National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 208
73 London Wall
[received Sept 9, 1819]
My Lord,
Being about to engage persons to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope I respectfully solicit your Lordships Answer to the following questions to enable me to make my arrangements with greater Certainty.
First - what tonnage will persons taking out Ten Settlers be allowed
Second - will means of Conveyance from the place where the Settler may be landed to to [sic] the Spot where he will be located be provided at the expence of Government or must the Settler provide these at his own costs
And last - will the Settler have the advantage of the exchange between this country and the Colony upon the sums (£10 - for each family) deposited in the hands of Government here - or will it be a mere payment to him by the authorities in the Colony of a sum of ten pounds (Cape Currency) for every family settling under his direction.
Begging your Lordships early attention
I am, My Lord
(very respectfully)
Your obedient humble servant
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