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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Correspondence 1821 to 1837.

Here only letters by known settlers or their families, or letters of great relevance to the 1820 settlers, have been transcribed, whereas ALL the 1819 correspondence was transcribed (see CO48/41 through CO48/46) whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape.

Unless otherwise stated letters were written to either the Secretary of State for the Colonies or his deputy.The original correspondence is filed in order of receipt. Here it has been placed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the writer, with letters by the same writer in chronological order, for ease of reading. Original spelling has been maintained. Reference numbers, where given, refer to printed page numbers stamped on the letters and will enable visitors to the National Archives to locate the letter more easily.

DYASON, Isaac, 1830

National Archives, Kew, CO48/137, 285

Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope
Oct 25th 1830

I respectfully and humbly trust your goodness will pardon my troubling you with this and the two Enclosed which if you will please to send to their addresses it will ever be gratefully acknowledged.
I believe Sir you are Brother to the late Lady De Ameland to whom and her Family I was well known when in the Management of the Royal Baths at Ramsgate and where his present Majesty some few years back gave me permission or rather desired that I should put up his Royal Arms and make use of his Royal Name and Patronage, a favour and Condescension I shall ever gratefully remember.
I Emigrated to this Colony in 1819 and have been engaged in Business in Cape Town some years. The Lords Amhurst and Dalhousie when here lately made complaints of their being no Public Warm Baths here and the same complaint as been general among the Indian gentlemen Visitors; the object of my letter to His majesty is to induce him to continue to me his Royal Patronage here and in case of his Gracious Compliance I should Memorial our much esteemed Governor again to grant me a spot of ground in an Eligible situation on which to Erect 2 or 3 ?great? Baths. I am not unknown to His Excellency as he deals considerably with the Houses in which I am employed here.
I do not know Col. D'ESTE's address. My letter is to inform him that although ten years have elapsed I have not forgotten the Interest he and the good Lady De Ameland took in my Welfare when I relinquished the Baths at Ramsgate in 1819 and to ask his Interest with you Sir in this matter. Whether he grants my request or not he will ever have my Prayers for his happiness and Prosperity.
I fear I shall be too tiresome but I do hope Sir you will be kind enough to favour me with your powerful influence in the within request and I shall Sir ever remain
Your faithful Obedient Servant
Isaac DYASON Snr.


National Archives, Kew, CO48/137, 287

Cape Town
October 25th 1830
Cape of Good Hope

To His Most Gracious Majesty King William the Fourth
May it please Your Majesty
In your Gracious Goodness to permit an humble individual like myself to congratulate you on your Accession to the Throne of Great Britain, an event that will diffuse the greatest satisfaction and Happiness in all parts of your Majesty's Dominions.
Having had the honor of your permission to put up your Royal Arms and make use of your Royal Name and patronage at the Royal Baths, Ramsgate in Kent I gratefully beg leave to implore your recommendation to His Excellency Sir G.L. COLE and esteemed Governor for his assistance and patronage to enable me to Erect Warm Baths at this place the want of which was so much regretted by the Governor Generals of India who were staying here on their passage to and from India.
On the 21st of August last in company with a few Friends I had again the honor to wish your Majesty's many and happy returns of your natal day; at day break we ascended Table Mountain and on the top was painted your Royal Innitials surmounted with the Crown and beneath the Date &c.: again drinking to the prolongation of your valuable Life for the good of all your Loyal subjects.
I earnestly hope your Majesty will pardon this freedom as I feel you have not a more Loyal and devoted subject and Servant than I am and if your Majesty graciously accedes to my written request I shall as in Duty bound ever pray
Isaac DYASON Snr




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