CAMPBELL, Charles Junior , 1827
National Archives, Kew, CO48/114, 88
[To Viscount GODERICH, Secretary of State for the Colonies May-September 1827]
Theatre Royal
26th May 1827
My Lord
Previous to Earl Bathurst retiring from office I had the honor of receiving his promise to make the necessary enquiries with a claim I have upon the Orphan Chamber of the Cape of Good Hope, I am now reduced to solicit your Lordships interference being convinced that without it I shall never obtain a shilling. My Father (Major General Charles CAMPBELL) died at the Cape about 4 years since, the Orphan Chamber took possession of his effects which were sacrificed for the Benefit of the Children. I have written several times and received but the reply, and that authorized me to draw for 1700 Rix Dollars by appointing an Agent at the Cape. I accordingly sent out a Power of Attorney to the Secretary of the Orphan Chamber Mr.SMUTTS, but I have never received any reply two years have nearly elapsed during which time I have written at least six times I (word obscured) most respectfully solicit your Lordships interference and have the honor to be
Your Lordships
Most obedient
Honorable Servant
National Archives, Kew, CO48/114, 126
Adelphi Theatre
6th November 1827
Since I had the honor of writing last letters have arrived from the Secretary of the Orphan Chamber stating that my claim has been transmitted to England thro' Government and expressing his surprise that it has not been received. I beg most respectfully to be informed where I am to apply for the same or what channel it is most likely to have been sent.
I have the honor to be
Your most obed't serv't
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