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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.


National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 78

Sloane Square


Aug 2 1819

My Lord,

As I believe the only remaining servant of the late civil establishment of the Isle of Bourbon unprovided for by some reappointment I venture with every consideration of respect to appeal to your Lordship's favourable attention. It is now two years and some months since Mr. WILBERFORCE and the late Colonel McMAHON did me the honor of making an application to your Lordship on my behalf on the vacancy created in the civil establishment of the Mauritius by the death of Mr. O'BRIEN, the Surveyor of the Crown Lands. The succession was filled before the receipt of their letter by your Lordship; and solicitous to avoid the appearance of importunity I have not since trespassed on your Lordship's notice. It has however been communicated to me that the Collector of Customs at Port Louis has tendered his resignation; and as for three years previously to my appointment by your Lordship to the Collector at Bourbon I discharged the offices of Deputy Secretary & Collector of sequestration duties & Surveyor of Crown Lands at the Mauritius; I hope without any imputation of presumption to be allowed to recall the circumstances to your Lordship's consideration.

I beg also with pleasure to state that the alienation which unhappily subsisted between His Excellency Governor FARQUHAR and myself has been succeeded by feelings of a much more gratifying description and that I have his authority to add “such alienation has been superseded by the return of those soul mates of cordiality and esteem, which for such a length of time had prevailed in our intercourse.” Such a change in the relation in which I stood when I formerly applied to your Lordship has encouraged me to hope for a favourable answer to my present application. I urge no claim, because I know no such pledge was held out to the servants appointed in the conquered islands. But when all my fellow servants have been considered, and when I reflect that five years of my life in the most laborious offices were spent under a tropical sun, and that my return to Europe with a numerous family was at the expence of my pecuniary acquisitions, I do indulge the hope that your Lordship will not make me a solitary exception to that liberality which has been meted out to others, and pardon me when I add that your Lordship, though unwilling to give any promise, had been pleased to express to Colonel McMAHON your inclination not to overlook my humble services.

Should circumstances however render it inexpedient to transfer me to the establishment of the Mauritius, I beg to be considered at the disposal of your Lordship in any part of the British dominions. I had the good fortune of being made acquainted with the views of Sir Hope Popham when he contemplated the project of an extended colonization at the Cape of Good Hope. I have been at that settlement on public duty during the Government of Sir John Craddock, and though not locally acquainted with the district of Algoa Bay I have traversed considerable tracts of that territory particularly in the vicinity of Saldanha. My habits of life, my particular study since I left the University have been directed to the subject of colonization and as in the event of being thus employed I should remove my large family I think I might pledge myself to an [increasing] and anxious solicitude to discharge the trust with integrity & efficiency.

I commit myself to your Lordship's liberal consideration with a persuasion that whatever may be the answer it will be dictated by a sense of public duty.

I have the honor to remain with sincere respect

Yr Lordship's most devoted & very humble servant


Late Collector of Customs, Isle of Bourbon

  • Hits: 5859