RICHARDSON, James, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 532
August 12th 1819
Please your Lordship,
I humbly beg your Lordship's pardon for taking the liberty of thus addressing you but hearing that Government had granted 50 thousand pounds to encourage emmegration to the Cape of Good Hope and wishing to go with my family which consists of my wife and 5 children, two boys and 3 girls, the oldest 12 the youngest 3 years old and not knowing the what way to apply or rightly understanding the terms alowed I made bold humbly hoping that it would please your Lordship to direct me in an answer which I hope your Lordship will grant to your Lordship's humble servant
NB There is yong families would go if they could have their passage free as from the badness of trade they have not in their power to pay and would it pleas your Lordship to say if a Pensioner of the Royal Hospital Chelsea could receive his pension there he wishing to go with his wife and son.
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 541
August 13 1819
Please your Lordship
I humbly return thanks for your answer to mine dated the 12th and hope the following persons will meet with your Lordship's aprobation they being all desirous to emmegrate to the Cape of Good Hope.
Charles DENTON aged 35 his wife 36 daughter Ann 12 trad labourer
William DENTON aged 26 his wife Mary 24 son William aged 1 by trad a labourer
John STAYCY aged 30 his wife 28 two children one daughter aged 8 the other a boy 2 years his trad farmer and farrier
Benjamin WHARTON aged 22 single man by trad a farmer
Thomas WHARTON aged 25 his wife 23 two children one 3 the other 1
John BARKER aged 34 his wife 32 4 children all boys one 2 one 4 one 7 one 11 by trade farmer
William HEARTLY aged 35 his wife 31 2 children one 12 the other 5 by trade a farmer
John BRIGHTMORE aged 21 his wife 19 labourer
William BALM aged 19 single man labourer
Edward LOCKWOOD 28 his wife 19 no children trade blacksmith
James RICHARDSON age 25 his wife 29 5 children one 11 one boy and one girl twins 8 one boy 5 girl 3 corn dealer
I humbly hope your Lordship will grant an answer to this sayin weather we can have a pasport and what the sum of money will be where we are to pay it & when as I will strive to fulfill the engagement to the best of my power.
The above names persons are all stout healthy men able and willing to do their duty to themselves and the colony. An answer to this stating every perticular nessary will be gratefully received as it will require a few weeks to settle my affairs.
I remain your Lordship's most humble servant
Corn Dealer
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 680
December 9th 1819
Please your Lordship,
Being disapointed in several of the men not coming forward as settlers to the Cape of Good hope I am desired by Lieutenant Sir Charles CLEMENTS to acquaint your Lordship that we had got others in their place not exceeding the other number and if it please your Lordship to grant permission to admit them on board the Stentor instead of the others it would be gratefully received by
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
[Note from GOULBURN: Is this an accepted settler, if so accept the changes.]
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 682
List of persons going as Settlers to the Cape of Good Hope under the direction of J. RICHARDSON.
James RICHARDSON Corn Dealer aged 25, Sarah 29
Eliz'th 12
Martha 8
Emma 3
James 8
John 4
Richard HULLY Farmer 34, Ann 33
Richard 9
Francess 1
Ann 6
Sarah 4
William CLAYTON Farmer 32, Judith 30
John 7
Ann 5
Eliz'th 3
George CLAYTON Farmer 29, Elizabeth 30
William DENTON Labourer 26, Mary 26, William 1
Charles DENTON Labourer 38. Hannah 39, Ann 13
Luke WELCH Farmer 25, Mary 30
Jonathan KENEDY Farmer 24
Joshua MOSLY Cutler 20
John BRADSHAW Cutler 24
Richard NOON Farmer 21
The above named persons are now on board the Stentor
I remain your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
25th December 1819
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