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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

BIGGAR, Alexander - Extra Data


Leader of BIGGAR's Party 


Death Notice (Cape Archives)


Born Kinsale, Ireland, son of Robert Harold BIGGAR


Further information at


New Register House, Edinburgh


Marriage in Brechin, Angus, Scotland
2 March 1799
Lieutenant Alexander BIGGAR of His Majesty's 15th Regiment of Foot and Miss Mary STRATON, daughter of the Rev Mr. George STRATON, Episcopal Clergyman in Brechin, were contracted in order to marriage; and their banns having been published there several times and no objection offered were married the 3rd current.

Baptisms of three of his children found in Scotland:

Ann Harold, daughter of Captain BIGGAR and Mary STRATON born 18 August and baptised 1 September 1801 in Paisley Abbey, Renfrewshire.

Capt. Alexander BIGGAR 13th Royal Perthshire Militia and Mrs. Mary STRATON, spouse, in St.Andrew's Parish, Edinburgh, a daughter born 4 August 1810 named Charlotte.

Capt. Alexander BIGGAR, Perthshire Militia, and Mrs.Mary STRATON his spouse, Edinburgh Castle, a son born 27 September 1812 named Robert.


Canterbury Cathedral Archives:


Agnes Elizabeth BIGGAR, daughter of Alexander and Mary, baptised 29 November 1808 in St.Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent (born May 12)


Northamptonshire County Council:


Isabella Alexina, daughter of Alexander and Mary BIGGAR Esq, Bullhead Lane, paymaster 85th Regiment, christened 25 October 1816 in St.Sepulchre, Northampton

Death Notice (Cape Archives) for Alexina EATON, daughter of Captain BIGGAR, lists her middle name as Isabella


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office


Helen, daughter of Alexander and Mary BIGGAR, Paymaster 85th Regt, baptised 20 June 1818 in Stoke Damerel, Devon


Baptism of Margaret Graham BIGGAR not found but her Death Notice (Cape Archives) saya that she died on 31st May 1890 aged 90 years and 5 months

Baptisms of Mary John, Jean Straton and Georgina (born between 1803 and 1807) not found, suggesting that Alexander may have been posted elsewhere during this period.


National Archives, Kew


ADM37/6145 - Muster Roll of HMS Weymouth

Born on board:

Feb 20 ___ BIGGAR [this was his son George]


New Register House, Edinburgh


Marriage in Port of Menteith, Perthsire
Septr 1776: Mr. STRAITTON [sic], Episcopal Minister in Stirling, & Miss Margaret GRAHAM were married


Rev. George STRATON, Alexander BIGGAR’s father-in-law, kept a diary between 1796 and 1819, whilst the incumbent of Brechin Episcopal Chapel (now Brechin Cathedral). See

"On 5 September 1776 he married Margaret GRAHAM, daughter of Captain John GRAHAM of Duchray in the county of Perth. She died 10th August 1781, leaving three daughters, Christy, Mary and Jean."

The following extracts from his diary were found via JStor. 

Jan 27 1806
Christian STRATON was this day Married to Mr. D. ALLARDICE
Aug 17 1806
This day when employed in Church in ye way of my duty, Jean STRATON my youngest Daughter, without my consent or knowledge, left me for good, and went off with James CAMERON, Tenent in this Neighbourhood, a young man I have no good opinion of, so yt. she may be said to disgrace her Connections, and Beggar herself, and lose her only Parent’s countenance forever.
Dec 13 1806
Mary had a Daughter early on the 12th, and has been wt. the Child, doing well since.
Dec 22 1806
Mary STRATON had a Daughter Baptized Georgina.
Dec 31 1808
Entered into a Matrimonial connection in Novr. last with a Miss CLERK, flattering myself that if health Continues to us both, to have the enjoym’ts of life in a more comfortable degree than in former years, and my situation as advantageous to my Children, as if no such thing had happened.
Sept 29 1812
Had a letter from Capt. BIGGAR, informing of Mary STRATON having a Son, and Mother and Child doing well.
Feb 18 1814
Myself in Brechin and Baptized a Child for Christy STRATON, ye Child’s name, Marg’ret Graham, meant for the Child’s Grandmother
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