KELLETT, Alexander
National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 209
30th August 1819
My Lord,
In having the honor of addressing your Lordship at this present I beg leave to inform your Lordship of my having previous to this application addressed His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief considering it my duty as a military man to do so. With a hope of obtaining His Royal Highness's permission in thus addressing your Lordship on this subject – and which I hold in the greatest degree of moment in this present, being a military man and unfortunately placed on the half pay of the peace establishment, having nothing but what I derive from that half pay to support my family. I would most gladly comply with any indulgence held out to me that would be the means of removing my present wants, which I am sorry to say are at present numerous, being now like many others (after long and anxious worries) with a family to subsist on a small sallary. I would gladly accept any thing offered me corresponding with my present rank as an officer in His Majesty's service.
Having seen in the public prints a proposition made by your Lordship to establish and colonise from this country part of the cape of Good Hope and being acquainted with the country I beg leave to offer myself and services in that line which I trust may induce your Lordship to appoint or recommend me for as any little indulgence of this nature held out to us half pay officers with families would be in the greatest degree a means of removing our present pecuniary circumstances.
To avoid as much as possible troubling your Lordship with further detail on this subject I have only to add that during my services in the West Indies and four years on the Peninsula, five in the East Indies, in the latter place (Ceylon) I held a distinguished situation in a civil capacity by the appointment of General Sir Robert BROWNRIGG, Governor and Commander of the Forces, which I now beg leave to enclose for the information and satisfaction of your Lordship in my behalf, together with a letter addressed to me on the eve of my departure from that country from Lieutenant Colonel HOOK, my commanding officer, which I sincerely hope your Lordship will honor me in giving with this my application your Lordship's kind consideration – my means of [movement?] are small and under these circumstances my proposed arrangement of your Lordship in my behalf in this case will I hope be considered, and this with any other reference which may be deemed necessary for your Lordship's satisfaction I am satisfied in saying will be produced by me.
I have the honor to be
Your Lordship's most obedient and very humble servant
Alexander KELLETT
Lieut.H.P late 3rd Ceylon Regt.
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