HEATH, John Henry, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 626
[address cut off on image]
30 July 1819
My Lord,
Parliament having granted a Sum of Money for the purpose of assisting Persons unable to get Employ in this country to remove to the Cape:_ I take the liberty most humbly to solicit your Lordship, to grant such assistance as to your Lordship may seem requisite for myself and Family's Voyage to the Colony now establishing by His Majesty's Government.
I have been regularly brought up to the Provision of the Law _ but thro having losses and the Ill Conduct of my late Partner am now destitute of all resource. Situations at this time are so scarce, that it is almost considered a favour to employ Persons:_ and altho' I have made every Application, both through the medium of the Daily Papers, and private Channels, yet such applications have hitherto remained unanswered, and my Family in consequence in great distress.
I am well aware, My Lord, that when the Grant was made by Parliament it more particularly alluded to Mechanics, and Workmen. But surely, My Lord, it is not thereby intended to exclude those who have been unfortunately brought up to the more liberal Professions; and with this impression upon my Mind, I confidently ask for the assistance of His Majesty's Ministers, and most sincerely hope, that your Lordship will excuse my present application which nothing but my perplexed Situation would ever have induced me to make
With greatest anxiety for your Lordship's Answer
I remain, My Lord,
Your Lordship's most Obedient and very Humble Servant
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