MOUNCEY, Charles, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 644
Wain Gate
Sheffield August
26th 1819
Honoured Sir
Through the Circular, which I have seen in the Newspapers Papers, I said I should like to go to the Cape, the Reporte, has got circulated in the Town, and a number of persons, have made application to me, to take them out, but as I am unaquainted with the qualefications of the person going out at the head of ten or more, I want to know if I can be accepted, as one to carry out Settlers; I am a man about 40 years of age, and understand the nature of cultivating land in England, and can find the deposit money required in the circular. The second I want to know, as soon as posible, because I am ingaged in a Wholesale Busness, and it will require some time to colect my Money, and to settle my Afairs, I mean to go if aproved off, and to cary out ten at least, on the tearmes offered by Government in the Circular, please to let me know (as near as you can) when the transports will saile. Your kind answer as soon as conveniant will very much oblige, Honoured Sir
Your humble servt
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 672
Name and Description of the Person taking out the Settlers:
Charles MOUNCEY, 40, Farmer
Sarah Do., 39, wife
James MOUNCEY, 10
Ann Do., 5
[Transcriber's note: many of the children's names differ in the final list. Joseph NEEDHAM and George FELLS (with wife Ellen), are listed as settlers in Hockly's ‘Story of the British Settlers of 1820' but not in The Settler Handbook. Hockly lists John CARR as an independent settler.]
Names of the Settlers |
Profession or Trade |
Age |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Henry BOWMAN |
Labourer |
35 |
Mary |
38 |
William |
13 |
William TAYLOR |
Farmer |
37 |
Martha |
33 |
Mary |
8 |
Sayer |
39 |
Isabella |
38 |
Samuel |
13 |
Tab. |
10 |
William SOUTH |
Farmer |
38 |
Liddia |
39 |
Hannita |
7 |
Joseph HEWSON |
Labourer |
21 |
Joseph NEEDHAM |
Farmer |
28 |
Mary |
30 |
John |
2 |
Joseph |
1 |
Thomas CARR |
Joiner |
34 |
Mary |
33 |
George |
6 |
Mary |
1 |
Joiner |
23 |
Sarah |
21 |
William GEST |
Farmer |
23 |
Mary |
26 |
William |
6 |
Elizabeth |
1 |
James CLARKE |
Labourer |
26 |
Mary |
30 |
Ann |
10 |
Sayer |
19 |
John WHITE |
Hatter |
26 |
Mary |
25 |
John |
3 |
Mary |
1 |
Joshua PEACH |
Cuttler |
38 |
Mary |
39 |
William |
17 |
Ann |
13 |
Mary |
8 |
John CARR |
Wheelwright |
26 |
Elizabeth |
20 |
Chas |
1 |
Cuttler |
34 |
Sarah |
33 |
George |
1 |
Gr. |
5 |
George FELLS |
Potter |
26 |
Sarah |
27 |
George |
4 |
Ann |
2 |
John SHAW |
Woodman |
21 |
John DOWNS |
Weaver |
30 |
Mary |
29 |
Saw maker |
39 |
Elizabeth |
40 |
Ann |
17 |
Elizabeth |
10 |
Sarah |
7 |
Thomas HEATON |
Shoemaker |
21 |
James [HOUSLEY] |
Farmer |
27 |
Sheffield Septr 4 1819
Honoured Sir
The above list is agreable to the request of the circular, dated 1st inst, and shall be much obliged to you, to let me know, when and where, the deposits must be paid, and also when the transports will saile, and where from as soon as posible you can, and you will much oblige
Your humble servant
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 741
Sheffield Octr 9, 1819
Honoured Sir
When I wrote the last list out Samuel SHILLITO was out of town he came home the next day and was very much greaved that his name was not [on the] list. He wishes to go and beged of me to wright to know if him and his two sons could be aded to the list either for you to ad the names or for the lists to come back to me to be filled up again, viz -
Samuel SHILLITO, Sawyer, 39, Isabella 38, Samuel 13, Tabitha 10
Thomas SHILLITO, Sawyer, 19
George CARLILE, Cutler, 23, Hanah 20, , Mary 6 months
N.B. G. CARLILE is SHILLITO's son-in-law
if you can do this I shall be much obliged to you if not have the goodness to say if another set might be drawn up with another Head. Either of the above would do as there is others that want to go.
Honoured Sir I hope you will excuse the liberty I take and favour me with an answer as soon as posible in so doing you will very much oblige
Your obliged servt
Excuse haste
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 777
Sheffield Oct 30th 1819
Honoured Sir
Through the number of failers which I have had I thought it necessary to wright out a fresh list the present number I belive will go.
And should be hapey to know where we saile from and when and you will very much oblige
Your most obliged humble servt
[Transcriber's Note: Mathew HINCHCLIFFE is lsited as a settler in Hockly but not in Nash]
Names of the men |
Age |
Profession or Trade |
Names of the Women |
Age |
Male Children |
Age |
Female Children |
Age |
Deposit money payable
by the respective settlers
Charles MOUNCEY |
40 |
Farmer |
Sarah |
39 |
William |
13 |
10 |
James |
10 |
William TAYLOR |
37 |
Farmer |
Martha |
30 |
Ann |
5 |
10 |
William SOUTH |
38 |
Farmer |
Liddia |
39 |
Mary |
8 |
10 |
Joseph HEWSON |
21 |
Labourer |
Elizabeth |
20 |
Charles |
1½ |
10 |
Joseph NEEDHAM |
28 |
Farmer |
Mary |
30 |
John |
2 |
10 |
Joseph |
1 |
William GUEST |
23 |
Farmer |
Mary |
26 |
William |
6 |
Elizabeth |
1 |
10 |
George FELLS |
26 |
Potter |
Ellen |
26 |
George |
4 |
Ann |
2 |
10 |
22 |
Smith |
Hanah |
20 |
Mary |
½ |
10 |
39 |
Sawer |
Esabella |
38 |
Samuel |
13 |
Tabitha |
10 |
10 |
Thomas SHILLITO* |
18 |
10 |
30 |
Labourer |
Ann |
28 |
John |
10 |
Fanny |
1 |
10 |
Ann |
7 |
Thomas SOAR |
30 |
Labourer |
Ann |
30 |
Sarah |
2 |
10 |
120 |
* [Transcriber's note:The list was amended by GOULBURN to reflect Thomas SHILLITO as an adult and not a child]
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 780
Sheffield Novr 4th 1819
Honoured Sir
I sent £115 to the Commissaral Department the same time I sent the last list to you. I have rec'd a letter this day saying the communication was stoped till I had sent money to the amount of £150. I have raised one more and have taken the liberty of sending the money to you &c, if you can accept them and will have the goodness to transmit the money to the other department and inform him I cannot raise any more men you will very much oblige
your most obedt humble servt
Thomas CARR, Joyner, 34, Mary, 33, George, 6, H'rietta, 8, £10
Remitted on the 30 Oct £115
Now £ 15
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 808
Dec'r 27, 1819
Honoured Sir
By the directions of Lieutenant Church of Liverpool I have sent you a corect list of the party of settlers going out under my directions to the Cape of Good Hope, and beg you will make the necessary arrangements and retourne the same to me and you will very much oblige
your hum'l servt
NB Direct to me at
Mr BARBER Coffee House
See Brow Red Crop Street
Mens names |
Age |
Traides |
Womens names |
Age |
Male Child'n |
Age |
Female Child'n |
Age |
Amount of the
deposit money
Charles MOUNCEY |
40 |
Farmer |
Sarah |
39 |
William |
13 |
10 |
James |
10 |
William TAYLOR |
39 |
Farmer |
Ann |
6 |
10 |
William SOUTH |
39 |
Farmer |
Liddia |
40 |
Mary |
8 |
10 |
Joseph HEWSON |
21 |
Labourer |
Elizabeth |
20 |
Charles |
2 |
10 |
William GUEST |
26 |
Farmer |
William |
8 |
10 |
22 |
Smith |
Hanah |
22 |
Mary |
½ |
10 |
39 |
Sawer |
Esabella |
40 |
Samuel |
13 |
Tabitha |
10 |
10 |
Thomas CARR |
35 |
Joiner |
Mary |
34 |
Henrietta |
8 |
10 |
Mary |
2 |
George CARR |
28 |
Do. |
10 |
18 |
Sawer |
10 |
Henry OGLE |
20 |
Mason |
10 |
William FOX |
34 |
Taylor |
10 |
120 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 810
Liverpool Dec 29, 1819
Honoured Sir
Since my last letter on the 27th inst Lieut CHURCH has objected to one of my men namly William FOX on account of his being a little Deformed - he requested me to wright you and if you were agreable he had no objections. He is a very healthy man and I believe the only Taylor going out in both ships. If your Lordship would have the goodness to admit him as one you would do the settlers a very great kindness as he is a very good workman. Your kind atention to the above will much oblige
Your humble servt
Direct for me at
Mr BARBER's Coffee House
See Brow Redcrop Street
[Notation by GOULBURN on the reverse side:] Authorise the embarkation of this man under the [ca[u]se] stated]
[The following letter is filed under A for Anonymous in CO48/41]
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 155
Sheffield, Nov 9th 1819
I am a man that has been allowed to read the newspaper and it expresses that they shall be able boddied individuals that goes to the Cape of Good Hope. Sir, I have to inform you that Charles MOUNTCEY is the unfitest man that ever I saw, I think he is as bad of an Asmecomplain as ever I saw one. More over than this it breaks the sircaler and all articals. Sir there is a wors thing than all beside them that has got 3 children he placed them with others to cheat the deposit money. I believe He imself has eather 5 or 6 children and he only pays for 2 of them and the poor man that is going along with im he makes them pay thare own deposits and the poor creatours has been to solicit thair friends and sould thair firniture and some has raised all the money and some 5 or 6 pounds and he promises them thire land when thay land on the colleny and thay have nothing to show for thaire money. Sir I ham shure sum of them nevr can reach the ship because they have no money to help them. Sir the reason why the mony did not com to you sooner the poor man was distres in themselvs for to raise it and I believe he donot caire. If all men faile he thinks he shall get all thire money imself and he imself is holed up til the letter come to fech them by reason of rits been out against im for Det. This I was tould by sum of the party. I hear is sum of the men wich carractures is [obscured] and very creddible. Sir if you for firther inform you may right eather to Sam'l SHILLITO or to Thos. CARR or Geo CARLILE or Geo FIELS or any other you think proper. Sir, those lines has com from a friend and welwisher of is King and Cuntry, near Sheffield.
[note on back of letter: anonymous, respecting Mr. Chas. MOUNCEY, the head of a party of settlers]
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