COPE, Aaron
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 142
Flying Horse Yard
No.12 Bread [Street]
Spittal Fields
9th Aug 1819
May it please your Lordship
I having been informed that thro' the channel of your Lordship's most gracious interference persons are permitted to emigrate from England to the Cape of Good Hope under the Government of this Kingdom for the purpose of improving and cultivating that Colony, and that being from the great depression of manual labour out of employ & am very solicitous to engage in such an undertaking with the provision it may meet your Lordship's approbation.
I beg to inform your Lordship that I have been generally brought up in the agricultural line and have a tolerable judgement in husbandry, that I am now about 45 years of age, has a wife with one child only and that we all have perfect health: have been some time upon the continent and also that I have served in the Hon Co's Service on the Island of St. Helena: and that I had considering the Cape of Good Hope under its present arrangements to be congenial to my wishes and assured that its climate will agree with my health as I have already been there, so with all humility trust to your Lordship's most gracious and benevolent interference in my behalf and most humbly solicit your Lordship's approbation. To this my humblest request, also praying that any regulations united in such business may be made known that In case I may be deemed a fit character for your Lordship's encouragement I may be accordingly prepared. It may be necessary to inform your Lordship that I am already a Pensioner upon the Contingent Mil. establishment of the Hon. E.I. Company but as such pension do not exceed more than 4¾d a day: that I should most gladly give it up if I could be in any way placed in a means of providing by industry for the dayly exigencies of myself and family.
I am your Lordship's most obdt and humble sevt
Aaron COPE
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