PALMER, Thomas, 1820 Settler
[Transcriber's note: it is not certain which, if either, of the Thomas PALMERs below was the one who emigrated with WILLSON's Party]
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 305
Lower Marsh
Oct. 11th 1819
I humbly request that you will do me the favour of sending my address to the Earl BATHURST, and should you think it worthy of further favour, I shall feel grateful for any service you may feel disposed to bestow upon it in the way of recommendation.
The accompanying packet contains the letter of recommendation, also several certificates spoken of in my address to the Earl, as proofs of my statement being correct. The necessary deposit in fact is already paid into a banking house & the which shall be forthcoming at a few hours notice.
Your kindness in forwarding my wishes will be most thankfully and gratefully received by Sir
Your most respectful humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 309
Lower Marsh
Oct. 12 1819
Fearing some mistake I take the liberty of writing to inform you that on Monday afternoon last, I sent into the Colonial Office a packet of papers containing an address to the Earl BATHURST, also a letter addressed to you, with certificates. The favour of a speedy answer to the same will be most thankfully received by your most obedient respectful humble servant,
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 73
August 2 1819
My Lord,
Finding that government is giving an encouragement to settlers at the Cape of Good Hope, by sending them out free of expense and granting to each a portion of land, I humbly take the liberty of requesting your Lordship will be pleased to allow me to proceed thither, and if necessary to take with me a few followers, some of whom have small families.
I sailed for several years with Admiral PENROSE as clerk and secretary and am but lately returned to this my native city, in consequence of his having been superceded in the command of the Mediterranean.
Having some knowledge of agriculture, and finding no prospect of pursuing it to advantage here, I am induced to make this application to your Lordship, and if requisite will forward certificates of conduct and character, and will pledge myself that none shall accompany me whose characters are not equally unexceptionable. I will also observe that I am ready to make any deposit which may be required.
I have the honour to be, My Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/45, 300
11 October 1819
My Lord,
I have the honour to enclose a list of persons willing to accompany me to the Cape of Good Hope, agreeably to the instructions contained in your circular of the 9th of August last. If those whom I have selected should meet your Lordships approbation, you will be pleased to give me the necessary directions respecting them, and inform me of the time and place of embarkation, and the manner in which the deposit is to be made.
Your Lordship may be assured I have been very particular in the selection, and that none shall accompany me whose character will not bear the strictest investigation. As to my own, if requisite, I can produce certificates, and refer your Lordship to one of the first naval characters with whom I have served for several years as clerk and secretary.
I have the honour to be, My Lord
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
A list of persons to accompany Mr. Thomas PALMER to the Cape of Good Hope
Names |
Married |
Single |
No.of Children |
Age |
Remarks |
Mr.Thos. PALMER |
Single |
30 |
Has a perfect knowledge of farming |
Do. |
25 |
Accustomed to agriculture since his infancy |
Married |
Two |
29 |
Acquainted with country labour |
Single |
33 |
Do. |
Married |
Three |
32 |
Do. |
Jno. BYRNE |
Single |
25 |
Do. |
Do. |
21 |
Do. |
Do. |
24 |
Do. |
Do. |
27 |
Do. |
Wm. HALL |
Do. |
19 |
Do. |
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