DIBBS, Charles Frederick
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 727
2 Ely Place
Near Bethlehem
St.George's Fields
27th August 1819
May it please your Lordship
Having been informed that his Majesty's Government send out settlers to the Cape of Good Hope free of expence to the said settlers, and also provide them with rations, tools and other equipments necessary for their first establishment [at] the Colony, I beg leave to inform your Lordship of my desire to become a settler in the said Colony, not being able to procure employment in my business (the building line) and also having a desire to improve my little property in a small farm for the support of myself my wife two children and the prospect of a larger family. What I therefore have to solicit of your Lordship is such information on the subject as may be suitable to my prospects and the means I may be able to employ. I understand gardening and something of farming, but not intensively. I mention these particulars to save your Lordship's trouble. I beg leave to add that my means are not equal to the expences of the voyage and my establishment also, but are I trust such that with frugality and industry upon a small farm would enable me to live peacably and comfortably with my family. I should be glad to know if the land given is freehold. I have a brother at present teaching a school upon the National System and also a young acquaintance who contemplate going in company with me, should your Lordship's answer prove favorable to our views. I hope your Lordship will pardon the length of my en[quiries] which are prompted by my anxiety on the subject. If my brother &c can accompany me I suppose it will be necessary for them to make an application to your Lordship, but we wish to embark on one ship as we (at first as regards ourselves) should do, in a common cause. Your Lordship is better able to inform me than I am to request what may be useful for guidance in this object and therefore beg to leave myself in your Lordship's hands awaiting your Lordship's answer, as I do most anxiously.
I remain most respectfully
Your Lordship's devoted humble servant
Charles Frederick DIBBS
- Hits: 5564