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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

THORNHILL, Christopher Thornhill (aka Christopher Thornhill CAMM) - Extra Data


Leader of THORNHILL's Party


He was originally known as Christopher Thornhill CAMM and changed his name officially in 1802 to Christopher Thornhill THORNHILL in accordance with the will of his cousin John THORNHILL of Sunderland. Christopher returned to the UK and died in Bristol in 1848, aged 84 (Death Certificate GRO Ref: Dec qtr 1848 Vol 11 page 141).

His will can be downloaded from the National Archives.


London Metropolitan Archives


CAM, Christopher Henry, son of Stephen and Francis CAM born [20] February, baptised 18th March 1764 in St.Lawrence Jewry, City of London

[This is almost certainly Christopher's baptism, despite the middle name being listed as Henry rather than Thornhill]


Baptism of Christopher's siblings in St.Lawrence Jewry, City of London

George son of Stephen CAMM by Frances his wife born Oct 10th and baptised Nov 13th 1760 [buried in the churchyard vault 9th December 1760]

John son of Stephen CAMM by Frances his wife born Oct 14th and baptised 20th 1761

Stephen son of Stephen by Frances CAMM born 1st January and baptised 24th 1763

Elias son of Stephen and Frances CAMM born 26 of January baptised 23 of February 1769 [buried in the churchyard vault 26th March 1769]

Sarah Frances daughter of Stephen and Frances CAMM born 21 May baptised 17 June 1772


Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, sons of Stephen & Frances CAM were born & baptised Aug 20 1759 in St.Alban, Wood Street, City of London

[If these three were siblings of Christopher then they must have died, as Stephen's will says that John was his eldest son in 1777]


Philip son of Stephen and Frances CAMM born Oct 23rd baptised Nov 22nd 1775 in St.John, Hampstead

[Philip's son John Philip CAMM, born ca 1800, was also a member of THORNHILL's Party to the Cape].


Adam GILFILLAN has also been frequently named as a nephew of Christopher THORNHILL but this is incorrect and probably arose from a misconception by Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN of WAIT's Party, who wrote in his diary "I was informed that the pirson had come down from London: this was Mr. Adam GILFILLAN Nesuw to Mr. THORNHILL Mr. Wm WAITs partner." GOLDSWAIN probably confused Adam GILFILLAN with John Philip CAMM, who was THORNHILL's nephew.


Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York (Yorkshire Bishop's Transcripts)


Stephen son of Laurence CAMM of Oxgillmouth baptised February 25th 1721 in Kirkby Malhamdale, Yorkshire


Family Search (original images of Norfolk registers)


Stephen CAMM of the Parish of St.Bride's in the City of London, Batchelor, and Frances PERKINS of this Parish, Widow, were married by Licence on 8th August 1757 in St.Nicholas, Yarmouth, Norfolk

Both signed

Witnesses: [R. SCHOMBERY] and Sampson WINN


London Metropolitan Archives


City of London Freedom of the City Admission Papers

11th January 1763 

..."It is ordered that the said Stephen CAMM be admitted into the Freedom of this City by Redemption in the Company of Musicians"...

[Margin note] Son of Lawr'e [Lawrence] CAMM late of Rippon in Yorkshire, Grasier, Dec'd.


The will of Stephen CAMM, dated 1777, can be downloaded from the National Archives

..."to be equally divided amongst my five children that is to say my oldest son John CAMM, my next son Stephen CAMM, my next son Christ'r Thornhill CAMM, my next son Philip CAMM and my daughter Frances Sarah CAMM..."

He appointed as Executor "my cozen John THORNHILL of Sunderland near the Sea in the County of Durham"


Family Search


Lawrence CAMM married Mary THORNHILL on 12 September 1719 in Kirkby Malham, Yorkshire


London Metropolitan Archives


Appeared personally Christopher Thornhill CAMM, Gentleman, and made oath that he is of the Parish of St.James Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex, a Batchelor, aged twenty one years and upwards, and intendeth to marry with Sarah CHIVERS of the Parish of Clapham in the County of Surry, Spinster, aged twenty one years and upwards, and that he knoweth of no lawful Impediment by reason of any pre-contract, Consanguinity, Affinity or any other lawful Means whatever to hinder the said intended Marriage, and prayed a licence to solemnise the same in the Parish Church of St.James Clerkenwell af'd., and further made oath that the usual place of abode of him the appearer hath been in the said Parish of St.James Clerkenwell for the space of four weeks last past.

[Signed] Christopher Thornhill CAMM


Christopher Thornhill CAMM of this parish and Sarah CHIVERS of the parish of Clapham in the County of Surry were married by Licence on 10 December 1791 in St.James, Clerkenwell

Both signed

Witnesses: Sarah F. CAMM and Rob't INGRAM


Christopher son of Christ'r and Sarah CAMM, born October 8, Gloucester Street, Red Lion Passage, baptised 29 October 1795 in St.George the Martyr, Queen Square [buried March 1796 in St.Marylebone]


Christopher's first wife Sarah is assumed to have died on Antigua. A daughter Maria was born on Antigua (1851 Census HO107/1952/70/49) who later married Joseph FISHER

18th March 1818

Appeared personally Joseph FISHER and made oath that he is of Staple Inn in the County of Middlesex, a bachelor of the age of twenty one years and upwards, and intendeth to marry with Maria CAMM of the Parish of St.Pancras in the County of Middlesex, a spinster of the age of twenty one years and upwards and that he knoweth of no lawful Impediment by reason of any pre-contract, Consanguinity, Affinity or any other lawful Means whatever to hinder the said intended Marriage, and prayed a licence to solemnise the same in the Parish Church of St.Pancras, and further made oath that the usual place of abode of her the said Maria CAMM hath been in the said Parish of St.Pancras for the space of four weeks last past.


From "The History and Antiquities of Sunderland & Bishopwearmouth" 1858


Family Search


Christopher Thornhill THORNHILL married Dorothea MOUNSEY on 2 April 1804 in St.Cuthbert's, Carlisle, Cumberland


John THORNHILL son of Christopher THORNHILL and Dorothea MOUNSEY baptised 25 July 1805 in Bishopwearmouth, Durham (born 2 January 1805)

Anna Margaret THORNHILL daughter of Christopher Thornhill THORNHILL and Dorothy MOUNSEY baptised 29 July 1807 in Bishopwearmouth, Durham (born 1 July 1807)

Mary Frances THORNHILL daughter of Christopher Thornhill THORNHILL and Dorothy MOUNSEY baptised 9 August 1809 in Bishopwearmouth, Durham (born 14 July 1809)

Christopher Mounsey THORNHILL son of Christopher Thornhill THORNHILL and Dorothy MOUNSEY baptised 16 March 1812 in Bishopwearmouth, Durham (born 14 February 1812)


Dissolution of Partnership 1816 (London Gazette)


An article on the Thornhills appeared in the Northumberland and Durham FHS Journal Vol 21 no.3. (starting at page 90)


South African Commercial Advertiser


Wednesday 4 September 1833
Aug 31: Mrs. Dorothea THORNHILL, aged 64 years.


Carlisle Journal


23 November 1833:
"Died. At Cape Town, on the 31st of August, deeply lamented by her surviving relatives, Mrs. THORNHILL, youngest daughter of the late George MOUNSEY, Esq., of this city."


Family Search


Children of George MOUNSEY baptised in St.Mary's, Carlisle, Cumberland:

Barbara, baptised 30 July 1753 

Mary, baptised 20 May 1755 

John, baptised 14 July 1757 (died 3 June 1758)

George Stephenson, baptised 3 June 1759 

Margaret, baptised 29 June 1760

Elizabeth, baptised 3 August 1761 

Robert, baptised 21 August 1762

Ann, baptised 19 September 1763

John, baptised 24 October 1764

William, baptised 30 November 1765

Baptisms in St.Cuthbert's, Carlisle, Cumberland:

Thomas, baptised 21 March 1767 

Dorothea, baptised 20 April 1768

Henry, baptised 1 July 1769

James, baptised 9 June 1771


George MOUNSEY was a prominent lawyer in Carlisle. He was the son of the Rev. Robert MOUNSEY, perpetual curate of St.Oswald's, Ravenstonedale, Westmorland. 


Printed Marriage Register for St.Michael's, Stanwix, Cumberland


George MOUNSEY and Margaret STEPHENSON, both of the City of Carlisle, by licence, on 31 March 1753.


National Archives, London


The will of George MOUNSEY can be downloaded here.


George's brother Robert built a home at Castleton, Rockcliffe CA6 4BN in Cumbria (still owned by descendants and sadly not open to the public) - there is an article with further family information here


The Clergy Database


The Clergy Database says that Dorothea's grandfather, the Rev. Robert MOUNSEY. was initially a schoolmaster in Orton, Westmorland, and then perpetual curate of St.Oswald's, Ravenstonedale, Westmorland from 1735 until his death in 1780. There is a plaque comemorating him inside the church, which suggests he was actually the minister at St.Oswald's from 1729. The plaque reads:

Near this place are deposited the mortal remains of the Revd Robert MOUNSEY, CI. (51.years Minister of this Parish) who departed this life 29th March 1780, in the 84th Year of his Age; and of Mary his Widow who died 23rd March 1786, in the 85th Year of her Age; Also of Mary their Daughter, who died in the Year 1755 Æt. 32. And of Robert their Son who died in his Infancy.


Printed Baptism Register for St.Peter's, Askham, Westmorland


30 November 1695, Robt. the son of George MOUNSEY of Hilton was baptised.


Family Search


Robert MOUNSEY married Mary WINTER on 28 October 1723 in Kendal, Westmorland.






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