BULLOCK, Solomon (brother of William BULLOCK), 1824
National Archives, Kew, CO48/67, 18
Stafford turnpike gate
Stafford Road
August 20 1824
Honoured Sir,
As under is the copy of a letter you was so kind as to forward to my mother in October last who is now dead and buried for which letter I return much sincere thanks
Colonial Office
October 1823
Mrs. M. BULLOCK is hereby informed that in answer to her letter of the 2nd instant that any letter she may think it necessary to address to her son will be forwarded to the Cape of Good Hope if sent by her in the first place to The Secretary of State's Office, Colonial Department, London under a cover directed to R. WILMOT Esq and she is also informed that it would be adviseable that the direction upon the cover of her letter should state the name of the person who was the Head of the Party with which her son went to the Cape of Good Hope
Some property being left by my late mother to my brother William BULLOCK and as I did forward to you a letter as directed under cover to you I have thus far ventured to enquire if any tidings are heard of him at your office.
With all due respect I remain
Your very humble servant
National Archives, Kew, CO48/67, 20
Stafford turnpike gate
Stafford Road
November 13 1824
Honoured Sir,
In the matter of my brother William BULLOCK who went as a settler to the Cape of Good Hope, the particulars of which was forwarded through the medium of your office in October 1823 to R. WILMOT HORTON Esq and repeated about two months ago, allow me to ask the question if there as been any return to the Colonial Office of the settlers at the cape of Good Hope since 1818 or any account for them since 1823 or if you have or have not received any communication either addressed to Mrs. BULLOCK Senior Dead or to me Solomon BULLOCK from the Cape of Good from R. WILMOT HORTON Esq, property being in question and divided in several interests. I humbly beg every information you can give but please forward an answer.
I remain your very humble and obliged servant
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