I have purchased for two days consumption and shall continue to do so until I here from you to the contrary

Nothing extra is allowed to the children and as no milk can be procured potatoes and Rice will be desirable on their account half a pound of tea per week for six people is allowed I think this quite plenty I have been obliged to purchase some Tin Chamber utensils many other things of the kind are wanted Candles also I mention yesterday Soap will also be wanted

A Woman of our party set fire to the bed curtains at their lodgings about five pounds damage was done but has not yet been Valued I was obliged to [...] word for the actual damage before they permitted the people to go on board

60 person’s are now on board part yesterday and the remainder to day in future we are to send none on board after eleven oclock in the morning as no rations are delivered out after 12 at noon

What a relief it would be to me were you here to see how the money goes many expences occur I never contemplated the people have spent most of their money and can procure no indulgences

The Capt and Leut express themselves wonderfully to accommodate the party but we have a sorry set.

I mean a part of them and very unruly and were it not for some that I can trust I believe I would run away you can have no conception of the trouble they give and are discontented after all

I am Sir your most
obedient Servant

23 more just arrived
6 oclock P.M.

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/4

Tuesday Evg Jany 16 1820


This morning I took about 30 people on board when one half was returned owing to their names not being on the list that has been sent to the agent from Lord BATHURST he has got a very old list, and what should be requested from his Lordship is that all persons sent on board should be received “pro tempore” until a proper list can be made out. and this will be made out best on board the Capt gave the people much praise to day that are on board has owing to a great toss[?] an other Vessel run us on board carried away part of our rigging as to my self I got a good scolding for risking the lives of my self, son, and 30 others in taking them on board in one small boat to save expence the Capt declared he would not have done the like for one thousand pounds we did not know our danger

have the goodness to inform the good Mr BECHER that I am obliged to return NELSON’s Sister who said she was recommended by him/ owing to her bad character but of this she knows no more than her Name was not on the original list of Course I must pay her fare home as the Capt declares she would ruin all the Sailors.

I have received no letter from you as yet
½ past 6 PM

I am Sir your most Obt Sert

NELSON’s Sister will leave here on Tuesday morning

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/5


I have just time to answer the receip of the Macclesfield bill of £50 for which I am very thankful most part of your letter is already answered by my former letters – I may add we were not expected quite so soon for one reason why we could not go on board and an other, many of the people’s names are not in the agents list and he has no orders to receibve them Our people was very disappointed they could not obtain their boxes but now they know the reason they are all quite satisfied

Our goods are yet in pawn for the carriage but hope a letter to relieve them by tomorrows post

we have about 70 or 75 on board and between 20 and 30 at Lodgings (I mean all ages)
our cabin will be ready for us about Wednesday some alterations in it being requisite before we go on board the people are now very trustable since they find it is not my fault they have not their box’s many are sleeping on the hard boards.

I will give an exact number of people on board and those also on shore by tomorrows post
I think the Dollars need not be sent until all are clearly from Nottingham for it is evident the Agent Leut MUDGE can not sail until a correct list is accepted by Lord BATHURST his present orders are to proceed to sea as soon as all are on board

I am your most Obt Sert
Liverpool Dale St.
Saracen’s Head Inn
Jany 17th 1820

No other settlers are going with us all other vessels are saild from here

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/6

Saracen’s head Inn Dale St
Thursday Jany 20th 1820


I received your letter of the 18th this instant and am thankful for the people having potatoes and other vegetables found them perticularly the children

Saturday being market day I will purchase these articles on that day and send on board – other necessaries I will omit until your Clerk arrives that he may see the necessity as well as myself of the purchase

I expected an Answer on Monday last. So many letters to DENNISON and the bookkeeper at the Milton’s Head Inn Nottingham giving an order here to the Waggon office to relieve our goods as they are obtained for payment of Carrge the the money for these goods was to have been paid in Nottingham but the Bookkeeper wrote on the way Bill to be paid here My family would have been on board on Saturday last as well as several others had the bookkeeper made no mistake this is **** a way with much money – we daily expecting the order prevented me from enjoying a lodging for the Week

I have repeatedly tried to get my beds ** from the office on deposition money *** to the Value and more of Carrge of the Boxes taken away but they would give themselves no trouble to divide any portion until the whole was settled for.

we have got the people on board in better temper and Capt Cunningham and Leut MUDGE give all a good word except HUNTs wife who seems a complete Shrew the Carrge of NELSON’s Sister of Southwell was not paid at the time she left here but I have this day paid it it is 16d/ outside.

The Numbers on board are as follow

Men Women Children Above 14 Under Do
36 17 12 47

On Shore and at the Committees[?]

Men Women Children Above 14 Under Do
16 4   11

General Total here – 143

you may rely on my doing all things at as reasonable a rate as possible
I am Sir your Obedient Servant

P.S. two men from Nottingham have just arrived on speculation in case of a Vacancy

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/8/7

Liverpool Saracens Head
Jany 23rd 1820


Your letter enclosing Mr GOULSONs was Receiv’d on friday evening and the party in consequence received on board next day Leut MUDGE has obtained orders to receive on board all I send him provided I do not exceed in any class should their be any alteration this must be accounted for to Lord BATHURST as early as possible Leut MUDGE desired I would send a list to Lord BATHURST of all on board as well as all in Liverpool this I did on thursday by explaining to his Lordship that We had others on their way and that I expected to be able to send an accurate list on Monday next praying at the same time for permission to send on board the persons not in the original list however an order came to that office on the friday to Leut MUDGE in consequence of an application of the Leut previously sent and all put on board the following day the party left Nottm on friday morning at 6 OClock did not arrive until four O Clock this (Sunday) morning they will be sent on board tomorrow

We have four persons in waiting one with a young wife and no children they have followed us in the hope of meeting with a Vacancy I expect we have three deserters one a young man from Mansfield of the name of HERROD came all the way to Liverpool and then returned per Coach at his own expence a young man from Newark of the name of HANDLEY is not yet arrived and he had orders to go with the first party A man of the name of BUTTER with a wife and four or five Children came to Liverpool and has not since been heard of I have just heard that two others run back that should have come with this last party I send you the amount of those on board as well as those on Shore distinguishing those who arrived this day and will be on board tomorrow (Monday)

On Board
Men 48 Women 21 – Children above 14 Yrs 18
Under 14 Yrs 46

On Shore
Men 2 – Women 2 – Children above 14 – One
Under 14 – 5

Came by this last [coacj]
Men 3 – Women 5 Children Under 14 Yrs 4

On speculation
Men 4 Women 1

John SYKES and wife are at Manchester ready to come at a Days notice with DENNISON makes up all I know anything about

Our luggage remains as fast as ever I have no other way of getting it but that of paying the money here or or insisting of the bookkeeper at Nottingham writing to the people here to say they are Satisfied these people will not let them go without one or other All are very happy and in good health except a few slight colds and only complain for the want of bedding and clean linen had I known of this long delay you certainly would have seen me at Newark before this.

I am Sir your Most
Obedient Humble Servt

P.S. nothing has yet been settled as to the name of our new town
Lord Newcastle said Clumber, Mr BECHER Newcastle and yourself thought Pelham, what is it to be

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/1

Saracens Head Jany 26 (Tuesday)
Liverpool 1820


We this day have received the order for the release of our goods when I immediately proceeded to get part on board. the remainder we hope to get safe on board tomorrow. the vessel lies in the middle of the river at a distance from shore – If all the goods are arrived or will arrive on or before Thursday I make[?] no doubt but that the Albury will sail on Sunday next provided the wind suits

Leut MUDGE says we shall have to march upwards of one hundred miles after we land in Algoa bay if so how is all this baggage to be forwarded

We shall expect DENNISON tomorrow


Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/2

[Transcriber’s Note: Signed by CALTON but looks more like DENNISON’s handwriting]

Albury Transport 10th Feby 1820


I beg leave to transmit you the enclosed Articles of Agreement &c and are Sorry to Say that we have been weather bound for these last ten days; the settlers are very cheerfull but anxious to proceed for the place of destination – Since you had the Return by Mr SMITH there have been three Single men declined as also John BRADLEY who had been guilty of misconduct repeatedly; and expected that a committee was about to assemble on his account

the amount of Rations are as follows viz
Men, Women, and all children, above 14 years of Age; have equal allowance to that of a Soldier on board Ship with the following exception- to wit-
Women and Females, above 14 years have Sugar & Tea in lieu of Spirits –
All Children under the above Age have half Seamens allowance with the exception of Spirits, and have Tea and Sugar in lieu – my motive for explaining the Several allowances of Provisions to the Settlers is to confound all false reports that may have been circulated in Nottingham ----------- should there be another party follow us at any future period it would be advisable that the Superintendant should quarter himself at the Commercial Tavern, Queens Dock; and the party at Whitakers Number 2 Xbow[?] Lane – as also to procure an order in Council which will be to the amount of £2-2-0 for the purpose of Iron, Groceries &c being allowed to Embark duty free on Soap the duty is 3 d per pound –

I am Sir
Your most obdt
Humble Servant

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/3


Albury Transport at Sea
13th February 1820

nothing has occurred with respect to behaviour of the people since the last despatch; the settlers are very cheerfull and anxious to be at the place of destination, HARTLEY & CROSS have lost each the youngest child in their family & supposed to have been occasioned by being so long in this unhealthy River, should you have been so fortunate as to have received my pension I most humbly pray that you will be pleased to forward it in Such way as may Seem most expedient, the season is advancing rapid I am doubtful we shall behind our neighbours the first Year in lieu of the Commercial tavern, it is the Merchants tavern that has been recommended for a future Emigration –

I am Sir
your most Obt
Humble Servant

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/4

[CALTON to GODFREY. From transcriptions by Thoroton Historical Society, Nottingham.
Vol.21 1962 Thoroton Record Series]

Two vessels being in soght bound to England I take the oppertunity to write hastely to you that you may be acquainted with our progress. We are at the moment on the line in Longitude 22 nearly calm and the Thermomoter this day greates heat not more than 84 nor less than 82 in the night. All the people are in good health and my Wife and Children much improved by the Voyage. I wish I had it in my power to say that I wished none of the Setlers back again, but there are a few I must say that do not conduct themselves here as they ought, particularly NELSON of Southwell who is determined to disobay all orders from the Agent & self. Mr MUDGE threatens to report him to the governor. If so he will lose his land. Some there are whom I find have proved themselves greater eaters than workers, so I am affraid will prove the same at the Cape. These are the F.W.K. I must sincerely beg and pray you to send no more here; on this point you will here from me at Cape when I have proved their exertions when acting for themselves. Should it be determined to send a second party before we can give you an accurate acct. of our agracultural proceedings, I sincerely hope the Country people will be preferred (farming Men I mean). They must have pone or more Superintend persons of respectibility. I would allow them the privilage to bring servants and one as superior to do the work I did in England and assist each other on ship board. The superintendents Will have the privilage of the cabins when the rest are in the stearage or between decks lying four or six in a bed [or?] two men and their wives (I wonder no mistakes are made). Mr BECKETs flannel shirts and Trowsers are by far too small even for boys of 18 yrs. Therefore I would recommend the materials to be sent in lieu there of. Our people procured themselves scales & Weights to four pounds ; these have been actually requisite to procure the full rations allowed by the Government, but Mum it may be done without noise. I have pulled them thro’ it without appearing to be seen in it by ordering the people to weigh after the Steward in front of the hole they receive it thro’, but there is no necessity for this until rascallity have been privately proved. I have not the least doubt but Lord Batherst would grant you the previlage of a vessel at at [sic] Hull ; this would have saved you in our party from two to three hundred pounds by the packets running alongside the Ship while lying in the river. The Setlers would have had no necessity to Land. Had it been the case we should have been a month in advance of what we are now and each setler saved much money. For my own part I only brought away with me 50£ out of the dollars Mr S. left me the rest being sold at a loss, the other settlers in proportion. Almost all were obliged to borrow prior to leaving Liverpool to be paid out of their ten pounds. We has a delightful voyage, the sea never Rough, and three weeks only since we saw land in England. Pray send some acct. of my family to the Rev. Mr LESSITER of Collingham and request him to write to my Brother etc. Will thank to send to Mr STREETSON the printer some sort of acct. of us for the information of all friends

I am Sir in great haste (as a gig is now going)
Your Most obliged servt.

At Sea Latitude Nothing
Logitude 22 – Tuesday March 14th, 1820

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/6

[CALTON to GODFREY at Simon’s Bay. From transcriptions by Thoroton Historical Society, Nottingham. Vol.21 1962 Thoroton Record Series]

May 1st Simons bay 1820

On the day I wrote last dated March 14th Mr John SYKES was taken ill and died on the 20th of the same month, the particulars of which I communicated to his brother Thomas at Manchester the same day as a vessel (the Nestor) hove in sight that morning for London, requesting him to forward to you this information I sent to him.

Mrs. SYKES his Widow having determined to return home, thinking herself incapable to cultivate her own land, with the concurrence of Liet. I. Mills MUDGE of the R.N. she is left at Simons Town to be sent home by the first opertnity. She a applied to me for ten pounds paid into the hands of Government; for obvious reasons I have not given it her. First, it was not in my possession; secondly, had I it I do not conceive I have a power to bestow or give away the property of others without their sanction or approbation; and knowing further that should you think it requisite to make her a present you are the proper persons to give away your own property; on these grounds I have declined giving her money. With respect to the necessity of such a measure it would be presumptious in me to offer an opinion, but I hope you will allow me to add that it is possitively necessary to procure a private stock of comforts independant of the ships allowance. Notwithstanding this I must say that the Government have provided every thing in abundance.

I am now come to the most unpleasant part of my communication: it is with respect to Serjt, DENNISON’s general conduct on board ship. While in the river at Liverpool (wishing to ingratiate himself with the Captain & Agent) [he] commenced a system of double dealing by giving private information against the settlers which caused great disputes between the Agent and captain on the one part and the settlers on the other, and in consequence they were deprived of many comforts they would otherwise have earlier received. The same attempt he made to me by seting me against them by pointing out their bad conduct, as he called it, complaining of trivial things which he endeavoured to make of great consequence, but he soon found I would not allow him to create disturbance between the settlers myself and the Captain of the Ship. When he found I was inclined to sooth the people instead of widening the breach between the Captain and themselves, he never after complained to me but gradually withdrew himself from me, and reserved his infamous tatlings to the Captain who gave a redier ear to it. He once told me (DENNISON) that he knew positively that the people (meaning the settlers) had determined to ruin his Character prior to leaving Nottingham. The settlers soon found him out and were loud and frequent in their complaints to me against him. I at first would not listen to them. I said I was sure it was impossible he could do or say anything to their disadvantage as they must know he hoped longer to live amongst them than in this ship; in short I supported him against the whole for a length of time, supposing that the whole originated either from error or from bad blood, and I continued to support him even after I had strong grounds to suspect him Guilty of the charges laid against him by the settlers. At length the Eyes of the Captain were opened by DENNISON making a complaint against the settlers having far too many boxes and baskets between decks, telling the Captain that for his part he had only one Bag. The private manner and great importance and secrecy he made use of caused the captain to suspect him of other motives and immediately proceeded in examination and found his (DENNISONs) berth the worst of any of them, (it was two or three days before I heard of this), when he (G. D.) suffered equally the loss of his boxes with the rest of the settlers; although the Captain declared me afterwards there was nothing that he saw so materially wrong or more in quantity than they might possibly want. The whole of his conduct now fell quickly upon him; it came out that he was the primary cause of all their deprivations and that the settlers were correct in their charges against him; he had lost the good will of the settlers. When we were within about 500 miles of Land I discovered that DENNISON endeavoured to divide the settlers and myself by insinuating that I intended to keep the stores sent out by the Committee to myself. I lost not a moment in bringing him to examination before Lieutenant I. M. MUDGE and Captain CUNNINGHAM and the whole of the settlers; when it was clearly understood he wished to make them believe I was the greatest rascal upon earth by keeping the above named stores, etc. I then told him in front of the whole I should take the first opportunity of acquainting you with the whole affair and refer you to Lieutenant I. M. MUDGE for the confirmation of all I have said in this letter respecting him. Two days after he spoke to Lieutenant MUDGE to intercede with him. I told him as far as concerned myself I would forgive him; but that I should make you acquainted with the whole affair, for if I kept it back I should not do my duty to you or the Settlers.

May 16 Algoa Bay 1820

Yesterday evening we arrive safe in this Bay and this morning I went on shore. When I was landed in Simons Town I was ordered to Cape Town to deliver personally to Colonel BIRD my lists and copies of the agreements and receive his orders. My horse hire alone besides his keep was 20s. and my expences for the two days 21 Spanish Dollars and a half. The Spanish Dollars here are from 4/3 to 4/6 according to the concience of each Jew. The Bank of England paper (one pound notes etc.) are at full value but as to the 100 Per Cent it is all a farce; Dutchmen may get it for a Government bill, but no one else. I asked the price of a spade, they told me about two Spanish Dollars, I told them I would sell them some stone, they would not give me the prime cost for them; in fine they are great scoundrels as they can raise or fall the price of dollars for any thing else in less than ten minutes at their own pleasure.

May 17th

The price of Spanish Dollars in this bay are only 4s. and I am told up the Country only 3s. We are all to pay our own expences the moment we land, indeed they look to me as responsible for the whole. Our Carriage will cost about £8 per waggon and we shall require at least 30 Waggons as they do noty carry as much as one ton. They provide us with tents at two pounds each and our rations up the Country are all stopped out of the money in hand; as this is impossible to be done and the people live hereafter, I must endeavour to make some arrangements with the heads here as the acting Governor is gone to Graham Town. We have received the greatest encouragement possible respecting the land but great cry out for water. For 15 miles all along the Great Fish River is already occupied. It is my object to get a grant in the New Country on the other side of the Great Fish River where none are yet gone; it is in Caffraria. We expect to land to-morrow but as a transport brig is about to sail this day direct to England I think it my duty to write by it. The bay is quite calm and at this time little or no surf; at least of any consequence.

All on board are quite well; we had a birth on Thursday night last. The conduct of Lieutenant MUDGE has been so highly satisfactory to myself and all the settlers on board in allowing us every comfort in his power as well as his peculiar attention paid to every individual on board makes us all anxious to solicit your application to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle that he may intercede for him in such a way as may promote his interest and advancement. I believe him to be a most excellent officer: one who has seen a great deal of service, stands high amongst the Lieutenants, having been Lieutenant 20 years. Mr. MUDGE acted as pastor during the Voyage, and if no better situation could be obtained for him we should feel happy in having him reistablished in that capacity in our town of Clumber, provided it can be made sufficiently lucrative for his acceptance. He has a son of about 14 years of age who might be educated and would no doubt be so expressly to succeed his father or to take the duty as soon as he is old enough.

have the goodness to inform my Brother Richard CALTON, Solr. of Chesterfield that we are all well and in high spirits, that our prospects from report in this bay are fully as good if no better than we could possibly expect, and that I shall write to him as soon as our destination is known.

All letters directed for me as Superintendant of the Nottinghamshire settlers Cape of good Hope will find me.

I am Sir with great respect
Your most obt. Servt.

E. S. GODFREY, Esq.,
Banker, Newark

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/7

[DENNISON to GODFREY at Simon’s Bay. From transcriptions by Thoroton Historical Society, Nottingham. Vol.21 1962 Thoroton Record Series]

Cape of Good Hope Simons Bay
8th May 1820

We sailed from Liverpool 13th Feby. 1820 and laboured under Heavy Gales of the coast of Wales until the 18th when the wind became favourable; passed a Swedish Ship the 20th & on the 27th came up to an anchor in the Bay of Madeira; the Town is on the south side of the Island, apparently surrounded with excellent Gardens and Vineyards; H.M. Ship Brazen was there; we sailed from thence 27th, on the 28th H.M.S. Brazen bespoke us on her way to the Cape with dispatches; 1st March saw the canaries at a great distant; 3rd came up with Aquatic Ship laden with coal for St. Helena; 5th at a distance passed a Portuguese Ship; considered to be a Slave trader. 9th the climet very warm; Jn. SYKES complained of being ill took a purgative and a few hours afterwards a tolerable quantity of spirits – complained daily until the 12th when he took Calomel at 2 p.m. I cautioned him about drink – this occasioned a laugh both from Mr. CALTON and another; 13th caught a Shark. SYKES much worse 15th, broke out with an eruption from head to foot. 14th fell in with the Charles Grant and __________ two East India ships on their way to London; two officers came on board us and purchased some potatoes, said they had many people sick occasioned by bad water. 15th crossed the aquator; 18th bespoke the Clydesdale Merchant ship on her way to Bengal; SYKES very ill; midnight 20th SYKES departed this life in deranged state. 21st the captain went on board the Nestex from London on her way from Callcutta (caled at the Cape) to England- from the 10th to this day we were generally becalmed and suffered much by the heat. 27th we got the trade winds; on the 4th April crossed the tropics with moderate breeze; 8th Heavy gales and contrary winds, the Hatches closed down to prevent the sea coming in betwixt Decks (the captains conduct at this time unworthy to mention); very heavy gales and contrary winds continued till the 17th when the wind became more favourable. One of our men shot a Bird, very large; 18th very light breeze and 3 more Birds were Shot to wit Albertroshes; one was brought on board, measured 5 feet and upwards of 9 inches. On the 1st May came in sight of the Cape and about midnight anchored in Simons Bay. The Town is on the foot of a mountain all new built consisting of about 50 houses exclusive of the Government buildings. We are in quarantine and I am not able to give any particulars as to the enterior of the country. Bread & meat is very cheap, the latter 2½d per lb. good quality.


On my arrival at Liverpool I found Mr. CALTON much confused (most probably Mr. SMITH informed you of his conduct has he told me he would). As soon as I had arranged his affairs repaired on board; found a bed place had been procured from Mr. SYKES & Wife to themselves altho they were at this time at Manchester. On the 2nd Feby. asked for Mr. C. about the tools if they were correct etc. Answer believed they were but said he should put them with his own. Same day we went on Shore I wished to purchase Stationery etc. he told me I was entitled to Stationery and not by any means Squander away my money. On the 13th at sea asked Mr.C. for some Paper. Answer had no more than 2 Quires out and would be little enough for his own use. 17th in conversation with Mr. C. about the tools he said he believed they were correct but had not taken any regular account of them, that he would mix them with his own, give the People what he thought proper & they should not know what they were; we were now in blue water and from the controul of the committee; but I should have what would be necessary for my own use. I was much conserned and did not know how to act. 7th Feby. complaints had been frequently made about light weight & as I was ordered by Mr. MUDGE R.N., Agent for Transport, to arrange the People in every respect I forwarded the complaints to Mr. C. and begs he would go down and see the weights himself; that the People were much disatisfied &unless I was supported from the clamour of the Settlers it was impossible I could continue the duty. Instead of his proving the weights went down between Decks & abused the People, said they would be worse by their scandalous conduct. Mr. CALTON told me it would be improper for him to prove the scales or weights, that the Captain treated him well, found him Coals and several other things in the Cabin & could deprive him of them should he enterfere. 1st March in the Evening Mr. C. got tolerable mellow on the main Deck with the Settlers in general; 2nd he was reprimanded by the Captain. On the 4th Mr. C. forwarded a complaint that had been made relative to the settlers having light weight of Buscuit as well as all other Provisions & that he would prove the weights himself; they were proved & those produced found correct. On the 6th the Settlers brought their weights and scales in front of the Stewards rooms & instead of 1ib. per Mess of Cheese only received 12 ounce. Next day there was a ¼ il. weight in addition in the scale and on further enquiry the 1st Mate said the scales did not balance by 7½ osz. On the 18th March Mr. C. Ordered me to make out a List of Women & children that they should attend watch at night (infants excepted), & in consequence of SYKES illness that I believe was brought on by irregularity Lt. MUDGE R.N. ordered me on the 19th to make four Sections into two to render the Settlers as much Air as possible, & that the women and children had Sufficient of the Deck by Day. The settlers were much alarmed at Mr. C. conduct on this occasion. 30th March Mr. C. called me & said o=it was proper to divide the people into working parties of 5 each, that the best men to get together and make the best of their way as to cultivation etc., & that when we wanted men he would take any one he thought proper for his own use, that he had private instructions concerning his affairs, that the Committee did not intend the good & able bodied men should assist the infirmed or the lazy in clearing the four acres and building the Huts.

The People were yet clamorous & I was determined to extricate myself immediately & told Mr. C. that I was nothing more than another Settler it would be better for me never to interfere again in his concerns, and from that time I did not. 27th April The Women (on account of three Women having made a complaint to Lt. MUDGE R.N.) were ordered on the Quarter Deck when Mr. C. brought up the Linsey Woolsay & told the women that DENNISON had chosen that rubbish as well as the Flannel, Pins, Needles and every other article & had charged a good price to the Committee, & that I was a great Villain (I believe that I did not have the purchasing of any article). The men were then ordered up when I was accused of theft etc. I was so much confused that I did not know what to say but Lt. MUDGE saw the false accusation & ev1..... say that I was perfectly inocent. I had often been insulted by the1.....not telling them what articles were purchased by the Committee then1....this morning Mr. C. accused me with exciting the People to...... rights. By this the People saw that I wanted nothing but Peace & am so1.... put no more confidence in him. On the evening Mr. C. was drunk. I being more composed went to Mr. MUDGE to explain the conduct of Mr. C. & that I produced documents which convinced Mr. M. that I had been a friend to Mr. C.; Viz the copy of the return sent you by Mr. SMITH which was false, & three false names, Wm. MARINER, Wm. LEE and DEAN (persons that had he drawn £1 marching money for) as well as others engaged at Liverpool that did not receive the amt. from him. He purchased powder for the Settlers where I purchased also for Mr. GREAVES, Long Row, Nottm. at 2/3 il. and charged 3d., but they have not at present received it. I producing this document of mine to Lt. MUDGE, it convinced him it was in my power to have set the People against Mr. C. had I been ill disposed. On the 28th Mr. C. promised that he would protect me against future insults either from his Servants or Edward DRIVER; however, doubting his honor I thought it adviceable to State the truth. On the 5th May Mr. C. returned from cape Town; on the 6th he circulated that the people were not to have any money, bit on their arrival at their place of destination he would procure tham any things in lieu. At this the People were very uneasy, but on my saying that I had the copy of the circulars in my possession, which His grace had been pleased to send to Mr. WILD for our information, he walked away confounded but said that his Servants were the only people that would not be distressed; in short I should have been happy had I dropt the consern at the time Mr. SMITH departed from Liverpool. 1& again accused me of theft. Lt.MUDGE reprimanded for it on the Quarter Deck.

I most humbly beg to request you would be pleased to excuse this narrative. I am compelled to forward it as there is no dependence on his promise of the morning of the 28th April. I am not able to give you a regular statement according to my wish, Mr. C. having taken every advantage respecting Stationery. His servants & most of the single men I believe will go from us on our arrival at Algoa Bay & I am doubtfull that Mr. C. has circulated many improper tales with a view to their doing so; he seems determined to hold the deposit money from us – the only thing I depend on.

I am etc.

Note B. Neither the Soap of Linsey woolsay flannel or anything in that wrapper have been served out to the People except myself. G.D.

We assert that the above is correct and you will hear more.
(signed) Thos. HARTLEY S., Blacksmith }
Henry HOLLAND, Stone-mason             } from Mansfield

Numbers embarked & sailed 2
Men Settlers   56
Women “         25
above 14 yrs.   9
under Do.       60
Total              150
Died          1 man
Arrived          149

1 document damaged
2 List of numbers added by DENNISON after his signature

Nottinghamshire Archives C/QA/CP/5/1/9/8

[CALTON to GODFREY. From transcriptions by Thoroton Historical Society, Nottingham. Vol.21 1962 Thoroton Record Series]

June the 6th 1820
Algoa Bay


Having the oppertunity of sending the inclosed original documents addressed to me as head of this party free of expence to England; in them you will find how impossible it will be for this party to pay for the carriage and the tents. I have got 21 tents at £2 per tent for their use and the use of the future Settlers you may think proper hereafter to send to this place. Our people and the baggage was landed on Saturday 28th of May; myself and family landed the Tuesday preceeding owing to my poor Fredk. who is only 18 months old fracturing his thigh by the Child and Servant Woman falling thro’ the Captain’s cabin Skylight (he is doing well). The Weather has been, and is extremely fine, the bay smooth and very little surf, so that we have had neither difficulty nor danger in landing. I am sorry to say that the Mania frigate lying here sent a boat’s crew the other day with two midshipmen, the Schoolmaster and four sailors to endeavour to find a landing place in Sunday river; the object was not obtained, the surf being too great to allow any boat to approach with safety; in this instance the boat upset when one Midship and three sailors were lost.

In this bay a town is to be built under the patronage of General DONKIN the Acting Governor. The land is to be sold in small allotments for building purposes; I wish I had money sufficient for building etc. as I am perfectly convinced the speculation would answer; however as it is I must be content. The party must hire Granaries instead of building them, but this must become the general Mart or place of communication to and from all parts of the world. For the information of future settlers I beg leave to say that the new silver money of England and the old or large penny pieces with Bank of England notes are the best sort of money to bring out here; these he must change either here or at Cape Town, except penny pieces, into small rix dollars or Skillings paper which are printed and written on Cards. The rix dollar is two shillings English and the skillings three pence or three double G’s as they are called, a Stiver is a halfpenny but none are in circulation so I presume it is only nominal. There is a great want of Waggons to take the numerous parties forward to their places of destination. I am much affraid that our party will be here for thse 14 days to come; all go in rotation as landed I suppose at least 1500 before us, besides those already forwarded.

General DONKIN the Governor arrived here on the fifth inst. and left us this day; he is a man of the most easy and pleasant access I ever saw; he has delighted the settlers by his Affability and polite attention to their several petitions. He has named this place port Elizabeth. I solicited him to have an additional grant of land reserved adjoining to the one allotted for us to make our numbers up to 120; he would not positively say we should be allowed it but said it was probable it might be so.

If you send a Clergyman out with the next party you must be particular as to agree with Lord BATHURST to his receiving a Stipend or he may loose it by the party not all coming out together. I am requested to mention this point to you as I understand it is said in the orders that if 100 families coming out together all of the same persuation shall have a stipend, no reserve is made for sending out the people in two parts; to the above caution I am desired to call your attention and I am not allowed to quote my Authority. The point of location for this party is on the mouth of the right of the Cowee river and to be called Clumber. A town will be built on the other side to be called bathurst and intended to be the Capital of this district; we shall be within a few miles of it. Of course our letters must be directed to the Cowee river instead of the great Fish river as mentioned in our last.

As soon as we have been one month on the spot we are to be located on I shall write to you again to give you a general idea of our probable success and what tools, implements and other saleable articles as well as goods for their own use and accommodation it may be most proper to bring out along with them.

I am Sir with the greatest respect.
Your most obt. Servt.

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