National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 423/424
St. Heliers
Sept. 1st 1819
My Lord
Having received the annexed Letter from Lord SIDMOUTH, I beg to solicit your Lordships permission to go out as a Settler to Algoa Bay, and to state for your Lordships information, that I am a single man of Respectable Family having a good Character; but owing to a variety of misfortunes which have happened to myself and Parents; I am now an out Pensioner of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea at [6p per day] admitted as such 26th November 1817, for 9 years, 4 months, & 12 days, Service in India, with His Majesty's 80th Regiment of Foot, I have been ever since out of employ which can be testified by several respectable Gentlemen.
I also beg to ask your Lordship for Instructions how I am to get an allowance, and what I may expect for my Pension; and that your Lordship, will condescend to direct one of the Government Circulars, to be sent me with any other Instructions your Lordship may deem necessary for a Settler. I am aged 27 years 6 months and was born in England.
I am, My Lord, Your Lordship's,
Much obliged & most obedient, Humble Servant
[Enclosed letter to W.B. WILLIAMS]
16th August 1819
I am directed by Lord SIDMOUTH to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 1st Inst., and to acquaint [you] in reply, that your application for permission to go out as a Settler to the Cape of Good Hope should be addressed to the Earl BATHURST, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies.
I am, Sir,
Your Obedient Servant
Fred Russel MILES
Priv.t Secry.
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