National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 421
No.18 St.Anne Court
Dean Street
London 23rd August 1819
Wishing to be correctly and fully informed on conditions under which settlers are permitted to go to the Cape of Good Hope I take leave to request your Lordship will be pleased to direct such information to
My Lord, your Lordship's most obd't hble serv't
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 441
No.18 St.Anne Court
26th Aug 1819
My Lord,
In reference to the conditions under which persons will be permitted to go out as settlers to the Cape of Good Hope, I beg leave respectfully to request a reply to the following queries.
As there will be no Habitation provided for the settlers, will there be any materials for building found in the rough by Government?
What is the period intended to be allowed for bringing the land into culture; and particularly is there to be any restrictions as to the mode of cropping?
What is the present general average price of Cattle, Ewes, Sheep & Dogs at the Colony or at the Cape?
Are there any Mills erected or to be erected by Government in grinding corn for the Colonists, or any public bakehouse?
If a settler who has complied with all the conditions made by Government should at any time afterwards be desirous of underletting his allotment or any part of it (he remaining in the Colony) will he be permitted to do so?
If a settler dies after having performed the conditions will his allotment descend to his widow or heir, tho' perhaps not resident in the Colony, & if so, can that widow or heir dispose of it?
As many persons under eighteen years of age may desire to go out to the Colony will they afterwards be entitled to an allotment of land?
If two persons are so minded, will an allotment be given them of 50 acres each?
What tonnage will be allowed to persons for agricultural instruments, seeds &c and necessaries?
Will a person having several young children be permitted to take out a female servant with him?
I have myself held a farm for several years and am acquainted with the general theory & practical system of husbandry & in the event of my being permitted to go out to the Cape co'd take with me young men used to the labor of a farm & also exercising and following trades, viz: a House Carpenter, a Mason & Plasterer, a Shoemaker, a Taylor, a Weaver, a Harnessmaker
I trust your Lordship will pardon my troubling you with this & in hopes of an early reply
I remain my Lord your Lordship's most obd't & respectful hbl servt
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