National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 205
Oct 7th 1819
My Lord,
I had the honor yesterday of transmitting through the Earl of CONISTOWN an enquiry with respect to the encouragement I as a protestant clergyman might expect from emigrating to the Cape & since that find that I would be enabled to take with me twenty protestant settlers from this parish in addition to those going with other proprietors & therefore request that your Lordship will have the goodness as soon as convenient to send me every necessary information with respect to the encouragement I am to expect, that I may regulate my plans accordingly.
I have the honor to be my Lord
Your most obedient servant
Curate of Enniscorthy
PS From my former letter it will appear that those already determined on emigration together with those that I could take with me would amt to nearly one hundred settlers, which number must be considerably exceeded by the many now endeavouring to sell their properties for the same purpose
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