National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 136
Your honour
The memorial of John AHERN out pensioner of the late 12 Battalion (? 9d per day) your Honour your memorialist have served in the line for the space of 11 years and 330 days and every which time was though in active service and in seven Engagements against the Enemies of the British Crown through Spain and Portugal an other ports your Honour your memorialist has a wife and to [sic] Children in this Country and is by trade a saddler and harnessmaker and cannot get Employment to support his family and Know (*now) through (*throw) himself upon your Honour to grant him and family a passage to the Cape of Good Hope in Consequence of having a uncle in said place which is in Great Opulance there and would refund me if your Honour will be so Kind as to grant a passage to me and family and by so doing me and my family is for Ever bound to pray for your well fair and Prosperity.
John AHERN out Pensioner Cork
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