COHAN, Samuel
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 233
The application of Sam'l COHAN recommended by
[illegible signature]
[illegible signature]
[illegible signature]
My Lord,
Agreeable to your circular issued from Downing Street dated ___ 1819 respecting emigration to the Cape of Good Hope.
I Samuel COHAN, late Master Fisherman of Barking in Essex, & now resident at No.226 High Street, Shadwell, humbly beg leave to apply for a grant of land and the other privileges held out to settlers emigrating to that Colony for [myself] and the annexed persons, all loyal subjects of His Majesty's Great Britain, who pledge themselves with me to promote as much as lies in their power the Interest of the Colony. [obscured] myself to all the regulations in the aforesaid circular.
Humbly hoping your Lordship will honour me with an answer and graciously grant me my request. I have the honour to subscribe myself with the profoundest respect
Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant
Samuel COHAN
Names |
Age |
Profession or Trade |
Resident |
No. of Children |
Ages of Children |
Samuel COHAN |
39 |
Master Fisherman |
226 Shadwell High Street |
Six |
All under 14 |
Thomas GRIFFIN |
34 |
Gun Maker |
5 Chamber Street |
Six |
All under 14 |
40 |
Farmer |
Catsfield in Sussex |
None |
James MARS |
25 |
Farmer |
Catsfield in Sussex |
None |
Anselom JEWELL |
25 |
Labourer |
15 New Gravel Lane, Shadwell |
Two |
All under 14 |
Moses LEVY |
25 |
Labourer |
131 Rosemary Lane |
Two |
All under 14 |
Peter SIMEON |
31 |
Lapidary |
11 Crown Street, Finsbury |
Two |
All under 14 |
Marcus ABRAHAM |
40 |
Salesman |
82 Ratcliff Highway |
Four |
All under 14 |
Abraham LEWISON |
21 |
Son to the Above |
Ditto |
None |
Charles EADES |
23 |
Stonemason & Bricklayer |
10 Charles St, Lisson Grove |
None |
[obscured in fold] |
26 |
Labourer |
90 Rosemary Lane |
Two |
All under 14 |
Godfry SALING |
21 |
Furrier |
40 Museum St, Bloomsbury |
Moses MOSES |
40 |
Salesman |
143 Rosemary Lane |
Five |
3 under 14, 2 under 18 |
Aaron MOSS |
35 |
Tailor |
18 Goulston Square |
Five |
All under 14 |
David MOSES |
20 |
Son to the Above |
Ditto |
None |
35 |
Tailor |
8 Church Lane Whitechapel |
Two |
David JONES |
31 |
Tin Plate Worker |
105 Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliff Highway |
One |
Under 14 |
Solomon SAMUEL |
36 |
Butcher |
12 Playhouse Yard, St.Luke's |
Three |
All under 14 |
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 305
226 Shadwell High St.
14th September 1819
My Lord,
I most respectfully beg to solicit your Lordship's permission to add to the number of my return for a grant of land at the Cape of Good Hope the name of John ROBINSON & wife, aged 32, late of Gillingham in the County of Kent, farmer, but now of No.23 Penton Place, Newington in the County of Surrey. Your Lordship's compliance with the above will greatly oblige.
Your Lordship's most obedient servant
Samuel COHAN
National Archives, Kew CO48/42, 307
(Anonymous letter re Samuel COHEN)
I have no friendship for anonymous writers and least of all have I any respect for anonymous censures which are generally the work of scoundrells. It is however apprehended by the writer in this instance that the subject on which he is about to treat and the communication he feels it his duty to make will justify him in adopting a conduct which as a general practice he reprobates. Under the sanction of your Lordship and the Ministers of the Crown a considerable number of families are about emigrating for the Cape of Good Hope. When the Bill passed the Legislature for placing at the disposal of the Government a certain sum for the furtherance of the benevolent object it was doubtlessly intended that a discriminating selection should be made in the choice of worthy and deserving individuals and where in consequence of frustration of false representations, interest is made for persons not coming under this description and denomination, it becomes the duty as I take it of every honest man to expose as they come under his observation attempts at [obscured] and impositions. Among the list of petitioners before your Lordship for a grant will be found one headed by one Samuel COHEN, a Jew, in the neighbourhood of Shadwell. Of the character of this man who is himself Fisherman I shall say but little – because of this intimation Yr Lordship will I make no doubt order such enquiries to be made as shall satisfy your mind respecting the merits of his claims. Amongst his numerous deservings suffice it for me to enumerate his standing a committed and extensive smuggler and an uncertificated bankrupt after having suffered an imprisonment for five years in the Gaol of Newgate. Himself a prey to disease he is now compleating a list of speculations by an attempt to take in others and then with a sick wife and a small family means to abscond to the Bay of ___ at the Cape of Good Hope under the benevolent sanction and patronage of your Lordship and your Lordship's colleagues.
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