SMITH, William (3)
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 785
No. 21 Ebery Street
Near the York Hospital
[Received 29 July 1819]
My Lord,
Having seen an advertisement that your Lordship wishes to engage with some familys to go as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, having a wife & one child, by trade a blacksmith of which spent 13 years 7 months as Armeror on Board the Indus 74 & others in His Majesty's Service. Wishes if it meets with your Lordships approbation to go as a settler, our ages is
My age 38
Wifes age 37
Child D 13
If this meets with your Lordships approbation I should be glad of an answer as soon as conveniant having my present business & some property to dispose off.
I am your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
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