National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 212
Langley, near Macclesfield
August 1st 1819
My Lord,
I have been directed to apply to you respecting emigrating to the Cape of Good Hope. I have been in the country 11 years and am well inform'd with their language. I have been through most parts of the country and was as high as Cat River with Lord SOMERSET. My desire is to emigrate to there and I believe I can get 9 and my wife. I was discharged from the 83rd Regt at 6d per day. I am about 31 years old. Your ans'r on the subject will oblige
Your Lordships humble & obedient servant
PS There is a great number desirous to go there and could wish to have me with them
Please to direct for me to be left at Wm. LEATHER, Langley near Macclesfield, Cheshire
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