National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 388
Vicarage, Sandbach
August 3rd 1819
My Lord,
Not knowing the proper authority to address I hope your Lordship will excuse the trouble I may be giving in requesting the terms upon which the undermentioned persons will be taken out to the Cape by His Majesty's Government.
Robert JEPSON, farmer, 55 years
Hannah THUNNERLEY, widow, 50 years
George THUNNERLEY 17 } nephews to JEPSON
Robert THUNNERLEY 11 }
James TONGUE, weaver, 32
Sarah TONGUE, sister to JEPSON, 30
Edwin TONGUE 9 }
Harriet TONGUE 6 } nephews to JEPSON
William TONGUE 4 }
John SIDDALL, weaver, 28
Betty SIDDALL, 26
James SIDDALL, 4
JEPSON resides in this parish and has been engaged in farming all his life – the rest wish to go out with him as their head. I think him a very proper person to direct them in agricultural pursuits. An early answer will oblige
You Lordship's obedient servant
Rev'd R. BATTY
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 387
Vicarage, Sandbach
August 14th 1819
In my letter of the 3rd inst you have a statement of the respective ages of three families that wish to emigrate to the Cape, but as there are not ten individuals above fifteen years of age I shall be glad to be informed whether you can attach them to any others that may be going out & under what conditions. An early answer will oblige Sir
Yours most respectfully
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