EARLE, William (2), re HAYHURST's Party
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 91
Liverpool November 18th 1819
At the suggestion of Mr GLADSTONE, who has kindly permitted me to make use of his name, I take the liberty of writing to you on the subject of settlers who are making preparations to proceed to the Cape of Good Hope.
Several of them are from the neighbourhood of Padiham where a relation of mine resides, who is desirous of rendering them pecuniary assistance to enable them to emigrate – the persons, however, who have the collection of Government deposits in this place, carry on so illiterate a correspondence with the poor people in the Country, that my relation questioned the propriety of remitting any money to them, without making previous enquiry respecting them. He commissioned me to do this and I found them in a situation that I deemed it right to recommend him [not?] to pay the deposits to them. One of them named WHITLEY told me that he had had the honour of [meeting] with you. I do not know him as he has not generally resided in Liverpool. His partner, however, was a bankrupt but a short time ago and from the manner in which he then conducted himself gave sufficient [obscured] of its not being prudent to trust him with the property of others.
It is regrettable that some respectable Bankers are not appointed to receive the Government Deposits. The country people are extremely credulous and we had an instance two or three years ago of a man decamping with a considerable sum of money collected from a number of poor individuals under the pretence of sending them out to North America. I am told by Mr. WHITLEY that Mr. Arthur HILL of the Colonial Department is the Gentleman to whom he is directed to send the deposits he may collect. I have received from my relation deposits on account of the Padiham Emigrants, who are in the WHITLEY's list and who have been accepted by Government. The immediate object of my letter is to request the favor of you to inform me whether I shall be correct in transmitting the sum direct to Mr. HILL, the money having been placed in my hands for the security of the poor Emigrants. I am of course anxious to know that it will be properly applied before I part with it, and the nature of the business will I trust appear a sufficient apology for my having thus intruded upon your time.
Mr. GLADSTONE desired me to add that he should feel obliged to you if you could inform him whether any of the Emigrants will be embarked from this place. I presume it is the intention of Government to send some of them from hence, as a large East India vessel at present under the care of my house here is engaged for that purpose.
I have the honour to be with much respect your most obedient humble servant
William EARLE
[NB The partner of Michael WHITLEY referred to was Richard HAYHURST – see The Settler Handbook page 79]
- Hits: 7189