Filed under L
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 259
Gesto 23rd July 1819
My Lord
Being on half pay of Captain of his Majesty's regular army for some time past, and having taken a farm in the island of Sky N.B. [North Britain] since 2 years ago, & having a family, which my half pay can not properly support & the farm, being too high rented, as all the farms in this part of Britain has been for several years past, & was the occasion of several emigrations to the American States; as I understand that that [sic] officers who have been in his Majesty's service are yet entitled to a certain number of acres, in his Majesty's colonies of Canada & the Cape of Good Hope. Will your Lordship have the goodness to acquaint me the number of acres, I as Captain will receive in one, or either of the colonies & the terms upon which a grant is given me by Government, and also, what encouragement will be granted me by Government for undertaking to cultivate a certain extent of land in one or either of these colonies of Canada, or the Cape of Good Hope, say from one to three thousand acres and bring setlers to either of these colonies, these setlers to be labourers who have been in the habit of cultivating lands in this Highland country with their familys. Will Government bear the expence of the transports to Montreal, each settler to provide provisions for himself & family during the passage of such as they have been accustomed to live upon, that is principally oatmeal & potatoes, when they can have them. If Government will not assist in transporting them, they have not the means to do it.
As to Canada, they can not leave this country sooner than May or June next year, all the inhabitants of this part of Scotland & the Hebrides being concerned in cattle & the tillage of land, & will require them to prepare themselves & settle their affairs.
I have the honour to be with high respect
Your Lordship's most obedient servant
Niel MACLEOD, Captain
½ Pay
Gesto, Portree
- Hits: 6079